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Commit 9f47007f authored by Ryan VanderMeulen's avatar Ryan VanderMeulen
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Backed out changesets d4887cc8c4b9 and 97abeba2f897 (bug 1790345) for xpcshell failures.

parent 1001c48d
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......@@ -201,12 +201,6 @@ bool nsCSPContext::permitsInternal(
permits = false;
// In CSP 3.0 the effective directive doesn't become the actually used
// directive in case of a fallback from e.g. script-src-elem to
// script-src or default-src.
nsAutoString effectiveDirective;
// Callers should set |aSendViolationReports| to false if this is a
// preload - the decision may be wrong due to the inability to get the
// nonce, and will incorrectly fail the unit tests.
......@@ -227,12 +221,12 @@ bool nsCSPContext::permitsInternal(
BlockedContentSource::eUnknown, /* a BlockedContentSource */
aOriginalURIIfRedirect, /* in case of redirect originalURI is not
null */
violatedDirective, effectiveDirective, p, /* policy index */
u""_ns, /* no observer subject */
spec, /* source file */
u""_ns, /* no script sample */
lineNumber, /* line number */
columnNumber); /* column number */
violatedDirective, p, /* policy index */
u""_ns, /* no observer subject */
spec, /* source file */
u""_ns, /* no script sample */
lineNumber, /* line number */
columnNumber); /* column number */
......@@ -517,7 +511,6 @@ void nsCSPContext::reportInlineViolation(
CSPDirective aDirective, Element* aTriggeringElement,
nsICSPEventListener* aCSPEventListener, const nsAString& aNonce,
const nsAString& aContent, const nsAString& aViolatedDirective,
const nsAString& aEffectiveDirective,
uint32_t aViolatedPolicyIndex, // TODO, use report only flag for that
uint32_t aLineNumber, uint32_t aColumnNumber) {
nsString observerSubject;
......@@ -560,7 +553,6 @@ void nsCSPContext::reportInlineViolation(
BlockedContentSource::eInline, // aBlockedSource
mSelfURI, // aOriginalURI
aViolatedDirective, // aViolatedDirective
aEffectiveDirective, // aEffectiveDirective
aViolatedPolicyIndex, // aViolatedPolicyIndex
observerSubject, // aObserverSubject
sourceFile, // aSourceFile
......@@ -627,12 +619,9 @@ nsCSPContext::GetAllowsInline(CSPDirective aDirective, const nsAString& aNonce,
bool reportSample = false;
aDirective, violatedDirective, &reportSample);
nsAutoString effectiveDirective;
reportInlineViolation(aDirective, aTriggeringElement, aCSPEventListener,
aNonce, reportSample ? content : EmptyString(),
violatedDirective, effectiveDirective, i,
aLineNumber, aColumnNumber);
violatedDirective, i, aLineNumber, aColumnNumber);
return NS_OK;
......@@ -709,7 +698,6 @@ nsCSPContext::GetAllowsNavigateTo(nsIURI* aURI, bool aIsFormSubmission,
nsCSPContext::BlockedContentSource::eSelf, // aBlockedSource
nullptr, // aOriginalURI
u"navigate-to"_ns, // aViolatedDirective
u"navigate-to"_ns, // aEffectiveDirective
i, // aViolatedPolicyIndex
u""_ns, // aObserverSubject
NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(spec), // aSourceFile
......@@ -770,13 +758,10 @@ nsCSPContext::GetAllowsNavigateTo(nsIURI* aURI, bool aIsFormSubmission,
aViolationType == \
nsIContentSecurityPolicy::VIOLATION_TYPE_WASM_EVAL) { \
violatedDirective = u"script-src"_ns; \
} else { \
} \
AsyncReportViolation(aTriggeringElement, aCSPEventListener, nullptr, \
blockedContentSource, nullptr, violatedDirective, \
u"script-src"_ns /* aEffectiveDirective */, p, \
aSourceFile, reportSample ? aScriptSample : u""_ns, \
aLineNum, aColumnNum); \
} \
......@@ -1016,19 +1001,13 @@ void nsCSPContext::logToConsole(const char* aName,
* Strip URI for reporting according to:
* @param aSelfURI
* The URI of the CSP policy. Used for cross-origin checks.
* @param aURI
* The URI of the blocked resource. In case of a redirect, this it the
* initial URI the request started out with, not the redirected URI.
* @param aEffectiveDirective
* The effective directive that triggered this report
* @return The ASCII serialization of the uri to be reported ignoring
* the ref part of the URI.
void StripURIForReporting(nsIURI* aSelfURI, nsIURI* aURI,
const nsAString& aEffectiveDirective,
nsACString& outStrippedURI) {
void StripURIForReporting(nsIURI* aURI, nsACString& outStrippedURI) {
// If the origin of aURI is a globally unique identifier (for example,
// aURI has a scheme of data, blob, or filesystem), then
// return the ASCII serialization of uri’s scheme.
