Torbutton as pure Firefox extension is now deprecated. The project now advocates to use TorBrowserBundle instead.
For users of Debian (and its derivative, Tails being one of them), it would probably be good to offer a more streamlined experience and ship TorBrowser as a Debian package.
In order to preserve the anonymity set, this browser should work as close as possible to the one shipped in the TorBrowserBundle.
The Debian policy states that a package should not contain any embedded code copy. So simply shipping the result of TorBrowserBundle build is not an option.
Mike Hommey (maintainer of Iceweasel) and Moritz Muehlenhoff (from the security team) are both ok to create a iceweasel-src package that would contain the source files needed to build a patched Firefox. A Debian package could apply specific Tor patches on top of that to build something close to core TorBrowser.
The rest of the features are provided through Firefox extensions. TBB is currently shipped HTTPS-Everywhere, NoScript and Torbutton. All of these extensions are already in Debian.
Having TorBrowser installed system-wide do open a new class of problems, though:
Profiles should probably be saved in a different directory in user $HOME than Iceweasel or official Firefox.
The ideal way to deal with system-wide extensions would probably be that: a new profile would start with all system extensions disabled except for the one shipped in TBB. By going through the Add-ons panel, user could re-enable more of them (even those that could lead to anonymity breaches).
Once a tor-browser binary package is in Debian, we can also have it depend on Vidalia and have a TorBrowser icon start the later, like TBB does.
I hope I have not overlooked anything on the various issues involved…
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Something to keep in mind is that in the TBB setting, Vidalia launches Tor and assigns a controller password, and then Vidalia launches Firefox and passes the controller password (and control port) as environment variables. It's not strictly necessary, but it's how Torbutton can trigger a 'new identity' call.
If Torbutton does #3968 (closed) or #3967 (closed), it would be on its way to being able to play well with the Tor deb, which (as of 0.2.2.x) sets both of those but doesn't configure any hashedpassword auth.
Another (more hacky) option is that Vidalia uses controlsocket or cookie auth to connect to Tor, then setconfs a hashedpassword option and launches Firefox with it.
If Torbutton does #3968 (closed) or #3967 (closed), it would be on its way to being able to play well with the Tor deb, which (as of 0.2.2.x) sets both of those but doesn't configure any hashedpassword auth.
And by "both of those" I mean controlsocket and cookie auth.
We still need a configuration-update tool for Firefox profiles, and a program that knows when to run that tool. On Debian, we would also need to ensure that configuration-update instructions are left installed on the system for updates from every version which has ever been installed on the system to the latest configuration version, until every TBB profile kept by each user on the system has been upgraded. (In general, determining whether it is safe to discard a piece of update information kept on the system requires breaking every encryption algorithm in existence, as well as solving the Halting Problem.)
One problem I can foresee with the idea of packaging TorBrowser for Debian is that the packaging of Firefox/Iceweasel usually lags behind upstream by several version numbers. This is particularly true of Debian stable. Thus it's likely that for most of the lifetime of each Debian stable release, the version of Iceweasel in stable will be considerably older than the version of Firefox that the upstream TorBrowser bundle is based on.
It is probably possible for an active attacker to detect the underlying version of Firefox by probing the level of javascript/css/html support that the browser provides (e.g. see the ecmascript compatibility tables at ). Thus a Debian-packaged TorBrowser will have a different "fingerprint" to a recent upstream TorBrowserBundle, and an attacker who is trying to track users will be able to distinguish between the two.
If there are considerably fewer users of Debian-packaged TorBrowser than users of the upstream TorBrowserBundle on all platforms (which is likely), users of Debian-packaged TorBrowser would have significantly less anonymity than users of the upstream TorBrowserBundle.
Related to, but no duplicate: #5236 (moved) "Make a deb of the Torbrowser and add to repository". (It's a request, to add Tor Browser as a standalone to the Tor repository.)
