NNTP SSL broken?
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- proper changed milestone to %Tor: unspecified
changed milestone to %Tor: unspecified
Does it fail by default or when TorBirdy is enabled or in both cases?
Cc: N/A to sukhbir.in@gmail.comIt fails with or without TorBirdy installed. I tried all the different ports and it's still failing when using Tor.
Cc: sukhbir.in@gmail.com to sukhbir.in@gmail.com, adrelanos@riseup.netReplying to proper:
I don't think it's open blocked ports and exit policies. It also doesn't work when using port 443.
I can't connect to [https://gmane.org] directly (without Tor). Why are you claiming that this is a Tor bug?
Milestone: N/A to Tor: unspecifiedTrac:
Keywords: N/A deleted, tor-client addedTrac:
Reviewer: N/A to N/A
Sponsor: N/A to N/A
Severity: N/A to Normal
Resolution: N/A to worksforme
Status: assigned to closed- Trac closed
- Trac moved to tpo/core/tor#8069 (closed)
moved to tpo/core/tor#8069 (closed)