How to install Tor Browser on Linux is not working or clear enough
Today on #tor channel we had a Ubuntu user that couldn't start Tor Browser. We need to update our instructions on Tor Browser User Manual to make it more clear how they can launch Tor Browser.
You'll need to tell your GNU/Linux that you want the ability to execute shell scripts from the graphical interface or the command line. Navigate to the newly extracted Tor Browser directory. Right click on start-tor-browser.desktop, open Properties or Preferences and change the permission to allow executing file as program. Double-click the icon to start up Tor Browser for the first time.
Note: On Ubuntu and some other distros if you try to launch the start-tor-browser.desktop file a text file might open up. To change this behavior and launch Tor Browser instead, follow this: Open "Files" (GNOME Files/Nautilus) → open Preferences → go to the 'Behavior' Tab → Select "Run them" or "Ask what to do" under "Executable Text Files". If you choose the latter click on "Run" after launching the start-tor-browser.desktop file.
ps: This issue is not open for Outreachies.
Edited by Gus