One system function call that should have been applied long long ago. (For tor.exe and others, please, too.)
P.S. It is not necessary for applications to enable it since Win 8 because the system uses it for all processes by default.
Trac: Sponsor: N/AtoN/A Reviewer: N/AtoN/A Severity: N/Ato Major Keywords: N/Adeleted, tbb-easy, TorBrowserTeam201704R added Status: new to needs_review Summary: Make use of EnableTerminationOnHeapCorruption() in Tor Browser to Make use of HeapEnableTerminationOnCorruption in Tor Browser on Windows
FWIW: We want to test it an alpha but think harder if we should pick that one for the 7.0 stable in case we don't get the sandbox compiled properly in time.
FWIW: We want to test it an alpha but think harder if we should pick that one for the 7.0 stable in case we don't get the sandbox compiled properly in time.
It has been tested in stable since 2012 when Win 8 was released which terminated all processes on heap corruption by default without any need for asking it through HeapSetInformation() calls. It is needed only for Win 7 or earlier. Would be nice to see it in 6.5 (in tor.exe near SetProcessDEPPolicy() too).
FWIW: we should also add EnableLowFragmentationHeap() modified from, but it's not so easy.