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  • eta's avatar
    Improve and future-proof the `arti` CLI · 4fa0122d
    eta authored
    This switches out `arti`'s argument-parsing library with `clap`, which
    is a lot more featureful (and very widely used within the Rust
    ecosystem). We also now use a lot of `clap`'s features to improve the
    CLI experience:
    - The CLI now expects a subcommand (currently, either "help", or "proxy"
      for the existing SOCKS proxy behaviour). This should let us add
      additional non-SOCKS-proxy features to arti in future.
    - `clap` supports default values determined at runtime, so the way the
      default config file is loaded was changed: now, we determine the
      OS-specific path for said file before invoking `clap`, so the help
      command can show it properly.
      - The behaviour of `tor_config` was also changed; now, one simply
        specifies a list of configuration files to load, together with
        whether they're required.
      - That function also way overused generics; this has been fixed.
    - Instead of using the ARTI_LOG environment variable to configure
      logging, one now uses th...
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