Mar 23 18:39:16.000 [warn] Your server ( has not managed to confirm that its DirPort is reachable. Relays do not publish descriptors until their ORPort and DirPort are reachable. Please check your firewalls, ports, address, /etc/hosts file, etc.
It fixes an issue where accounting limits weren't taken into account when determining whether the relay is a dir server, and whether it needs to check DirPort reachability or not.
Trac: Keywords: N/Adeleted, regression, must-fix-before-028-rc added Status: new to needs_review
(The code that logged this message didn't include the changes in #18348 (moved). So I think the underlying bugs are fixed, let's release to find out. I'll deal with the noisy logging issue in #18351 (moved).)
I'm not so sure about whether this patch. router_should_be_directory_server has been used to decide whether we should advertise directory support, not whether we should provide it. It also has side-effects of changing the 'advertising' static variable.
Should the check become, looking at the last-returned value from router_should_be_directory_server, rather than recalculating it?
Maybe this above should be fixed also by simply removing the extra call. It sounds right that we stop advertising our directory support when our AccountinMax has been reached or our bandwidth is not enough all of the sudden.
Putting this one in needs_revision because if we are comfortable with this patch, the above should be fixed.
Teor, Dgoulet: Do you think this is an alpha-blocker?
TL;DR; imo, this need more work so we could wait after this alpha release.
I think we need to "massage" a bit this patch. For instance, check_whether_dirport_reachable will now call dir_server_mode thus router_should_be_directory_server but then in decide_to_advertise_dirport we call both functions one after the other.
Furthermore, I'm not entirely sure about the addition of dir_server_mode to the dirport reachable check function. Actually, this whole function is confusing:
/** Return 1 if we don't have a dirport configured, or if it's reachable. */intcheck_whether_dirport_reachable(void){ const or_options_t *options = get_options(); return !options->DirPort_set || !dir_server_mode(options) || options->AssumeReachable || net_is_disabled() || can_reach_dir_port;}
So OK, we return 1 if DirPort is NOT configured but why are we using can_reach_dir_port without negating it? Also, with this patch, dir_server_mode also checks the ORPort so is it OK to use it in there at all?
Teor, Dgoulet: Do you think this is an alpha-blocker?
TL;DR; imo, this need more work so we could wait after this alpha release.
I think we need to "massage" a bit this patch. For instance, check_whether_dirport_reachable will now call dir_server_mode thus router_should_be_directory_server but then in decide_to_advertise_dirport we call both functions one after the other.
Yes, I find this group of functions quite tangled. I am not sure how to simplify them though.
Furthermore, I'm not entirely sure about the addition of dir_server_mode to the dirport reachable check function. Actually, this whole function is confusing:
/** Return 1 if we don't have a dirport configured, or if it's reachable. */intcheck_whether_dirport_reachable(void){ const or_options_t *options = get_options(); return !options->DirPort_set || !dir_server_mode(options) || options->AssumeReachable || net_is_disabled() || can_reach_dir_port;}}}}So OK, we return 1 if DirPort is _NOT_ configured but why are we using `can_reach_dir_port` without negating it?
We treat the DirPort is "reachable" if we can't check it for any reason:
!options->DirPort_set ||
!dir_server_mode(options) ||
options->AssumeReachable ||
net_is_disabled() ||
Or if we have checked and it's reachable:
I think I added a comment to this effect in the branch. If not, we should.> Also, with this patch, `dir_server_mode` also checks the ORPort so is it OK to use it in there at all?Yes, it's not really possible to run a directory mirror without an ORPort. So checking the ORPort is OK. But maybe this could be part of the code simplification?Do you have any ideas here, dgoulet? I'm stuck, and focused on other things right now.
I think I can update the patch so it cleanly answers the following questions:
do we have a dirport open?
if we have a dirport open, is the DirPort reachable?
if the DirPort is reachable, do we want to advertise it?
would we answer begindir requests?
if we would answer begindir requests, is the ORPort reachable?
if the ORPort is reachable, do we want to advertise begindir support?
