Schleuder is a gpg-enabled mailing list manager with resending-capabilities. Subscribers can communicate encrypted (and pseudonymously) among themselves, receive emails from non-subscribers and send emails to non-subscribers via the list.
For more details see
Schleuder runs on [Eugeni]( The version of Schleuder currently installed is: 3.1.2
## Using Schleuder
Schleuder has it's own gpg key, and also it's own keyring that you can use if you are subscribed to the list.
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## Administration
Schleuder is a gpg-enabled mailing list manager with resending-capabilities. Subscribers can communicate encrypted (and pseudonymously) among themselves, receive emails from non-subscribers and send emails to non-subscribers via the list.
## Administration of lists
For more details see
### Pre-requisites
Schleuder runs on [Eugeni]( The version of Schleuder currently installed is: 3.1.2
#### schleuder-api-daemon
Mailing lists are managed through schleuder-cli which needs schleuder-api-daemon running. If the daemon is not running you can start it with: