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  • Fabian Keil's avatar
    get_interface_address6_list(): Bring back a return code check · 3ea834ce
    Fabian Keil authored and Nick Mathewson's avatar Nick Mathewson committed
    ... that was removed by 31eb486c which first appeared in
    If tor is running in a ElectroBSD (or FreeBSD) jail it can't
    get any IP addresses that aren't assigned to the jail by
    looking at the interfaces and (by design) the
    get_interface_address6_via_udp_socket_hack() fallback doesn't
    work either.
    The missing return code check resulted in tor_addr_is_internal()
    complaining about a "non-IP address of type 49", due to reading
    uninitialised memory.
    Fixes #17173.