As nickm notes in comment 11, I need to make sure we do the reachability and advertisability checks, store the results, and then use the results to answer these questions.
As dgoulet notes in 13 & 15, I should also remove redundant function calls.
I think I can update the patch so it cleanly answers the following questions:
do we have a dirport open?
get_options()->DirPort_set needs no changes.
if we have a dirport open, is the DirPort reachable?
check_whether_dirport_reachable() returns 0 when we need to do a reachability check,
and 1 if we've successfully done a reachability check, or if there's no reason to do a reachability check. It needs changes for clarity.
004e1c27 refactors common parts of the ORPort and DirPort check_*_reachable functions into router_reachability_checks_disabled(), and updates the function comments. It disables OR reahcability checks when net_is_disabled(), for consistency with Dir reachability checks.
#18851 (moved) updates the control-spec to clarify this behaviour.
* if the DirPort is reachable, do we want to advertise it?
decide_to_advertise_dirport() needs no changes.
do we have an orport open?
get_options()->ORPort_set needs no changes.
would we answer begindir requests?
directory_permits_begindir_requests() needs no changes, but should be used to set supports_tunnelled_dir_requests. (See 4dda75fc below.)
This resolves a nasty edge case with bridges, which should always support begindir.
if we would answer begindir requests, is the ORPort reachable?
check_whether_orport_reachable() is refactored in 004e1c27, see notes above
* if the ORPort is reachable, do we want to advertise begindir support?
4dda75fc creates decide_to_advertise_begindir(), like decide_to_advertise_dirport(), which should clean up a lot of nasty edge cases:
directory authorities should always support and advertise begindir,
ORs with disabled networks shouldn't advertise support for begindir (possibly not an issue, but done for consistency with DirPort),
ORPort reachability is required for advertisement (possibly not an issue, but done for consistency with DirPort),
we now call router_should_be_directory_server() once per descriptor upload, which I hope satisfies nickm's request to call it infrequently (NM1).
As nickm notes in comment 11, I need to make sure we do the reachability and advertisability checks, store the results, and then use the results to answer these questions.
NM1: This now happens once per descriptor upload, which means tor only logs when actually making the decision for each descriptor.
As dgoulet notes in 13 & 15, I should also remove redundant function calls.
DG1: I don't believe there are any redundant function calls in this patch.
Also, a28d98f4 adds the options used by these functions to the list of options we check to see if we need to rebuild our descriptor.
Finally, we need to update our descriptor when we change our mind about advertising the dirport or begindir support due to accounting max. We didn't do this in the past for DirPort, and we do it every 18 hours anyway, so I'm splitting it off into #18852 (moved) in case we want to defer it to 0.2.9 or later.
Trac: Actualpoints: N/Ato 16 hours Status: needs_revision to needs_review Points: N/Ato medium Reviewer: N/Ato dgoulet
for the changes file will produce surprising results when somebody cats all the changes files together.
+static int router_reachability_checks_disabled(void) { const or_options_t *options = get_options();
As a static helper function, it might be a bit cleaner to pass in options to it, especially since one of the two callers already has an 'options' hanging out ready to be passed in. We're certainly not consistent about this, but I think it's the righter thing to do.
I like 004e1c2704 but it looks like it does two things -- first is the refactor, and second is the change where check_whether_orport_reachable() considers net_is_disabled(). "Refactor" commits are easiest to review when they don't also change behavior. This could become two commits, the first adding the net_is_disabled() to check_whether_orport_reachable(), and the second adding the modular function along with a note "no actual changes in behavior" to make it clear that it's just a refactor.
3b) Does the behavior change from 004e1c2704 warrant a changelog entry? I think it probably does.
Also, I looked through the calls to check_whether_orport_reachable() and I don't think that behavior change will surprise us. Good.
"status/reachability-succeeded/or" 0 or 1, depending on whether we've found our ORPort reachable. "status/reachability-succeeded/dir" 0 or 1, depending on whether we've found our DirPort reachable. "status/reachability-succeeded"
I think the "we aren't trying to test reachability on it, so return 1" behavior might be surprising here. On the other hand, the reachability did succeed, in that we're not unhappy with the current state of things. Yuck. No need to fix it here but maybe we want to clean this up in the future?
