Log sbws version info line on startup
Created by: pastly
Produces a line such as the following.
[2018-07-11 11:27:35,464] [sbws.sbws] [INFO] sbws 0.6.1-dev with python 3.6.5 on Darwin-15.6.0-x86_64-i386-64bit, stem 1.6.0-dev, and requests 2.18.4
Created by: pastly
Produces a line such as the following.
[2018-07-11 11:27:35,464] [sbws.sbws] [INFO] sbws 0.6.1-dev with python 3.6.5 on Darwin-15.6.0-x86_64-i386-64bit, stem 1.6.0-dev, and requests 2.18.4