Network Health OKRs 2022 Q3-Q4 (Metrics excluded)
This milestone is used to track our network health OKR progress for Q3/Q4 2022. Metrics has a separate milestone to track the OKR work in that area.
Objective 1: Reduce the amount of malicious relays in the network
K1: Rust-based tool (margot) is used for daily bad relay work
K2: We have mapped out potential options for quantifying and improving trust in relays/operators
K3: The large attacker we kicked out at the end of 2021 is analyzed
Objective 2: Improve the health of relays
K1: Overload data we collected so far is analyzed and identified problems addressed
K2: Exitmap for reachability testing of exit relays is deployed
Objective 3: Improve the health of the network
K1: Onbasca (sbws2) is on one of the bandwidth authorities deployed
K2: Rob's relay flooding experiments done in 2021 are analyzed
K3: Relays and bridges still on 0.4.6.x are either upgraded or removed from the network
K4: Faster relays are better measured
K5: Get sbws 1.6 released out