In commit 4dda75fc0 we end up with a new function decide_to_advertise_begindir(), that looks like it shares a lot of code with the place you cut-and-pasted it from (decide_to_advertise_dirport())? Leaving these two functions in place together is begging for bugs in the future where one gets out of sync from the other.
+ /* redundant - if DirPort is unreachable, we don't publish a descriptor */ if (!check_whether_dirport_reachable())
I agree. Let's add a commit to take that check out?
It seems we still have a complicated mess of similar sounding functions, directory-permits-this, dirport-set-that, etc. Not something that needs to be fixed for this ticket, but certainly something worth working on for the future!
\ No newline at end of file
for the changes file will produce surprising results when somebody cats all the changes files together.
A1: 2c9b85d fixup! Changes file for #18616 (moved)
Also fixes a typo in the changes file name, and rewords one of the changes to make it clearer.
+static int router_reachability_checks_disabled(void)
const or_options_t *options = get_options();
As a static helper function, it might be a bit cleaner to pass in options to it, especially since one of the two callers already has an 'options' hanging out ready to be passed in. We're certainly not consistent about this, but I think it's the righter thing to do.
It also makes it slightly easier to unit test the function.
A2: a12df41 Refactor common code out of reachability checks
I like 004e1c2704 but it looks like it does two things -- first is the refactor, and second is the change where check_whether_orport_reachable() considers net_is_disabled(). "Refactor" commits are easiest to review when they don't also change behavior. This could become two commits, the first adding the net_is_disabled() to check_whether_orport_reachable(), and the second adding the modular function along with a note "no actual changes in behavior" to make it clear that it's just a refactor.
0a4ac3e Reverts original commit 004e1c2, so I can split it up without a force push
00bb4d7 Avoid checking ORPort reachability when the network is disabled
a12df41 Refactor common code out of reachability checks
3b) Does the behavior change from 004e1c2704 warrant a changelog entry? I think it probably does.
A3b: 00bb4d7 Avoid checking ORPort reachability when the network is disabled
3c) in control.c:
} else if (!strcmp(question, "status/reachability-succeeded/or")) {
*answer = tor_strdup(check_whether_orport_reachable() ? "1" : "0");
} else if (!strcmp(question, "status/reachability-succeeded/dir")) {
*answer = tor_strdup(check_whether_dirport_reachable() ? "1" : "0");
} else if (!strcmp(question, "status/reachability-succeeded")) {
tor_asprintf(answer, "OR=%d DIR=%d",
check_whether_orport_reachable() ? 1 : 0,
check_whether_dirport_reachable() ? 1 : 0);
are documented as
0 or 1, depending on whether we've found our ORPort reachable.
0 or 1, depending on whether we've found our DirPort reachable.
I think the "we aren't trying to test reachability on it, so return 1" behavior might be surprising here. On the other hand, the reachability did succeed, in that we're not unhappy with the current state of things. Yuck. No need to fix it here but maybe we want to clean this up in the future?
#18851 (moved) contains a branch with a control spec patch to clarify this behaviour
In commit 4dda75fc0 we end up with a new function decide_to_advertise_begindir(), that looks like it shares a lot of code with the place you cut-and-pasted it from (decide_to_advertise_dirport())? Leaving these two functions in place together is begging for bugs in the future where one gets out of sync from the other.
The logic is slightly more complex now, but I think it's better than the alternatives:
duplicate code,
a macro that expands to the function body
a third variable in the refactored function indicating either a DirPort or begindir check
/* redundant - if DirPort is unreachable, we don't publish a descriptor */
if (!check_whether_dirport_reachable())
I agree. Let's add a commit to take that check out?
A5: 1416a28 Remove redundant descriptor checks for OR/Dir reachability
It seems we still have a complicated mess of similar sounding functions, directory-permits-this, dirport-set-that, etc. Not something that needs to be fixed for this ticket, but certainly something worth working on for the future!
