as part of an effort to reduce our dependence on an old server (moly), we should move majus (a non-redundant server) to a different host, probably the FSN* cluster.
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I may need a little help on this. Where are the backups or where can i see what is being backed up, to spot problems?
That's a good question! Backups are done on our central backup server, using the "Standardbackup" job, which uses the "Standard set", which looks like this:
So basically everything backed up on this server, with the notable exception of that Exclude list.
or shall I may a list of what I think should be moved?
That might be useful, I'm not sure. Maybe it's best if hiro or I just copy everything to the new server, unless you see a reason why we should make it different?
Also, are we going to have some puppet thing running the new server?
I'm not sure what you're asking here... Like all TPA machines, we do have Puppet running on this server and it will also run on the next one. We don't, however, have any specific configuration for translation in Puppet for Majus, so everything is configured by hand on this server.
I would be happy to integrate more Puppet stuff on this server, exactly to work around issues like the ones we faced this week. If more components of the service were in Puppet, it would be easier to restore the service: just run Puppet to recreate the service and restore only the data, as opposed to doing a barebones backup restore which is a more complex operation.