IPv6 on cappadocicum
Hi Peter. During the dev meeting Jake and other authority operators asked for a DocTor check for the reachability of their IPv6 ORPort. Presently five authorities have an IPv6 address and five don't.
tor26 => 2001:858:2:2:aabb:0:563b:1526
gabelmoo => 2001:638:a000:4140::ffff:189
longclaw => 2620:13:4000:8000:60:f3ff:fea1:7cff
maatuska => 2001:67c:289c::9
urras => has an ipv6 address, but authority is currently down
moria1 => no ipv6 address
dizum => no ipv6 address
Tonga => no ipv6 address
dannenberg => no ipv6 address
Faravahar => no ipv6 address
This is all well and good, and I started writing a DocTor check, but I'm green to IPv6 and running into an issue on cappadocicum...
% ping6 2001:858:2:2:aabb:0:563b:1526
connect: Network is unreachable
% test -f /proc/net/if_inet6 && echo "Running kernel is IPv6 ready"
Running kernel is IPv6 ready
% lsmod | grep -w 'ipv6' | wc -l
No doubt something simple. Most Debian tips such as a 6to4 config look to require elevated permissions. If this is something I can/should sort out myself then tips welcome. :)