After I installed tor on my usb, the initial opening works fine. When I try to open it after that, tor does not connect (no network settings page displays) and just opens firefox. No website loads at all after that.
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Are you installing directly to the USB drive or are you copying an installed version over to your USB drive before starting it first? Does either scenario make a difference for you?
I should clarify that I was creating a virtual drive within that USB but never had this issue on previous Tor versions. Also, I was using the 64bit version, however, this all applies to the 32bit version as well.
I directly installed Tor onto the virtual drive and copied it directly from the local c: drive as well. Same issue. Randomly, it may open and connect to Tor a couple times but eventually the same issue occurred and would stay permanent unless I install the entire Tor folder again from scratch. Tested it by leaving Tor at default settings and also changing settings, same issue.
Tried it on the local drive and directly onto the USB (non-virtual). The issue does not appear. So it seems that using Tor on virtual drive is the problem.