Jérôme Charaoui authoredJérôme Charaoui authored
This page documents a possible roadmap for the TPA team for the year 2020.
Items should be SMART, that is:
- specific
- measurable
- achievable
- relevant
- time-bound
Main objectives (need to have):
- decommissining of old machines (moly in particular)
- move critical services in ganeti
- buster upgrades before LTS
- within budget
Secondary objectives (nice to have):
- new mail service
- conversion of the kvm* fleet to ganeti for higher reliability and availability
- buster upgrade completion before anarcat vacation
- service admin roadmapping?
- kubernetes cluster deployment?
- new gnt-fsn nodes with current hardware (PX62-NVMe, 118EUR/mth), cost savings possible with the AX line (-20EUR/mth) or by reducing disk space requirements (-39EUR/mth) per node
- cymru actually delivers hardware and is used for moly decom
- gitlab hardware requirements covered by another budget
- we absorb the extra bandwidth costs from the new hardware design (currently 38EUR per month but could rise when new bandwidth usage comes in) - could be shifted to TBB team or at least labeled as such
- nextcloud roadmap
- identify critical services and realistic improvements #31243 (done)
- (anarcat & gaba) sort out each month by priority (mostly done for feb/march)
- (gaba) add keywords #tpa-roadmap- for each month (doing for february and march to test how this would work) (done)
- (anarcat) create missing tickets for february/march (partially done, missing some from hiro)
- (at tpa meeting) estimate tickets! (1pt = 1 day)
- (gaba) reorganize budget file per month
- (gaba) create a roadmap for gitlab migration
- (gaba) find service admins for gitlab (nobody for trac in services page) - gaba to talk with isa and alex and look for service admins (sent a mail to las vegas but nobody replied... I will talk with each team lead)
- have a shell account in the server
- restart/stop service
- upgrade services
- problems with the service
Monthly reports
- catchup after holidays
- agree internally on a roadmap for 2020
- first phase of installer automation (setup-storage and friends) #31239
- new FSN node in the Ganeti cluster (fsn-node-03) #32937
- textile shutdown and VM relocation, 2 VMs to migrate #31686 (+86EUR)
- enable needrestart fleet-wide (#31957)
- review website build errors (#32996)
- evaluate if discourse can be used as comments platform for the blog (#33105) <-- can we move this further down the road (not february) until gitlab is migrated? -->
- communicate buster upgrade timeline to service admins DONE
- buster upgrade 63% done: 48 buster, 28 stretch machines
capacity around 15 days (counting 2.5 days per week for anarcat and 5 days per month for hiro)
ticket list (11 closed)
- 2020 roadmap officially adopted - done
- second phase of installer automation #31239 (esp. puppet automation, e.g. #32901, #32914) - done
- new gnt-fsn node (fsn-node-04) -118EUR=+40EUR (#33081) - done
- storm shutdown #32390 - done
- unifolium decom (after storm), 5 VMs to migrate, #33085 +72EUR=+158EUR - not completed
- buster upgrade 70% done: 53 buster (+5), 23 stretch (-5) - done: 54 buster (+6), 22 stretch (-6), 1 jessie
- migrate gitlab-01 to a new VM (gitlab-02) and use the omnibus package instead of ansible (#32949) - done
- migrate CRM machines to gnt and test with Giant Rabbit #32198 (priority) - not done
- automate upgrades: enable unattended-upgrades fleet-wide (#31957 ) - not done
- anti-censorship monitoring (external prometheus setup assistance) #31159 - not done
capacity around 15 days (counting 2.5 days per week for anarcat and 5 days per month for hiro)
ticket list (12 closed)
High possibility of overload here (two major decoms and many machines setup). Possible to push moly/cymru work to april?
- 2021 budget proposal?
- possible gnt-cymru cluster setup (~6 machines) #29397
- moly decom #29974, 5 VMs to migrate
- kvm3 decom, 7 VMs to migrate (inc. crm-int and crm-ext), #33082 +72EUR=+112EUR
- new gnt-fsn node (fsn-node-05) #33083 -118EUR=-6EUR
- eugeni VM migration to gnt-fsn #32803
- buster upgrade 80% done: 61 buster (+8), 15 stretch (-8)
- solr deployment (#33106)
- anti-censorship monitorining (external prometheus setup assistance) #31159
- nc.riseup.net cleanup #32391
- SVN shutdown? #17202
ticket list (22 closed)
- kvm4 decom, 9 VMs to migrate #32802 (w/o eugeni), +121EUR=+115EUR
- new gnt-fsn node (fsn-node-06) -118EUR=-3EUR
- buster upgrade 90% done: 68 buster (+7), 8 stretch (-7)
- solr configuration
ticket list (16 closed)
- kvm5 decom, 9 VMs to migrate #33084, +111EUR=+108EUR
- new gnt-fsn node (fsn-node-07) -118EUR=-10EUR
- buster upgrade 100% done: 76 buster (+8), 0 stretch (-8)
- current planned completion date of Buster upgrades
- start ramping down work, training and documentation
- solr text updates and maintenance
ticket list (25 closed)
- Debian jessie LTS EOL, chiwui forcibly shutdown #29399
- finish ramp-down, final bugfixing and training before vacation
- search.tp.o soft launch
(Starting from here, we have migrated to GitLab and have stopped tracking tickets in milestones (which became labels in GitLab) so there are no ticket lists anymore.)
- Debian stretch EOL, final deadline for buster upgrades
- anarcat vacation
- tor meeting?
- hiro tentative vacations
- anarcat vacation
- web metrics R&D (investigate a platform for web metrics) (#32996)