Bug 32418: Allow updates to be disabled via an enterprise policy.
Restrict the Enterprise Policies mechanism to only consult a policies.json file (avoiding the Windows Registry and macOS's file system attributes). Add a few disabledByPolicy() checks to the update service to avoid extraneous (and potentially confusing) log messages when updates are disabled by policy. Sample content for distribution/policies.json: { "policies": { "DisableAppUpdate": true } } On Linux, avoid reading policies from /etc/firefox/policies/policies.json
- toolkit/components/enterprisepolicies/EnterprisePolicies.js 12 additions, 0 deletionstoolkit/components/enterprisepolicies/EnterprisePolicies.js
- toolkit/components/enterprisepolicies/moz.build 3 additions, 1 deletiontoolkit/components/enterprisepolicies/moz.build
- toolkit/mozapps/update/UpdateService.jsm 20 additions, 0 deletionstoolkit/mozapps/update/UpdateService.jsm
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