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Elections in 2024

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    Authored by Gus
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    | Country           | Election Type       | Election Dates                |
    | Egypt             | Presidential        | 10-12th December 2023, 8-10th January 2024 |
    | Bhutan            | National Assembly   | 9th January (2nd round)       |
    | Taiwan            | Presidential        | 13th January                  |
    | Comoros           | Presidential        | 14th January                  |
    | El Salvador       | General             | 4th February, 3rd March       |
    | Mali              | Presidential        | 4th February, postponed       |
    | Pakistan          | National Assembly   | 8th February                  |
    | Indonesia         | General             | 14th February                 |
    | Belarus           | General             | 25th February                 |
    | Cambodia          | Senate election     | 25th February                 |
    | Senegal           | Presidential        | 25th February                 |
    | Iran              | Legislative         | 1st March                     |
    | Russia            | Presidential        | 17th March                    |
    | South Korea       | Legislative         | 10th April                    |
    | India             | General             | April, TBA                    |
    | Panama            | General             | 5th May                       |
    | Dominican Republic| General             | 19th May                      |
    | South Africa      | General             | May                           |
    | Mexico            | Presidential        | 2nd June                      |
    | Mauritania        | Presidential        | Latest June                   |
    | Rwanda            | Presidential        | August                        |
    | Ethiopia          | Prime Minister      | Latest September              |
    | Sri Lanka         | Presidential        | Latest September              |
    | Mozambique        | General             | 9th October                   |
    | Georgia           | Presidential        | 26th October                  |
    | Uruguay           | General             | 27th October                  |
    | Botswana          | General             | Latest October                |
    | Tunisia           | Presidential        | Latest October                |
    | Namibia           |                     | November                      |
    | Somaliland        | Presidential        | November                      |
    | Ghana             | General             | 7th December                  |
    | Venezuela         | Presidential        | Latest December               |
    | Algeria           | Presidential        | TBA                           |
    | Guinea-Bissau     | General             | TBA                           |
    | Mauritius         | General             | TBA                           |
    | Chad              | Presidential        | TBA                           |
    | South Sudan       | General             | TBA                           |
    | Gabon             |                     | August 2025                   |
    | Tanzania          | Local               |                               |
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