Vote's 'bandwidth-file-headers' is in wrong order
Hi network team. Moria1's present vote places its "bandwidth-file-headers" in the wrong location.
Tor's dir-spec says: "Status documents contain a preamble, an authority section, a list of router status entries, and one or more footer signature, in that order."
The trouble is that our bandwidth-file-headers field is specified as being part of the preamble, whereas moria1 places it after its authority section. Header fields appear in the following order...
- flag-thresholds (preamble)
- params (preamble)
- dir-source (authority section)
- contact (authority section)
- shared-rand-participate (authority section)
- shared-rand-commit (authority section, multiple)
- shared-rand-previous-value (authority section)
- shared-rand-current-value (authority section)
- bandwidth-file-headers (preamble)
- dir-key-certificate-version (key certificate)
- ... etc...
As a result Stem does not parse this field: #30282 (closed)