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  1. Nov 09, 2013
  2. Oct 14, 2013
    • Damian Johnson's avatar
      Stem release 1.1.0 · 2ef49246
      Damian Johnson authored
    • Damian Johnson's avatar
      Correcting test issues with python 2.6 and 3.x · 216937c0
      Damian Johnson authored
      Generally I just work with python 2.7, so other interpretor versions just get
      love prior to releases. Most of this is issues with our tests, but @lru_cache
      introduced a lot of legitimate regressions for python 3.x.
    • Damian Johnson's avatar
      Python 3 compatability for mapaddress test · 6c81b101
      Damian Johnson authored
      Quite a few byte vs unicode gotchas. Also, the behavior of indexing into byte
      strings changed in python 3 (it provides ints rather than characters).
      ERROR: test_mapaddress
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/home/atagar/Desktop/stem/test/data/python3/test/integ/control/", line 813, in test_mapaddress
, '', 80)
        File "/home/atagar/Desktop/stem/test/data/python3/test/", line 321, in negotiate_socks
          request = "\x04\x01" + struct.pack("!H", port) + "\x00\x00\x00\x01" + "\x00" + host + "\x00"
      TypeError: Can't convert 'bytes' object to str implicitly
  3. Oct 13, 2013
    • Damian Johnson's avatar
      Fixing AttributeError in use_directory_mirrors() · 992c94bc
      Damian Johnson authored
      Correcting a couple issues, one in the tests and another in the remote
      descriptor module, causing integ failures.
      ERROR: test_use_directory_mirrors
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/home/atagar/Desktop/stem/test/integ/descriptor/", line 62, in test_use_directory_mirrors
        File "/home/atagar/Desktop/stem/stem/descriptor/", line 419, in use_directory_mirrors
          if Flag.V2DIR in desc.flags:
      AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'flags'
      ERROR: test_using_authorities
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/home/atagar/Desktop/stem/test/integ/descriptor/", line 34, in test_using_authorities
          for authority, (address, dirport) in stem.descriptor.remote.DIRECTORY_AUTHORITIES.items():
    • Damian Johnson's avatar
      Fixing python 3 testing issue with key certs · bfd5a667
      Damian Johnson authored
      Test file wasn't being opened in bytes mode, causing...
      ERROR: test_metrics_cert
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/home/atagar/Desktop/stem/test/data/python3/test/integ/descriptor/", line 178, in test_metrics_cert
          cert = next(stem.descriptor.parse_file(cert_file))
        File "/home/atagar/Desktop/stem/test/data/python3/stem/descriptor/", line 200, in parse_file
          for desc in file_parser(descriptor_file):
        File "/home/atagar/Desktop/stem/test/data/python3/stem/descriptor/", line 241, in _parse_metrics_file
          for desc in stem.descriptor.networkstatus._parse_file_key_certs(descriptor_file, validate = validate, **kwargs):
        File "/home/atagar/Desktop/stem/test/data/python3/stem/descriptor/", line 252, in _parse_file_key_certs
          yield stem.descriptor.networkstatus.KeyCertificate(bytes.join(b"", keycert_content), validate = validate)
      TypeError: sequence item 0: expected bytes, str found
    • Damian Johnson's avatar
      Fixing python 3 compatability for remote descriptor unit tests · a303b137
      Damian Johnson authored
      ERROR: test_query_with_timeout
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/opt/python3.3/lib/python3.3/unittest/", line 1079, in patched
          arg = patching.__enter__()
        File "/opt/python3.3/lib/python3.3/unittest/", line 1132, in __enter__
 = self.getter()
        File "/opt/python3.3/lib/python3.3/unittest/", line 1294, in <lambda>
          getter = lambda: _importer(target)
        File "/opt/python3.3/lib/python3.3/unittest/", line 988, in _importer
          thing = __import__(import_path)
      ImportError: No module named 'urllib2'
    • Damian Johnson's avatar
      Fixing python 3 issue with orphaned annotation exceptions · ab86475d
