Replace Gson with Jackson in ExoneraTor
Related to Onionoo ticket #25848 (moved) and metrics-lib ticket #26159 (moved), we should replace Gson with Jackson in ExoneraTor. For reasons, see those tickets. I'll work on this.
Related to Onionoo ticket #25848 (moved) and metrics-lib ticket #26159 (moved), we should replace Gson with Jackson in ExoneraTor. For reasons, see those tickets. I'll work on this.
changed milestone to %ExoneraTor 2.1.0
Please review commit a563481 in my task-26163 branch.
The reason why I'm working on this ticket now, rather than after releasing metrics-lib and CollecTor this week, is to minimize the risk of running into things we don't like before we releasing anything.
Status: assigned to needs_review
Merged, released, and deployed. Closing.
Status: merge_ready to closed
Milestone: N/A to ExoneraTor 2.1.0
Resolution: N/A to fixed
mentioned in issue #26178 (moved)
mentioned in issue #26230 (moved)