The Tor Project is looking for a Browser Developer (C++ and Javascript)!
As a browserdeveloper,yourjobwouldbetoworkcloselywithother membersoftheTorBrowserdevelopmentteamonC++patchesto our Firefox-basedbrowser,writingnewAPIs,alteringfunctionalityforprivacyandsecurity,andmakingimprovementstoourcollectionofFirefoxadd-ons(JavaScriptcode).Being a TorBrowserdeveloperincludestriaging,diagnosing,andfixingbugs;lookingforandresolvingwebprivacyissues;respondingonshortnoticetourgentsecurityissues;andworkingcollaborativelywithcoworkersandvolunteerstoimplementnewfeaturesandwebbehaviorchanges.Wealsoneedhelpmakingourcodemoremaintainable,testable,andmergeablebyupstream.Thepersoninthispositionwillalsoreviewotherpeople'scode,designs,andacademicresearchpaperstomakesuggestionsforimprovement.
As a browserdeveloper,yourjobwouldbetoworkcloselywithother membersoftheTorBrowserdevelopmentteamonC++patchesto our Firefox-basedbrowser,writingnewAPIs,alteringfunctionalityforprivacyandsecurity,andmakingimprovementstoourcollectionofFirefoxadd-ons(JavaScriptcode).Being a TorBrowserdeveloperincludestriaging,diagnosing,andfixingbugs;lookingforandresolvingwebprivacyissues;respondingonshortnoticetourgentsecurityissues;andworkingcollaborativelywithcoworkersandvolunteerstoimplementnewfeaturesandwebbehaviorchanges.Wealsoneedhelpmakingourcodemoremaintainable,testable,andmergeablebyupstream.Thepersoninthispositionwillalsoreviewotherpeople'scode,designs,andacademicresearchpaperstomakesuggestionsforimprovement.
This is a full-time position.
@@ -91,9 +91,9 @@ This is a full-time position.
For a more detailed understanding of the full breadth and depth of the work you'd be doing, have a look at The Design and Implementation of the Tor Browser, especially The Design Requirements section at <a href=""></a>.
Other notes:
Academic degrees are great, but not required if you have the right experience!
@@ -104,14 +104,14 @@ The team coordinates via IRC, email, and bug trackers. This position may be perf
The Tor Project, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that provides the technical infrastructure for privacy protection over the Internet. With paid staff and contractors of around 30 technologists and operational support people, plus many volunteers all over the world who contribute to our work, the Tor Project is funded in part by government grants and contracts, as well as by individual, foundation, and corporate donations. We only write free and open source software, and we don't believe in software patents.
The Tor Project has a competitive benefits package, including a generous PTO policy; 14 paid holidays per year (including the week between Christmas and New Year's, when the office is closed); health, vision, dental, disability, and life insurance paid in full for employee; flexible work schedule; and occasional travel opportunities. The Tor Project, Inc., is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer.
The Tor Project has a competitive benefits package, including a generous PTO policy; 14 paid holidays per year (including the week between Christmas and New Year's, when the office is closed); health, vision, dental, disability, and life insurance paid in full for employee; flexible work schedule; and occasional travel opportunities.
The Tor Project, Inc., is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer.
To apply:
Please email a PDF of your resume/CV, and a cover letter explaining how your qualifications and experience meet the requirements of this job description, including why you want to work on Tor. Email should be sent to hr at with "Browser Developer" in the subject line.
Link to at least one of your code samples (ideally, more than one and all of which we will presume you are authorized to disclose). No phone calls, please!