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  • Looks good! I just have a few comments.

    Snowflake's main advantage compared to other pluggable transports is that it combines a high number of proxies run by volunteers and meek domain fronting technique is limited to just deliver snowflake proxy, to avoid extra costs with infrastructure.

    I would change this paragraph slightly:

    Snowflake uses the highly effective domain fronting technique to make a connection to one of the thousands of snowflake proxies run by volunteers. These proxies are lightweight, ephemeral, and easy to run, allowing us to scale Snowflake more easily than previous techniques.

    If you're interested to read more about technical details and specification, read more Snowflake Technical Overview and the project page.

    Small changes:

    If you're interested in the technical details and specification, see the Snowflake Technical Overview and the project page.

    You shouldn't close that page if you want to remain a Snowflake bridge.

    Just a nitpick: let's avoid using the word bridge here and use proxy instead since Snowflake proxies don't function the same way as Tor bridges.

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