I played a bit with it and to my surprise it showed at least the keypress event not being properly spoofed. The result for pressing ? on a german keyboard with german keyboard layout are attached.
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A noteworthy thing on the screenshot is the ß character as that is the key I actually pressed. Two other things I am wondering:
Did that regress? (It seems so)
We have tests for our keyboard spoofing. Do they need improvement for not catching this?
Trac: Owner: N/Ato tbb-team Priority: Medium to High Keywords: N/Adeleted, tbb-fingerprinting added Cc: N/Ato arthuredelstein Severity: Normal to Major Component: - Select a component to Applications/Tor Browser
It's not a regression, it's just an unimplemented feature. Here's the ticket: #16678 (moved).
Wait, wait, this is not about the ß key. As the bug title says it is about the keypress event. If you look again at the screenshot you'll see that there is no ß in the keypress row. But rather, there are charCode and which values that should be 191 instead of 63 as I am pressing the ? key. I basically tested with the same key as back in #15646 (moved). If you look at comment:13:ticket:15646 I got the same results for that event. It bothers me that I don't know anymore why I said "It looks better now" in comment:23:ticket:15646 because testing a bunch of older versions shows the same behavior. Thus, it seems we never fixed that part of my review feedback for some reason.
Regarding the ß result in the screenshot. Even though it is shown that the ? key is pressed the ß shows up if one releases the Shift key a bit earlier than the ? key. So, this part is indeed no regression rather a testing error. I got just confused that the ß showed up while the test said I pressed the ? key.
Trac: Status: closed to reopened Resolution: duplicate toN/A
It's not a regression, it's just an unimplemented feature. Here's the ticket: #16678 (moved).
Wait, wait, this is not about the ß key.
Oops, sorry! :) I misunderstood. In comment:1 you say "A noteworthy thing on the screenshot is the ß character as that is the key I actually pressed." So I assumed the ? in the Description was just the ß failing to render in trac.
I will investigate this further. What OS did you observe this on?
It's not a regression, it's just an unimplemented feature. Here's the ticket: #16678 (moved).
Wait, wait, this is not about the ß key.
Oops, sorry! :) I misunderstood. In comment:1 you say "A noteworthy thing on the screenshot is the ß character as that is the key I actually pressed." So I assumed the ? in the Description was just the ß failing to render in trac.
No worries. :)
I will investigate this further. What OS did you observe this on?
Both on Windows and Linux with german keyboard and german keyboard layout. I can test on other setups later next week if that's necessary.
I am getting the same result with a german keyboard and an en-US layout. Thus, it seems to me the keypress event leaks the fact that I have a german keyboard regardless of the layout ("layout" means here and in my comments above "funtional layout" while "german keyboard" means "german visual layout").
Okay, this is not a bug. It turns out I mixed up charCode and keyCode values. While we spoof the latter the former are merely ASCII values of the key that got pressed. By coincidence both give back 63 for ? on a with a german layout without spoofing. Our patch fixes that for the keyCode case leacing the charCode case untouched as it does not vary with a different keyboard layout.
Trac: Status: reopened to closed Resolution: N/Ato not a bug