It would be nice to have all the remaining things fixed for 4.5 but I doubt that will happen as it probably involves quite some fiddling with the build system(s). And who knows what comes up if one looks closer at the bundles we have (for OS X e.g.). Removing the tbb-4.5-alpha tag therefore.
Trac: Summary: Investigate TBB 4.5 DEP/ASLR on all Platforms to Investigate TBB 4.5 hardening (e.g. DEP/ASLR) on all Platforms Description: Look at the DEP and ASLR flags on all platforms for 4.5. If any platform doesn't have it, figure out why.
Look at the hardening flags (e.g. DEP/ASLR) on all platforms for 4.5. If any platform doesn't have it, figure out why.
To be redundant, it yielded the following warnings (identical on x32 and x64). While having the stack smashing protection would be nice, I believe that to exploit a stack smash you would also need to bypass ASLR. (There may another way, but nothing is coming to mind immediately.)
./Browser/ Stack protected: no, not found!./Browser/ Stack protected: no, not found! Fortify Source functions: no, only unprotected functions found!./Browser/ Stack protected: no, not found! Fortify Source functions: no, only unprotected functions found!./Browser/ Stack protected: no, not found! Fortify Source functions: no, only unprotected functions found!./Browser/ Fortify Source functions: no, only unprotected functions found!./Browser/TorBrowser/Tor/ Stack protected: no, not found! Fortify Source functions: no, only unprotected functions found!
And the following known PT stuff:
./Browser/TorBrowser/Tor/PluggableTransports/fte/ Stack protected: no, not found! Fortify Source functions: no, only unprotected functions found!./Browser/TorBrowser/Tor/PluggableTransports/Crypto/Util/ Stack protected: no, not found! Fortify Source functions: no, only unprotected functions found!./Browser/TorBrowser/Tor/PluggableTransports/Crypto/Cipher/ Stack protected: no, not found! Fortify Source functions: no, only unprotected functions found!./Browser/TorBrowser/Tor/PluggableTransports/Crypto/Cipher/ Fortify Source functions: no, only unprotected functions found!./Browser/TorBrowser/Tor/PluggableTransports/Crypto/Cipher/ Fortify Source functions: no, only unprotected functions found!./Browser/TorBrowser/Tor/PluggableTransports/Crypto/Cipher/ Fortify Source functions: no, only unprotected functions found!./Browser/TorBrowser/Tor/PluggableTransports/Crypto/Cipher/ Stack protected: no, not found! Fortify Source functions: no, only unprotected functions found!./Browser/TorBrowser/Tor/PluggableTransports/Crypto/Cipher/ Fortify Source functions: no, only unprotected functions found!./Browser/TorBrowser/Tor/PluggableTransports/Crypto/Cipher/ Fortify Source functions: no, only unprotected functions found!./Browser/TorBrowser/Tor/PluggableTransports/Crypto/Cipher/ Fortify Source functions: no, only unprotected functions found!./Browser/TorBrowser/Tor/PluggableTransports/Crypto/Hash/ Fortify Source functions: no, only unprotected functions found!./Browser/TorBrowser/Tor/PluggableTransports/Crypto/Hash/ Fortify Source functions: no, only unprotected functions found!./Browser/TorBrowser/Tor/PluggableTransports/Crypto/Hash/ Fortify Source functions: no, only unprotected functions found!./Browser/TorBrowser/Tor/PluggableTransports/meek-client-torbrowser: Position Independent Executable: no, normal executable! Stack protected: no, not found! Read-only relocations: no, not found! Immediate binding: no, not found!./Browser/TorBrowser/Tor/PluggableTransports/twisted/runner/ Stack protected: no, not found!./Browser/TorBrowser/Tor/PluggableTransports/twisted/python/ Fortify Source functions: no, only unprotected functions found!./Browser/TorBrowser/Tor/PluggableTransports/twisted/python/ Stack protected: no, not found!./Browser/TorBrowser/Tor/PluggableTransports/twisted/test/ Stack protected: no, not found!./Browser/TorBrowser/Tor/PluggableTransports/obfs4proxy: Position Independent Executable: no, normal executable! Stack protected: no, not found! Read-only relocations: no, not found! Immediate binding: no, not found!./Browser/TorBrowser/Tor/PluggableTransports/zope/interface/ Stack protected: no, not found!./Browser/TorBrowser/Tor/PluggableTransports/meek-client: Position Independent Executable: no, normal executable! Stack protected: no, not found! Read-only relocations: no, not found! Immediate binding: no, not found!
4.5a4-build3 is good on Windows with regards to DEP/ASLR. I confirmed this using VMMap and Process Explorer, checked that everything was DEP and ASLR enabled and checked that the PTs were not ASLR enabled.
