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  • Yawning Angel's avatar
    Fix a potential bug found by clang's scan-build. · c91f7bbf
    Yawning Angel authored
    With all current uses of Ctr, the conditional I was missing is never
    triggered since the paramenters are guaranteed to be sane, but this is
    not guaranteed to be true in the future.
    scan-build also points out a bunch of things in easylogging++ and gtest
    but they don't look to be real problems.
    Fix a potential bug found by clang's scan-build.
    Yawning Angel authored
    With all current uses of Ctr, the conditional I was missing is never
    triggered since the paramenters are guaranteed to be sane, but this is
    not guaranteed to be true in the future.
    scan-build also points out a bunch of things in easylogging++ and gtest
    but they don't look to be real problems.
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