      Damian Johnson authored
      ERROR: test_annotations
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/opt/python3.3/lib/python3.3/unittest/", line 1087, in patched
          return func(*args, **keywargs)
        File "/home/atagar/Desktop/stem/test/data/python3/test/unit/descriptor/", line 224, in test_annotations
          self.assertRaises(ValueError, list, desc_iter)
        File "/opt/python3.3/lib/python3.3/unittest/", line 570, in assertRaises
          return context.handle('assertRaises', callableObj, args, kwargs)
        File "/opt/python3.3/lib/python3.3/unittest/", line 135, in handle
          callable_obj(*args, **kwargs)
        File "/home/atagar/Desktop/stem/test/data/python3/stem/descriptor/", line 157, in _parse_file
          raise ValueError('Content conform to being a server descriptor:\n%s' % '\n'.join(annotations))
      TypeError: sequence item 0: expected str instance, bytes found
      Ran 31 tests in 0.028s
      FAILED (errors=1)
    • Damian Johnson's avatar
      Hash functions for descriptor classes · 1ed6e2b7
      Damian Johnson authored
      Ok, finally found out what this python 2 vs 3 hashing oddity is. If you define
      an __eq__() method in python3 then it doesn't inherit its parent's __hash__().
      This makes some sense, though it's unintuitive as hell. Oh well...
    • Damian Johnson's avatar
      Fixing python 3 compatablity for tordnsel test · eaa89a67
      Damian Johnson authored
      ERROR: test_parse_file
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/home/atagar/Desktop/stem/test/data/python3/test/unit/descriptor/", line 55, in test_parse_file
          descriptors = list(_parse_file(io.BytesIO(TEST_DESC)))
      TypeError: 'str' does not support the buffer interface
      Ran 1 test in 0.001s
    • Damian Johnson's avatar
      Fixing a couple python 3 network status document TypeErrors · e1bf7cba
      Damian Johnson authored
      ERROR: test_duplicate_fields
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/home/atagar/Desktop/stem/test/data/python3/test/unit/descriptor/networkstatus/", line 247, in test_duplicate_fields
          if not is_consensus and lines[index].startswith('dir-source'):
      TypeError: startswith first arg must be bytes or a tuple of bytes, not str
      ERROR: test_misordered_fields
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/home/atagar/Desktop/stem/test/data/python3/test/unit/descriptor/networkstatus/", line 225, in test_misordered_fields
          elif not is_consensus and lines[index].startswith('dir-source'):
      TypeError: startswith first arg must be bytes or a tuple of bytes, not str
      Ran 35 tests in 0.234s
    • Damian Johnson's avatar
      Caching hash values · efe5fbdd
      Damian Johnson authored
      Well, even if we can't use @lru_cache we can still do it the old fashioned way. :P
    • Damian Johnson's avatar
      Dropping @lru_cache for Version hashing · d32d4ab4
      Damian Johnson authored
      The @lru_cache calls hash() so if ever called this would infinitely recurse.
    • Damian Johnson's avatar
      Fixing python 3 issue concerning exit policy compression · 208c03cd
      Damian Johnson authored
      Oops, forgot about the byte vs unicode differences when doing compression for
      the ExitPolicy.
    • Damian Johnson's avatar
      Adding hash functions to exit policy classes · 4ef5ee1e
      Damian Johnson authored
      Huh, didn't expect that. To work the @lru_cache requires that all arguments
      (including the class in the ase of methods) are hashable. This makes perfectly
      sense, after all the cache is a 'argument => cached value' dictionary.
      Under python 2.x all seemed to be well, but under python 3.x the @lru_cache
      complained that our classes weren't hashable (which... well, they aren't). Why,
      then, did it work under python 2.x? Turns out there's a subtle difference where
      our object parent provides a __hash__ method for our id, but in python 3.x it's
      a little different (object still does, but for reasons I haven't been able to
      figure out it doesn't for our classes).