Sorry, but this issue does not need more information than what is available. It just needs someone to do the work.
Unfortunately, the task is daunting and its been a while since I had several consecutive days to focus on this. There is hope, though, as I might be able to spend a day with Mike Hommey to work out the interactions with Iceweasel source and binaries in a not so distant future. We'll see what will come out of it.
Why so complicated? Why do you want to go through the hassle, getting Tor Browser into Debian?
Getting Tor Browser into the Tor repository, should be an easier, more realistic task, which could be done in near future? I think it's also required preparation for Thandy. Tor/Vidalia/etc. are already in the Tor repository. I don't understand, why you want to go a special way for Tor Browser.
Leaving the distro packaging to the distros. They can pick it up, once it's in the Tor repository. If Debian wants it, they have to get interested themselves.
I also believe, that the following statement is true.
One problem I can foresee with the idea of packaging TorBrowser for Debian is that the packaging of Firefox/Iceweasel usually lags behind upstream by several version numbers. This is particularly true of Debian stable. [snip, see above...]
Why so complicated? Why do you want to go through the hassle, getting Tor Browser into Debian?
Because of the same reasons you'd usually want to use the native repository and bug tracker of a distro for most applications.
Getting Tor Browser into the Tor repository, should be an easier, more realistic task, which could be done in near future? I think it's also required preparation for Thandy. Tor/Vidalia/etc. are already in the Tor repository. I don't understand, why you want to go a special way for Tor Browser.
Leaving the distro packaging to the distros. They can pick it up, once it's in the Tor repository. If Debian wants it, they have to get interested themselves.
I also believe, that the following statement is true.
One problem I can foresee with the idea of packaging TorBrowser for Debian is that the packaging of Firefox/Iceweasel usually lags behind upstream by several version numbers. This is particularly true of Debian stable. [snip, see above...]
Hmm, maybe because of that it might make sense to try to get the patches of the TorBrowser upstream (I count 26 patches in src/current-patches/)? So that an 'iceweasel-tor' package could actually just provide a wrapper script, with no need for a modified Firefox/Iceweasel binary (which is probably easier said than done :), I obviously have no clue of the TorBrowser internals). This should greatly reduce long term maintance costs for an iceweasel-tor Debian package, shouldn't it?
Also another stupid question: I'm one of the Debian users who'd run a Debian iceweasel-tor next to a non-tor iceweasel. For the use-cases I'd have for the iceweasel-tor, I think I could live with an immutable, default profile. Actually, I think I'd feel much safer on a non-live-CD OS, if the Iceweasel profile for the Tor version were immutable (don't know if that makes sense). An immutable default profile should postpone the problems mentioned by lunar for now, right? It should postpone the need for a 'configuration-update tool for Firefox profiles' as rransom mentioned, shouldn't it?
Hmm, for the javascript/css/html support probing attack mentioned by cypherpunks, I guess an option to disable some of them in iceweasel would be needed, to unify iceweasel-tor fingerprint?
With both Tor and Debian on ESR probing and "outdated versions" is no longer an issue - till Mozilla drops support for 10.* and Debian stable doesn't follow. But for that there's and backports. No reason for a iceweasel-tor not to be available the same way.
- Camilo Viecco, who now works for Mozilla on adding privacy features toFirefox. He has been frustrated so far at getting his commits in: he hasbuy-in from the security team, but other teams block his commits withstatements like "it's an arms race we can't win, so don't even bothertrying to make things better". I encouraged him to get his mid-levelmanager to play the politics game better on his behalf.
Iirc, there was also a socks bug, where patch existed and mozilla still needed no less than 5 years until they finally merged it.
Please ask Mike on how difficult/realistic it is, to get the patches merged upstream. Since he hasn't replied to this thread, I'll mail him about it right away. Feel free to contact him as well by mail or ask about the patches thing on irc.
