If another STATUS_CLIENT message is received on the control port while Tor Launcher is displaying an error, the error message is replaced with a status message. This was reported in ticket:24367#comment:15.
To avoid this problem, we plan to ignore STATUS_CLIENT messages when Tor Launcher is in "error display" mode.
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The attachment I just added includes both tor and Tor Launcher logging. Notice that a STATUS_CLIENT NOTICE message is received after the STATUS_CLIENT WARN message. We are working on a patch for Tor Launcher.
Thanks, do you have some easy STR for me to check what happens without the patch and make sure your patch actually fixes this bug?
It is a little tricky to reproduce because the bug is timing-dependent, so you may need to try several times. And note that Kathy and I only reproduced it on OSX (but I think catalyst saw it on Linux). That said, here are some STR:
Start with a clean Tor Browser that uses the new Tor Launcher UI, e.g., 7.5a8.
Set you system clock forward; Kathy and I used 24 or 25 hours but catalyst saw the bug with a +3.5 hour offset.
Start Tor Browser and click Connect.
If the bug occurs, you will see a stalled progress bar after a while with a bold progress message such as "Loading relay information." The bold font is an indication that an error message was displayed and then replaced with a regular bootstrap progress message.