      The ExitPolicyRule can certainly be hashable. The ExitPolicy, however, is a lot
      trickier due to its lazy loading of rules. For now just opting for the same
      behavior as python 2.x and using the address.
    • Damian Johnson's avatar
      Python 3 lru_cache isn't a collections annotation · 677ee157
      Damian Johnson authored
      Oops, it's in functools, not collections.
    • Damian Johnson's avatar
      Using @lru_cache for exit policy's str() · 1dfa353e
      Damian Johnson authored
      Oops, missed one of our instances of manual caching.
    • Damian Johnson's avatar
      Using python3's unittest.mock module when available · e89c829f
      Damian Johnson authored
      Guess it's been a while since I last tried to test under python3. From python
      3.3 on up the Mock library is built into the unittest module. Accounting for
      this so we can test under python3 again.
    • Damian Johnson's avatar
      Fixing python3 issue related to unicode exit policies · d09bd8b3
      Damian Johnson authored
      Our recent exit policy caching caused a regression under python3...
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "./test/data/python3/", line 25, in <module>
          import test.runner
        File "/home/atagar/Desktop/stem/test/data/python3/test/", line 51, in <module>
          import stem.connection
        File "/home/atagar/Desktop/stem/test/data/python3/stem/", line 109, in <module>
          import stem.control
        File "/home/atagar/Desktop/stem/test/data/python3/stem/", line 145, in <module>
          import stem.descriptor.microdescriptor
        File "/home/atagar/Desktop/stem/test/data/python3/stem/descriptor/", line 546, in <module>
          import stem.descriptor.server_descriptor
        File "/home/atagar/Desktop/stem/test/data/python3/stem/descriptor/", line 91, in <module>
          REJECT_ALL_POLICY = stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicy("reject *:*")
        File "/home/atagar/Desktop/stem/test/data/python3/stem/", line 164, in __init__
          self._input_rules = zlib.compress(','.join(rules))
      TypeError: 'str' does not support the buffer interface
    • Damian Johnson's avatar
      Fixing python 2.6 compatability issue with lru_cache · c10eef25
      Damian Johnson authored
      The recepie is using set syntax only available in python 2.7 and above...
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "./", line 18, in <module>
          import stem.prereq
        File "/home/atagar/Desktop/stem/stem/", line 420, in <module>
          import stem.util.enum
        File "/home/atagar/Desktop/stem/stem/util/", line 43, in <module>
          import stem.util.str_tools
        File "/home/atagar/Desktop/stem/stem/util/", line 21, in <module>
          import stem.prereq
        File "/home/atagar/Desktop/stem/stem/", line 29, in <module>
          from stem.util.lru_cache import lru_cache
        File "/home/atagar/Desktop/stem/stem/util/", line 37
          fasttypes = {int, str, frozenset, type(None)},
      SyntaxError: invalid syntax
  4. Oct 12, 2013
  5. Oct 10, 2013
  6. Oct 09, 2013
  7. Oct 08, 2013
    • Damian Johnson's avatar
      Chaching version comparison and hash function · 281db911
      Damian Johnson authored
      Versions are intended to be read-only objects, so we might as well add caching
      for these methods.
    • Damian Johnson's avatar
      Reducing memory usage of descriptor content · ba9799e2
      Damian Johnson authored
      Handful of improvements to reduce the memory usage of stem's descriptor content
      (with a special focus on server descriptors). This drops memory usage by
      roughly 20% without having a sizable impact on runtime.
