Additionally, remove (or update the value in hardwareConcurrency)) for redundant prefs due to RFP (or keep them as defense in depth if someone disabled RFP). The RFP patches for these override the pref values - all tested in alpha 9.0a.7
dom.maxHardwareConcurrency (or at least set as value 2 to match RFP)
There is a separate ticket for prefs clean-up #27268 (moved) which we started for ESR 60. Should we go over there adding your stuff for ESR 68?
OK, I'll add it all in there, but this would have been a cleaner, new ticket. Just finished a buttload of checkin' and yak shaving and will post in #27268 (moved)
Feel free to do so and close this ticket as a duplicate.
You'll have to close it for me. I can't edit tickets: can't change titles, keywords, status etc: I see no mechanism/menus/widgets etc to do so.