Warning: Starting with Gecko 14, `nsILocalFile` inherits all functions and attributes from `nsIFile`, meaning that you no longer need to use `nsILocalFile`. If your add-on doesn't support versions older than 14, you should use `nsIFile` instead of `nsILocalFile`.See bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=682360 for more information.components/tl-protocol.js{ var file = Cc['@mozilla.org/file/local;1'].createInstance(Ci.nsILocalFile); file.initWithPath(aPath);
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This ticket includes the Torbutton related stuff, too, now (see #10574 (moved)).
Trac: Owner: brade to tbb-team Component: Tor Launcher to Tor Browser Summary: nsILocalFile should be replaced with nsIFiletonsILocalFile should be replaced with nsIFile in our extensions
Thanks aruna1234: Could you create a proper git patch for review? The commit message should contain the bug number and what you did, for instance "Bug 10573: Replace deprecated nsILocalFile with nsIFile".
You can start by cloning the code repositories we use, for Tor Launcher you could do
git clone https://git.torproject.org/tor-launcher and then you write your patch and commit it that repository. You can then create a properly formatted patch by running git format-patch -p -1 and attach that one for review.
It seems to me we have a similar issue in our Torbutton code. You can fix similarly by starting with cloning the Torbutton repository with git clone https://git.torproject.org/torbutton.
I think we are missing the Tor Launcher patch now. The two remaining attachments contain the same patch; the second has a corrected bug number in the commit message.
I think we are missing the Tor Launcher patch now. The two remaining attachments contain the same patch; the second has a corrected bug number in the commit message.
Indeed, my bad. aruna1234: could you add the Tor Launcher patch again? Thanks!
Trac: Keywords: TorBrowserTeam201712R deleted, TorBrowserTeam201712 added Status: needs_review to needs_revision
Thanks. This is commit d3c99991b207bb51dcaf477e2d879eb2234282a0 on master in Torbutton and commit e24ab106dffdf4f0504c2f60005e213ebd47d458 on master in Tor Launcher.
Trac: Status: needs_review to closed Resolution: N/Ato fixed