      Script used for testing:
        import resource
        import time
        from stem.descriptor import reader
        print "memory (initial): %s" % resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss
        start_time = time.time()
        with reader.DescriptorReader(['/home/atagar/.tor/cached-descriptors']) as descriptor_reader:
          server_descriptors = list(descriptor_reader)
        print "memory (after read): %s" % resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss
        print "read time: %0.2f seconds" % (time.time() - start_time)
        % python
        memory (initial): 7468
        memory (after read): 50572
        read time: 6.40 seconds
        % python
        memory (initial): 7532
        memory (after read): 40816
        read time: 6.31 seconds
    • Damian Johnson's avatar
      Compressing unparsed exit policy content · 1920baff
      Damian Johnson authored
      Exit policies constitute a rather substantial chunch of server descriptors. We
      already optimize our runtime by lazily parsing policies on demand. On
      reflection though, we can improve our memory usage quite a bit too by
      compressing the unparsed content. This drops our memory usage by roughly 6%
      without impacting runtime.
    • Damian Johnson's avatar
      Caching parsed tor versions · 2ce003ef
      Damian Johnson authored
      Reusing parsed tor versions saves us an impressive 3.7% memory usage without
      any noticable impact on parsing times.
    • Damian Johnson's avatar
      Referencing a single reject-all policy · dbee38d1
      Damian Johnson authored
      Oddly, the only exit policy I can find with greater than five occurances is the
      reject-all policy. Maybe a scripting bug. Reguardless, referencing a single
      reject-all instance saves us a little memory (1.3 MB with the present
      consensus, which is 1.6%).
    • Damian Johnson's avatar
      Storing a single IPv6 default exit policy · a0ce8664
      Damian Johnson authored
      Each server descriptor constructed its own default value for the IPv6 exit
      policy, which was foolish. ExitPolicy instances are read-only instances, so all
      descriptors might as well use the same default. This saves roughly 2.3 MB of
      memory when downloading all of the current server descriptors (or roughly 3%).
    • Damian Johnson's avatar
      Using @lru_cache for exit policies · 19cca3a0
      Damian Johnson authored
      The ExitPolicy and ExitPolicyRule classes are a perfect fit for @lru_cache.
      They're read-only classes that already do a fair bit of caching. The annotation
      lets us avoid doing this ourselves.
  8. Oct 07, 2013
  9. Oct 02, 2013
    • Damian Johnson's avatar
      Tests can fail with TypeError when unable to start tor process · e60a0339
      Damian Johnson authored
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "./", line 404, in <module>
        File "./", line 245, in main
          println(exc, ERROR)
        File "/home/atagar/Desktop/stem/test/", line 59, in println
          msg = term.format(msg, *attr)
        File "/home/atagar/Desktop/stem/stem/util/", line 96, in format
          return (CSI % ";".join(encodings)) + msg + RESET
      TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'UnsupportedOperation' objects
    • Damian Johnson's avatar
      Adding a hash method to our Version class · bcd849f0
      Damian Johnson authored
      Our Version class lacked a __hash__() method, causing it to behave
      unintuitively in dictionaries and sets...
        >>> from stem.version import Version
        >>> foo = set([Version('')])
        >>> bar = set([Version('')])
        >>> foo.difference(bar)
        set([<stem.version.Version object at 0xb71fae0c>])
      This is because python opts for the object's identity when a hash method does
      not exist.
  10. Sep 30, 2013
    • Damian Johnson's avatar
      Halo for windrose icon · a5f9e9cd
      Damian Johnson authored
      Adding a blue halo for the center of the windrose. This doesn't address the
      main thing I dislike about the icon, which is the pixelation of the black
      lines, but still it makes it look a bit nicer. I've tried several things to
      address the black line pixilation (blur, thickening, etc) but this is the best
      improvement I've yet found.
    • Damian Johnson's avatar
      Adding utilities tutorial to the menu · 4866bd33
      Damian Johnson authored
      Oops, forgot one of the spots we need to add new pages...
    • Damian Johnson's avatar
      Adding connection resolution tutorial · b0be16b7
      Damian Johnson authored
      Introducing a new tutorial section called 'East of the Sun & West of the Moon'
      (... I love that fairytale) that introduces users to our utility modules.
      Presently this just has connection resolution, a spiffy new feature I added
      last weekend.
  11. Sep 28, 2013
  12. Sep 23, 2013