You can check the status of DEP and ASLR in an auotmated fashion on Linux using the python-pefile module (that's what it's named on apt on Ubuntu) and the below python script which I got from and edited a little. (It does require the files to be unpacked though, and I didn't look into how to do that on Linux. Wine may be able to run the installer/unpacker though?.)
As far as stack canaries go, it's possible to build a signature for them and look at the executables to see if they have it, but I couldn't find one for /GS (Visual Studio-compiled) binaries, so it's even less likely one exists for gcc-for-windows cross-compiled binaries. I will try and identify manually if this compiler option is missing as I get my build machine back up and building, but as before, it's not as big a deal as missing DEP or ASLR.
import argparseimport osimport pefileclass DllFlags: def __init__(self): self.IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_TERMINAL_SERVER_AWARE = False self.IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_WDM_DRIVER = False self.IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_NO_BIND = False self.IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_NO_SEH = False self.IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_NO_ISOLATION = False self.IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_NX_COMPAT = False self.IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_FORCE_INTEGRITY = False self.IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_DYNAMIC_BASE = Falsedef get_dll_characteristics(path): foo = DllFlags() pe = pefile.PE(path, fast_load=True) dll_characteristics = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.DllCharacteristics if dll_characteristics > 0: if dll_characteristics >= 32768: foo.IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_TERMINAL_SERVER_AWARE = True dll_characteristics -= 32768 if dll_characteristics >= 8192: foo.IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_WDM_DRIVER = True dll_characteristics -= 8192 if dll_characteristics == 2048 or dll_characteristics > 2080: foo.IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_NO_BIND = True dll_characteristics -= 2048 if dll_characteristics == 1024 or dll_characteristics > 1056: foo.IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_NO_SEH = True dll_characteristics -= 1024 if dll_characteristics == 512 or dll_characteristics > 544: foo.IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_NO_ISOLATION = True dll_characteristics -= 512 if dll_characteristics == 256 or dll_characteristics > 288: foo.IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_NX_COMPAT = True dll_characteristics -= 256 if dll_characteristics >= 128: foo.IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_FORCE_INTEGRITY = True dll_characteristics -= 128 if dll_characteristics == 64: foo.IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_DYNAMIC_BASE = True dll_characteristics -= 64 return fooif __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('dir', help='Directory to scan') args = parser.parse_args() dep_enabled = [] dep_disabled = [] aslr_enabled = [] aslr_disabled = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(args.dir): for f in files: try: bar = get_dll_characteristics(os.path.join(root, f)) except: continue if bar.IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_DYNAMIC_BASE: aslr_enabled.append(os.path.join(root, f)) else: aslr_disabled.append(os.path.join(root, f)) if bar.IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_NX_COMPAT: dep_enabled.append(os.path.join(root, f)) else: dep_disabled.append(os.path.join(root, f)) print "ASLR Enabled: " print "==============" for i in aslr_enabled: print i print "" print "ASLR Disabled: " print "===============" for i in aslr_disabled: print i print "" print "DEP Enabled: " print "=============" for i in dep_enabled: print i print "" print "DEP Disabled: " print "==============" for i in dep_disabled: print i print ""
On OSX I ran vmmap and confirmed the stack is not executable and I diffed the memory locations between different executions (and reboots) on 10.10. I confirmed ASLR is enabled and moved everything around for the firefox process. Checking the other features, like stack canaries, will be difficult and similar to Windows.
As far as stack canaries go, it's possible to build a signature for them and look at the executables to see if they have it, but I couldn't find one for /GS (Visual Studio-compiled) binaries, so it's even less likely one exists for gcc-for-windows cross-compiled binaries. I will try and identify manually if this compiler option is missing as I get my build machine back up and building, but as before, it's not as big a deal as missing DEP or ASLR.
It's possible to detect stack protection for gcc-for-windows cross-compiled binaries if libssp-0.dll was dynamically linked (like it does TorBrowser for Windows), then binaries with protected functions imports __stack_chk_fail and __stack_chk_guard from it.
It's possible to use hex-string pattern, not long-term solution, but for the same version of VS it should to generate the same opcodes if secure cookies used for function.
Like for x86, it generates:
Now that we have tests for all OSes running, boklm, could we get tests that make sure DEP/ASLR is enabled on things we build?
Trac: Keywords: N/Adeleted, TorBrowserTeam201606 added Sponsor: N/Ato SponsorU Severity: N/Ato Normal Reviewer: N/AtoN/A Type: defect to task Status: new to assigned Owner: tom to bokm Component: Applications/Tor Browser to Applications/Quality Assurance and Testing
Commit 3178db78b764cdc6b731aaab6ef128d39af88369 is adding a test otool_PIE which is using otool -hv to check that executables included in the OSX bundle are PIE.
In Tor Browser 6.5a3, it reports that the following files are not PIE: