[[!meta title="New person"]] How to get a new Tor System Administrator on board ================================================== ## Glossary * TSA: Tor System Administrators * TPA: Tor Project Admins, synonymous with TSA? * TPO: TorProject.Org, machines officially managed by TSA * TPN? torproject.net, machines in DNS but not officially managed by TSA * a sysadmin can also be a service admin, and both can be paid work ## Accounts required for a sysadmin 1. LDAP (see [[tsa/doc/accounts]]), which includes SSH access (see [[tsa/doc/ssh-jump-host/]]). person will receive an email that looks like: Subject: New ud-ldap account for <your name here> and includes information about how to configure email forwarding and SSH keys 2. tor-internal@ and other mailing lists (also see below) 3. [[puppet]] git repository in `ssh://pauli.torproject.org/srv/puppet.torproject.org/git/tor-puppet` 4. Trac: passwords in `troodi:/srv/trac.torproject.org/trac-var/trac.users` 5. TPA password manager is in `ssh://git@git-rw.torproject.org/admin/tor-passwords.git` 6. RT: find the password in `hosts-extra-info` in the password manager, login as root and create an account member of `rt-admin` 7. [[nagios]] access, contact should be created in `ssh://git@git-rw.torproject.org/admin/tor-nagios`, password in `/etc/icinga/htpasswd.users` directly on the server 8. this wiki: `git@git-rw.torproject.org:project/help/wiki.git` 9. bio + avatar on: <https://torproject.org/about/people> 10. ask linus to get access for the new sysadmin in the sunet cloud (e.g. `Message-ID: <87bm1gb5wk.fsf@nordberg.se>`) ## Orienteering * sysadmin (this) wiki: <https://help.torproject.org/tsa/> * list of services: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/org/operations/Infrastructure> (not the purview of TSA directly, but maye be interesting) * TPO machines list: <https://db.torproject.org/machines.cgi>, key machines: * puppet: `pauli` * [[jump host|tsa/doc/ssh-jump-host]]: `perdulce` or `peninsulare` on some hosts * nagios: `hetzner-hel1-01.torproject.org` * LDAP: `alberti` * key services: * git: <https://gitweb.torproject.org/>, or `git@git-rw.torproject.org` over SSH * trac: <https://trac.torproject.org/> - issue tracking and project management * RT: <https://rt.torproject.org/> - not really used by TSA yet * spec: <https://spec.torproject.org/> - for a series of permalinks to use everywhere, including especially `bugs.tpo/NNN` * key mailing lists: * <tor-project@lists.torproject.org> - Open list where anyone is welcome to watch but posting is moderated. Please favor using this when you can. * <tor-internal@lists.torproject.org> - If something truly can't include the wider community then this is the spot. * <tor-team@lists.torproject.org> - Exact same as tor-internal@ except that the list will accept email from non-members. If you need a cc when emailing a non-tor person then this is the place. * <tor-employees@lists.torproject.org> - TPI staff mailing list * <tor-meeting@lists.torproject.org> - for public meetings * <torproject-admin@torproject.org> - TPA-specific mailing list, not a mailing list but an alias * IRC channels: * `#tor-project` - general torproject channel * `#tpo-admin` - channel for TPA specific stuff * `#tor-internal` - channel for private discussions, need secret password and being added to the `@tor-tpomember` with GroupServ, part of the `tor-internal@lists.tpo` welcome email) * `#tor-bots` - where a lot of bots live * `#tor-nagios` ... except the nagios bot, which lives here * `#tor-meeting` - where some meetings are held * `#tor-meeting2` - fallback for the above * TPI stuff: see employee handbook from HR