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Mega commit that switches from PastlyLogger to std logging

juga requested to merge issue68_logging into master

Created by: pastly

May have some runtime bugs still. Needs a little more testing


  • all warn( replaced with warning( (find sbws tests -type f -name '*.py' | xargs grep -F warn\( is very helpful)

  • all notice( replaced with something (probably info()

  • it's named log not logger

  • all log calls have the right number of %s (and related) replacement strings. PastlyLogger worked differently and log.debug('hello', name) would work, but needs to be replaced with log.debug('hello %s', name).


  • create a config.log.ini file in ~/.sbws

  • update documentation to say that the log config files get read too and they get put into the same structure as the rest of the config

  • remove/update log level argument parsing

  • use more standard method of exception logging

Merge request reports