A6: #18918 (moved) Clarify directory and ORPort checking functions
This code passes the unit tests and make test-network-all.
If you don't want to re-review commits that have stayed the same, the unsquashed version is in bug18616-v3
When nickm wants to merge:
bug18616-v3-squashed removes commit 004e1c2 and its revert 0a4ac3e, and rewords the commit message on 4dda75f to remove a redundant sentence
bug18616-v3-rebased is on the latest maint-0.2.8, but there were no conflicts in the rebase
Trac: Actualpoints: 16 hours to 20 hours Reviewer: dgoulet to dgoulet, arma
Ok, I looked at bug18616-v3-squashed. Looks good to me.
I have a further cleanup patch on my side that I'm still working on. But I realized I'm confused about what's actually being fixed here.
Here's my in-progress new changes file:
o Major bugfixes (directory mirrors): - Fix broken DirPort self-checks. Decide to advertise begindir support the same way we decide to advertise DirPorts. Resolves bug 18616; bugfix on Patch by teor. o Minor bugfixes: - Add additional config options that might change the content of a relay's descriptor. Fixes more of bug 12538; bugfix on - Avoid checking ORPort reachability when the network is disabled.
For the first entry, what exactly was broken about them? I think that's this ticket. What was the actual bug?
And then for the last entry, was that something that could happen to users in practice?
Ok, I looked at bug18616-v3-squashed. Looks good to me.
I have a further cleanup patch on my side that I'm still working on. But I realized I'm confused about what's actually being fixed here.
Here's my in-progress new changes file:
o Major bugfixes (directory mirrors):
- Fix broken DirPort self-checks. Decide to advertise begindir
support the same way we decide to advertise DirPorts.
Resolves bug 18616; bugfix on Patch by teor.
o Minor bugfixes:
- Add additional config options that might change the content of
a relay's descriptor. Fixes more of bug 12538; bugfix on
- Avoid checking ORPort reachability when the network is disabled.
For the first entry, what exactly was broken about them? I think that's this ticket. What was the actual bug?
DirPort self-checks were failing with error messages. They also weren't being scheduled and checked correctly. We fixed some of it in #18623 (moved), this is the cleanup / remainder.
And then for the last entry, was that something that could happen to users in practice?
Yes, if they did a HUP after changing any of those options, it would be 18 hours before they were reflected in the descriptor. This would be a problem if they added a quota and wanted the DirPort to stop working soon.
Yes, if a relay operator sets DisableNetwork while the user updates the config, we shouldn't be testing ORPort reachability. I think it was still possible to do that.
arma asked me to re-title the ticket and fix the description
Trac: Description: This pre- spews every 5-6 sec a warning (never observed before). Furthermore the Bug: poped up (64 bit hardened Gentoo Linux)
Mar 23 18:21:51.000 [warn] We just marked ourself as down. Are your external addresses reachable?Mar 23 18:21:59.000 [warn] We just marked ourself as down. Are your external addresses reachable?Mar 23 18:22:03.000 [warn] We just marked ourself as down. Are your external addresses reachable?Mar 23 18:22:09.000 [warn] We just marked ourself as down. Are your external addresses reachable?Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] router_picked_poor_directory_log(): Bug: Firewall denied all OR and Dir addresses for all relays when searching for a directory. (on Tor 9093e3769746742f)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] Bug: Node search initiated by. Stack trace: (on Tor 9093e3769746742f)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] Bug: /usr/bin/tor(+0x11e255) [0x55ee9e0255] (on Tor 9093e3769746742f)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] Bug: /usr/bin/tor(+0x624c0) [0x55ee9244c0] (on Tor 9093e3769746742f)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] Bug: /usr/bin/tor(+0x62843) [0x55ee924843] (on Tor 9093e3769746742f)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] Bug: /usr/bin/tor(+0xebb2a) [0x55ee9adb2a] (on Tor 9093e3769746742f)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] Bug: /usr/bin/tor(+0x61f75) [0x55ee923f75] (on Tor 9093e3769746742f)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] Bug: /usr/bin/tor(+0x6a0dc) [0x55ee92c0dc] (on Tor 9093e3769746742f)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] Bug: /usr/bin/tor(+0x1720d) [0x55ee8d920d] (on Tor 9093e3769746742f)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] Bug: /usr/bin/tor(+0x3208c) [0x55ee8f408c] (on Tor 9093e3769746742f)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] Bug: /usr/lib64/ [0x3728572d830] (on Tor 9093e3769746742f)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] Bug: /usr/bin/tor(+0x1b585) [0x55ee8dd585] (on Tor 9093e3769746742f)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] Bug: /usr/bin/tor(+0x1ec05) [0x55ee8e0c05] (on Tor 9093e3769746742f)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] Bug: /usr/bin/tor(+0x16b6b) [0x55ee8d8b6b] (on Tor 9093e3769746742f)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] Bug: /lib64/ [0x3728443c9e4] (on Tor 9093e3769746742f)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] Bug: /usr/bin/tor(+0x16bb9) [0x55ee8d8bb9] (on Tor 9093e3769746742f)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] router info incompatible with extra info (ri id: 06E729BFD466279D4FCA6884DFCD9ACD64F0689A, ei id 06E729BFD466279D4FCA6884DFCD9ACD64F0689A, reason: Extrainfo digest did not match digest256 from routerdesc)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] router info incompatible with extra info (ri id: 3A1BA3B0813E1FD11833C9F430F3507662A58F43, ei id 3A1BA3B0813E1FD11833C9F430F3507662A58F43, reason: Extrainfo digest did not match digest256 from routerdesc)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] router info incompatible with extra info (ri id: D7563D50A4302B7DB3D6038637AD574E2A398D7E, ei id D7563D50A4302B7DB3D6038637AD574E2A398D7E, reason: Extrainfo digest
This ticket makes sure the checks that Tor does when advertising begindir support are similar to the checks it does when advertising the DirPort.
In particular:
bridges should advertise begindir support
authorities should always advertise begindir
we should never advertise begindir if the network is disabled
we should never advertise begindir if we don't have an ORPort (redundant, as we don't post descriptors without an ORPort)
relays should handle AccountingMax like they do for DirPort
These log messages are likely unrelated to this issue:
~~This pre- spews every 5-6 sec a warning (never observed before). Furthermore the Bug: poped up (64 bit hardened Gentoo Linux)
Mar 23 18:21:51.000 [warn] We just marked ourself as down. Are your external addresses reachable?Mar 23 18:21:59.000 [warn] We just marked ourself as down. Are your external addresses reachable?Mar 23 18:22:03.000 [warn] We just marked ourself as down. Are your external addresses reachable?Mar 23 18:22:09.000 [warn] We just marked ourself as down. Are your external addresses reachable?Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] router_picked_poor_directory_log(): Bug: Firewall denied all OR and Dir addresses for all relays when searching for a directory. (on Tor 9093e3769746742f)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] Bug: Node search initiated by. Stack trace: (on Tor 9093e3769746742f)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] Bug: /usr/bin/tor(+0x11e255) [0x55ee9e0255] (on Tor 9093e3769746742f)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] Bug: /usr/bin/tor(+0x624c0) [0x55ee9244c0] (on Tor 9093e3769746742f)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] Bug: /usr/bin/tor(+0x62843) [0x55ee924843] (on Tor 9093e3769746742f)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] Bug: /usr/bin/tor(+0xebb2a) [0x55ee9adb2a] (on Tor 9093e3769746742f)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] Bug: /usr/bin/tor(+0x61f75) [0x55ee923f75] (on Tor 9093e3769746742f)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] Bug: /usr/bin/tor(+0x6a0dc) [0x55ee92c0dc] (on Tor 9093e3769746742f)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] Bug: /usr/bin/tor(+0x1720d) [0x55ee8d920d] (on Tor 9093e3769746742f)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] Bug: /usr/bin/tor(+0x3208c) [0x55ee8f408c] (on Tor 