......@@ -1044,27 +1023,15 @@ void StripURIForReporting(nsIURI* aSelfURI, nsIURI* aURI,
// For cross-origin URIs in frame-src also strip the path.
// This prevents detailed tracking of pages loaded into an iframe
// by the embedding page using a report-only policy.
if (aEffectiveDirective.EqualsLiteral("frame-src") ||
aEffectiveDirective.EqualsLiteral("object-src")) {
nsIScriptSecurityManager* ssm = nsContentUtils::GetSecurityManager();
if (NS_FAILED(ssm->CheckSameOriginURI(aSelfURI, aURI, false, false))) {
// Return aURI, with any fragment component removed.
nsresult nsCSPContext::GatherSecurityPolicyViolationEventData(
nsIURI* aBlockedURI, const nsACString& aBlockedString, nsIURI* aOriginalURI,
nsAString& aViolatedDirective, const nsAString& aEffectiveDirective,
uint32_t aViolatedPolicyIndex, nsAString& aSourceFile,
nsAString& aScriptSample, uint32_t aLineNum, uint32_t aColumnNum,
nsAString& aViolatedDirective, uint32_t aViolatedPolicyIndex,
nsAString& aSourceFile, nsAString& aScriptSample, uint32_t aLineNum,
uint32_t aColumnNum,
mozilla::dom::SecurityPolicyViolationEventInit& aViolationEventInit) {
NS_ENSURE_ARG_MAX(aViolatedPolicyIndex, mPolicies.Length() - 1);
......@@ -1076,8 +1043,7 @@ nsresult nsCSPContext::GatherSecurityPolicyViolationEventData(
// document-uri
nsAutoCString reportDocumentURI;
StripURIForReporting(mSelfURI, mSelfURI, aEffectiveDirective,
StripURIForReporting(mSelfURI, reportDocumentURI);
CopyUTF8toUTF16(reportDocumentURI, aViolationEventInit.mDocumentURI);
// referrer
......@@ -1086,8 +1052,8 @@ nsresult nsCSPContext::GatherSecurityPolicyViolationEventData(
// blocked-uri
if (aBlockedURI) {
nsAutoCString reportBlockedURI;
StripURIForReporting(mSelfURI, aOriginalURI ? aOriginalURI : aBlockedURI,
aEffectiveDirective, reportBlockedURI);
StripURIForReporting(aOriginalURI ? aOriginalURI : aBlockedURI,
CopyUTF8toUTF16(reportBlockedURI, aViolationEventInit.mBlockedURI);
} else {
CopyUTF8toUTF16(aBlockedString, aViolationEventInit.mBlockedURI);
......@@ -1115,7 +1081,7 @@ nsresult nsCSPContext::GatherSecurityPolicyViolationEventData(
NS_NewURI(getter_AddRefs(sourceURI), aSourceFile);
if (sourceURI) {
nsAutoCString spec;
StripURIForReporting(mSelfURI, sourceURI, aEffectiveDirective, spec);
StripURIForReporting(sourceURI, spec);
CopyUTF8toUTF16(spec, aSourceFile);
aViolationEventInit.mSourceFile = aSourceFile;
......@@ -1421,10 +1387,9 @@ class CSPReportSenderRunnable final : public Runnable {
nsIURI* aBlockedURI,
nsCSPContext::BlockedContentSource aBlockedContentSource,
nsIURI* aOriginalURI, uint32_t aViolatedPolicyIndex, bool aReportOnlyFlag,
const nsAString& aViolatedDirective, const nsAString& aEffectiveDirective,
const nsAString& aObserverSubject, const nsAString& aSourceFile,
const nsAString& aScriptSample, uint32_t aLineNum, uint32_t aColumnNum,
nsCSPContext* aCSPContext)
const nsAString& aViolatedDirective, const nsAString& aObserverSubject,
const nsAString& aSourceFile, const nsAString& aScriptSample,
uint32_t aLineNum, uint32_t aColumnNum, nsCSPContext* aCSPContext)
: mozilla::Runnable("CSPReportSenderRunnable"),
......@@ -1434,7 +1399,6 @@ class CSPReportSenderRunnable final : public Runnable {
......@@ -1478,8 +1442,8 @@ class CSPReportSenderRunnable final : public Runnable {
rv = mCSPContext->GatherSecurityPolicyViolationEventData(
mBlockedURI, blockedContentSource, mOriginalURI, mViolatedDirective,
mEffectiveDirective, mViolatedPolicyIndex, mSourceFile, mScriptSample,
mLineNum, mColumnNum, init);
mViolatedPolicyIndex, mSourceFile, mScriptSample, mLineNum, mColumnNum,
// 1) notify observers
......@@ -1542,7 +1506,6 @@ class CSPReportSenderRunnable final : public Runnable {
uint32_t mViolatedPolicyIndex;
bool mReportOnlyFlag;
nsString mViolatedDirective;
nsString mEffectiveDirective;
nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> mObserverSubject;