Hmm, maybe because of that it might make sense to try to get the patches of the TorBrowser upstream (I count 26 patches in src/current-patches/)? So that an 'iceweasel-tor' package could actually just provide a wrapper script, with no need for a modified Firefox/Iceweasel binary (which is probably easier said than done :), I obviously have no clue of the TorBrowser internals). This should greatly reduce long term maintance costs for an iceweasel-tor Debian package, shouldn't it?
TorBrowser contains patches against Firefox only because getting upstream to include the needed privacy fixes and improvements has always been painful until now.
On the Debian side, Mike Hommey said he did not want to be accountable for issues related to the TorBrowser patches and so he does not want to include them in the main 'iceweasel' package.
What he his willing to support and provide (and Debian security team is supportive as well) is an 'iceweasel-src' package that would contain Iceweasel source code. Another package could be built using it to create the TorBrowser.
I still would like to do that part of the work. Life has been an issue, though. If people with enough Debian knowledge have enough free time on their hands, they should go ahead!
I've been following this bug, and think I came up with a workable solution. I don't think it could end up in Debian, however, because it does include shipping the result of the TorBrowserBundle build.
But I think it would be great to get this in the repository, and have Debian people put in the effort if they want it in the main repository.
Basically, we can make a deb package that contains a launcher script and the TBB tarball. When you run the launcher script, it checks if the current user has ~/.torbrowser/
Updated versions of the package would just include the new TBB tarball and the $VERSION variable would be changed.
Since this uses the same TBB that others use, it avoids problems with browser fingerprinting recognizing Debian users. It also allows you to have a changable Firefox profile like people are used to, however it will get reset with each upgrade.
This package I made also includes a "Tor Browser" application launcher that uses the TBB icon to show up in the desktop manager application menu. Could this work?
It is great to see any kind of progress on this ticket. Since it can't go into Debian but into deb repository it should perhaps be better discussed in:
#5236 (moved) "Make a deb of the Torbrowser and add to repository"
I've written a launcher program called Tor Browser Launcher that I think can get accepted into Debian without a problem, that hands downloading TBB for the first time or downloading updates, verifying signatures, extracting it, and running it.
I've written a launcher program called Tor Browser Launcher that I think can get accepted into Debian without a problem, that hands downloading TBB for the first time or downloading updates, verifying signatures, extracting it, and running it.
I'm sure your launcher program will be useful to some users, but it's not a substitute for a proper torbrowser debian package. In particular, it's useless to users on architectures other than x86.
I've written a launcher program called Tor Browser Launcher that I think can get accepted into Debian without a problem, that hands downloading TBB for the first time or downloading updates, verifying signatures, extracting it, and running it.
I'm sure your launcher program will be useful to some users, but it's not a substitute for a proper torbrowser debian package. In particular, it's useless to users on architectures other than x86.
Why is that? TBB for Linux is only released in x86 and amd64, and Tor Browser Launcher works great for both.
It's been a couple weeks since I've had time to fix the final bugs (I'm hoping to dig out a solid hack day soon), but it already works well enough to download TBB for your architecture, in your language, verify signatures, and auto-update.
Why is that? TBB for Linux is only released in x86 and amd64, and Tor Browser Launcher works great for both.
I'm sorry, I certainly didn't mean to denigrate your work, your launcher program makes it very easy for users on i386 and amd64 to download the official TBB.
As you say, TBB is only built for i386 and amd64 (I was referring to both collectively when I said x86), and Debian supports many other architectures. However, there's nothing really architecture-specific about Tor Browser; a proper debian-packaged Tor Browser would be built for every architecture that debian supports.
Also, packages that download binaries as torbrowser-launcher does, generally can't be distributed in Debian main. Moreover, torbrowser-launcher won't work when access to the tor project website is being blocked; a proper debian-packaged Tor Browser would be distributed via the standard debian mirrors.
In the absence of such a package, torbrowser-launcher is certainly useful for users on x86.