9093e3769746742f)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] Bug: /usr/lib64/ [0x3728572d830] (on Tor 9093e3769746742f)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] Bug: /usr/bin/tor(+0x1b585) [0x55ee8dd585] (on Tor 9093e3769746742f)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] Bug: /usr/bin/tor(+0x1ec05) [0x55ee8e0c05] (on Tor 9093e3769746742f)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] Bug: /usr/bin/tor(+0x16b6b) [0x55ee8d8b6b] (on Tor 9093e3769746742f)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] Bug: /lib64/ [0x3728443c9e4] (on Tor 9093e3769746742f)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] Bug: /usr/bin/tor(+0x16bb9) [0x55ee8d8bb9] (on Tor 9093e3769746742f)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] router info incompatible with extra info (ri id: 06E729BFD466279D4FCA6884DFCD9ACD64F0689A, ei id 06E729BFD466279D4FCA6884DFCD9ACD64F0689A, reason: Extrainfo digest did not match digest256 from routerdesc)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] router info incompatible with extra info (ri id: 3A1BA3B0813E1FD11833C9F430F3507662A58F43, ei id 3A1BA3B0813E1FD11833C9F430F3507662A58F43, reason: Extrainfo digest did not match digest256 from routerdesc)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] router info incompatible with extra info (ri id: D7563D50A4302B7DB3D6038637AD574E2A398D7E, ei id D7563D50A4302B7DB3D6038637AD574E2A398D7E, reason: Extrainfo digest
Summary: Relay fails to self-test its DirPort with AccountingMax enabled to Make begindir advertise checks consistent with DirPort checks
I've deleted the distracting lines while I try to wrap my head around this.
Trac: Description: This ticket makes sure the checks that Tor does when advertising begindir support are similar to the checks it does when advertising the DirPort.
In particular:
bridges should advertise begindir support
authorities should always advertise begindir
we should never advertise begindir if the network is disabled
we should never advertise begindir if we don't have an ORPort (redundant, as we don't post descriptors without an ORPort)
relays should handle AccountingMax like they do for DirPort
These log messages are likely unrelated to this issue:
~~This pre- spews every 5-6 sec a warning (never observed before). Furthermore the Bug: poped up (64 bit hardened Gentoo Linux)
Mar 23 18:21:51.000 [warn] We just marked ourself as down. Are your external addresses reachable?Mar 23 18:21:59.000 [warn] We just marked ourself as down. Are your external addresses reachable?Mar 23 18:22:03.000 [warn] We just marked ourself as down. Are your external addresses reachable?Mar 23 18:22:09.000 [warn] We just marked ourself as down. Are your external addresses reachable?Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] router_picked_poor_directory_log(): Bug: Firewall denied all OR and Dir addresses for all relays when searching for a directory. (on Tor 9093e3769746742f)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] Bug: Node search initiated by. Stack trace: (on Tor 9093e3769746742f)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] Bug: /usr/bin/tor(+0x11e255) [0x55ee9e0255] (on Tor 9093e3769746742f)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] Bug: /usr/bin/tor(+0x624c0) [0x55ee9244c0] (on Tor 9093e3769746742f)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] Bug: /usr/bin/tor(+0x62843) [0x55ee924843] (on Tor 9093e3769746742f)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] Bug: /usr/bin/tor(+0xebb2a) [0x55ee9adb2a] (on Tor 9093e3769746742f)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] Bug: /usr/bin/tor(+0x61f75) [0x55ee923f75] (on Tor 9093e3769746742f)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] Bug: /usr/bin/tor(+0x6a0dc) [0x55ee92c0dc] (on Tor 9093e3769746742f)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] Bug: /usr/bin/tor(+0x1720d) [0x55ee8d920d] (on Tor 9093e3769746742f)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] Bug: /usr/bin/tor(+0x3208c) [0x55ee8f408c] (on Tor 9093e3769746742f)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] Bug: /usr/lib64/ [0x3728572d830] (on Tor 9093e3769746742f)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] Bug: /usr/bin/tor(+0x1b585) [0x55ee8dd585] (on Tor 9093e3769746742f)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] Bug: /usr/bin/tor(+0x1ec05) [0x55ee8e0c05] (on Tor 9093e3769746742f)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] Bug: /usr/bin/tor(+0x16b6b) [0x55ee8d8b6b] (on Tor 9093e3769746742f)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] Bug: /lib64/ [0x3728443c9e4] (on Tor 9093e3769746742f)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] Bug: /usr/bin/tor(+0x16bb9) [0x55ee8d8bb9] (on Tor 9093e3769746742f)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] router info incompatible with extra info (ri id: 06E729BFD466279D4FCA6884DFCD9ACD64F0689A, ei id 06E729BFD466279D4FCA6884DFCD9ACD64F0689A, reason: Extrainfo digest did not match digest256 from routerdesc)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] router info incompatible with extra info (ri id: 3A1BA3B0813E1FD11833C9F430F3507662A58F43, ei id 3A1BA3B0813E1FD11833C9F430F3507662A58F43, reason: Extrainfo digest did not match digest256 from routerdesc)Mar 23 18:22:14.000 [warn] router info incompatible with extra info (ri id: D7563D50A4302B7DB3D6038637AD574E2A398D7E, ei id D7563D50A4302B7DB3D6038637AD574E2A398D7E, reason: Extrainfo digest
This ticket makes sure the checks that Tor does when advertising begindir support are similar to the checks it does when advertising the DirPort.
In particular:
bridges should advertise begindir support
authorities should always advertise begindir
we should never advertise begindir if the network is disabled
we should never advertise begindir if we don't have an ORPort (redundant, as we don't post descriptors without an ORPort)
relays should handle AccountingMax like they do for DirPort
Here are further hints from teor about what's going on in this patch:
<teor> no, I mean we have the wrong checks<teor> the check used to be ri->supports_tunnelled_dir_requests =dir_server_mode(options) && router_should_be_directory_server(options,ri->dir_port);<teor> now it's directory_permits_begindir_requests(), which isoptions->BridgeRelay != 0 || dir_server_mode(options)<teor> that fixes a bridge issue with advertising begindir support<teor> then we also replace router->supports_tunnelled_dir_requests withdecide_to_advertise_begindir(options, router->supports_tunnelled_dir_requests)<teor> which fixes a whole heap of checks that were being done for DirPorts,but not for begindir
" bridges were not advertising begindir support", but:
entry_guard_set_status() has a specific bridge check
bridge check in add_an_entry_guard
no bridge check in router_pick_directory_server_impl, but it's made up for by a second check in add_an_entry_guard
To summarise #18616 (moved), the missing bridge begindir support was a bug waiting to happen, compensated for by conditionals scattered through the code
And the other missing checks could have caused subtle bugs too
My bug18616-v4 branch has some fixes on the changes file, as well as some comment fixes, as well as a bit of refactoring to pass options around a bit more.
If you like these changes, I think we're all set here.
My bug18616-v4 branch has some fixes on the changes file, as well as some comment fixes, as well as a bit of refactoring to pass options around a bit more.
If you like these changes, I think we're all set here.
Looks good, let's get arma's bug18616-v4 merged to 0.2.8 to fix #12538 (moved), which is already in 0.2.8.
Trac: Actualpoints: 20 hours to 25 hours Status: needs_review to merge_ready
There is a merge conflict in router.c between this code and code that was introduced in b8b5bccfd9f350c for #19003 (moved).
Before I push this, I'd like one of you to review my merge commit in branch "bug18616-v4-merged_028" to make sure that I resolved the conflict correctly, and that we won't be creating more problems here.
I have confirmed that it compiles and the unit tests still pass. Beyond that, who can say.
Trac: Status: merge_ready to needs_review Reviewer: arma to arma,teor
Yes, if a relay operator sets DisableNetwork while the user updates the config, we shouldn't be testing ORPort reachability. I think it was still possible to do that.
For posterity, I found another edge case like this one while working on this patch, and filed it under #19069 (moved).