### A Coffeescript WebRTC snowflake proxy Uses WebRTC from the client, and Websocket to the server. Assume that the webrtc client plugin is always the offerer, in which case this proxy must always act as the answerer. TODO: More documentation ### # Minimum viable snowflake for now - just 1 client. class Snowflake relayAddr: null rateLimit: null pollInterval: null retries: 0 # Janky state machine @MODE: INIT: 0 WEBRTC_CONNECTING: 1 WEBRTC_READY: 2 @MESSAGE: CONFIRMATION: 'You\'re currently serving a Tor user via Snowflake.' # Prepare the Snowflake with a Broker (to find clients) and optional UI. constructor: (@config, @ui, @broker) -> @state = Snowflake.MODE.INIT @proxyPairs = [] if undefined == @config.rateLimitBytes @rateLimit = new DummyRateLimit() else @rateLimit = new BucketRateLimit( @config.rateLimitBytes * @config.rateLimitHistory, @config.rateLimitHistory ) @retries = 0 # Set the target relay address spec, which is expected to be websocket. # TODO: Should potentially fetch the target from broker later, or modify # entirely for the Tor-independent version. setRelayAddr: (relayAddr) -> @relayAddr = relayAddr log 'Using ' + relayAddr.host + ':' + relayAddr.port + ' as Relay.' return true # Initialize WebRTC PeerConnection, which requires beginning the signalling # process. |pollBroker| automatically arranges signalling. beginWebRTC: -> @state = Snowflake.MODE.WEBRTC_CONNECTING log 'ProxyPair Slots: ' + @proxyPairs.length log 'Snowflake IDs: ' + (@proxyPairs.map (p) -> p.id).join ' | ' @pollBroker() @pollInterval = setInterval((=> @pollBroker()), @config.defaultBrokerPollInterval) # Regularly poll Broker for clients to serve until this snowflake is # serving at capacity, at which point stop polling. pollBroker: -> # Poll broker for clients. pair = @nextAvailableProxyPair() if !pair log 'At client capacity.' # Do nothing until a new proxyPair is available. return pair.active = true msg = 'Polling for client ... ' msg += '[retries: ' + @retries + ']' if @retries > 0 @ui.setStatus msg recv = @broker.getClientOffer pair.id recv.then (desc) => if pair.running if !@receiveOffer pair, desc pair.active = false else pair.active = false , (err) -> pair.active = false @retries++ # Returns the first ProxyPair that's available to connect. nextAvailableProxyPair: -> if @proxyPairs.length < @config.connectionsPerClient return @makeProxyPair @relayAddr return @proxyPairs.find (pp, i, arr) -> return !pp.active # Receive an SDP offer from some client assigned by the Broker, # |pair| - an available ProxyPair. receiveOffer: (pair, desc) => try offer = JSON.parse desc dbg 'Received:\n\n' + offer.sdp + '\n' sdp = new SessionDescription offer if pair.receiveWebRTCOffer sdp @sendAnswer pair return true else return false catch e log 'ERROR: Unable to receive Offer: ' + e return false sendAnswer: (pair) -> next = (sdp) -> dbg 'webrtc: Answer ready.' pair.pc.setLocalDescription sdp fail = -> dbg 'webrtc: Failed to create Answer' pair.pc.createAnswer() .then next .catch fail makeProxyPair: (relay) -> pair = new ProxyPair relay, @rateLimit, @config.pcConfig @proxyPairs.push pair pair.onCleanup = (event) => # Delete from the list of active proxy pairs. ind = @proxyPairs.indexOf(pair) if ind > -1 then @proxyPairs.splice(ind, 1) pair.begin() return pair # Stop all proxypairs. disable: -> log 'Disabling Snowflake.' clearInterval(@pollInterval) while @proxyPairs.length > 0 @proxyPairs.pop().close()