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  • Mugurell's avatar
    For #4977: Migrate fennec shortcuts (#7251) · 8454f208
    Mugurell authored
    * For #4977 - Support opening Fennec pinned website shortcuts in Fenix
    Fennec's pinned website shortcuts are set to open the BrowserApp activity.
    So we need a new activity alias to actually catch such Intents. Otherwise they
    would open "org.mozilla.firefox/.App" without any way to inform that this is
    the result of the user clicking on a pinned shortcut.
    For actually checking if the newly received Intent is of a Fennec pinned
    shortcut we introduce a new FennecBookmarkShortcutsIntentProcessor which will
    prepare the Intent to open the shortcut's URL in a new tab.
    * For #4977 - Don't keep IntentReceiverActivity on the back stack
    For successive Fennec pinned shortcuts to create a new IntentReceiverActivity
    and be processed as normal we need to not keep this as our task root.
    * For #4977 - Test the FennecBookmarkShortcutsIntentProcessor