nsString mSourceFile;
nsString mScriptSample;
......@@ -1584,9 +1547,9 @@ nsresult nsCSPContext::AsyncReportViolation(
Element* aTriggeringElement, nsICSPEventListener* aCSPEventListener,
nsIURI* aBlockedURI, BlockedContentSource aBlockedContentSource,
nsIURI* aOriginalURI, const nsAString& aViolatedDirective,
const nsAString& aEffectiveDirective, uint32_t aViolatedPolicyIndex,
const nsAString& aObserverSubject, const nsAString& aSourceFile,
const nsAString& aScriptSample, uint32_t aLineNum, uint32_t aColumnNum) {
uint32_t aViolatedPolicyIndex, const nsAString& aObserverSubject,
const nsAString& aSourceFile, const nsAString& aScriptSample,
uint32_t aLineNum, uint32_t aColumnNum) {
NS_ENSURE_ARG_MAX(aViolatedPolicyIndex, mPolicies.Length() - 1);
......@@ -1594,8 +1557,7 @@ nsresult nsCSPContext::AsyncReportViolation(
aTriggeringElement, aCSPEventListener, aBlockedURI, aBlockedContentSource,
aOriginalURI, aViolatedPolicyIndex,
mPolicies[aViolatedPolicyIndex]->getReportOnlyFlag(), aViolatedDirective,
aEffectiveDirective, aObserverSubject, aSourceFile, aScriptSample,
aLineNum, aColumnNum, this);
aObserverSubject, aSourceFile, aScriptSample, aLineNum, aColumnNum, this);
if (XRE_IsContentProcess()) {
if (mEventTarget) {
......@@ -96,9 +96,8 @@ class nsCSPContext : public nsIContentSecurityPolicy {
nsresult GatherSecurityPolicyViolationEventData(
nsIURI* aBlockedURI, const nsACString& aBlockedString,
nsIURI* aOriginalURI, nsAString& aViolatedDirective,
const nsAString& aEffectiveDirective, uint32_t aViolatedPolicyIndex,
nsAString& aSourceFile, nsAString& aScriptSample, uint32_t aLineNum,
uint32_t aColumnNum,
uint32_t aViolatedPolicyIndex, nsAString& aSourceFile,
nsAString& aScriptSample, uint32_t aLineNum, uint32_t aColumnNum,
mozilla::dom::SecurityPolicyViolationEventInit& aViolationEventInit);
nsresult SendReports(
......@@ -123,10 +122,9 @@ class nsCSPContext : public nsIContentSecurityPolicy {
mozilla::dom::Element* aTriggeringElement,
nsICSPEventListener* aCSPEventListener, nsIURI* aBlockedURI,
BlockedContentSource aBlockedContentSource, nsIURI* aOriginalURI,
const nsAString& aViolatedDirective, const nsAString& aEffectiveDirective,
uint32_t aViolatedPolicyIndex, const nsAString& aObserverSubject,
const nsAString& aSourceFile, const nsAString& aScriptSample,
uint32_t aLineNum, uint32_t aColumnNum);
const nsAString& aViolatedDirective, uint32_t aViolatedPolicyIndex,
const nsAString& aObserverSubject, const nsAString& aSourceFile,
const nsAString& aScriptSample, uint32_t aLineNum, uint32_t aColumnNum);
// Hands off! Don't call this method unless you know what you
// are doing. It's only supposed to be called from within
......@@ -163,7 +161,6 @@ class nsCSPContext : public nsIContentSecurityPolicy {
nsICSPEventListener* aCSPEventListener,
const nsAString& aNonce, const nsAString& aContent,
const nsAString& aViolatedDirective,
const nsAString& aEffectiveDirective,
uint32_t aViolatedPolicyIndex,
uint32_t aLineNumber, uint32_t aColumnNumber);
......@@ -29,11 +29,11 @@ function receiveMessage(event) {
"Test 1 should be the URI before redirect");
} else if (blockedURI.includes("test2")) {
"Test 2 should be the redirected pre-path URI");
} else if (blockedURI.includes("test3")) {
"Test 3 should be the redirected pre-path URI");
} else {
ok(false, "sanity: how can we end up here?");
......@@ -48,8 +48,7 @@ function receiveMessage(event) {
let testframe = document.getElementById("testframe");
// This has to be same-origin with the test1 URL.
testframe.src = "";
testframe.src = "file_blocked_uri_in_violation_event_after_redirects.html";
......@@ -19,7 +19,8 @@
const BLOCKED_URI = "";
var chromeScriptUrl = SimpleTest.getTestFileURL("file_report_chromescript.js");
var script = SpecialPowers.loadChromeScript(chromeScriptUrl);
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