Tor Weekly News is a short newsletter-style bulletin about anything to do with the development or use of the Tor software. The newsletter is published every Wednesday via the tor-news mailing list, the tor-talk mailing list and also on the Tor Project’s blog.
Goals: We hope to offer an easy way for people to keep themselves informed about the many things that are going on in the sprawling Tor community, to feel and fuel the collective energy, and to spread the word about where help is most needed.
Project status: dormant (see our org/operations/services/newsletter instead)
Target audience
- Developers
- Relay operators
- Enthusiasts
- Power users
How does it work?
**Update 9/18: org/teams meet weekly on IRC and give updates on tor-dev (see also the respective wiki page for each team's communication channels). Information below may be outdated.
Each week, we watch the various places where Tor developers and users communicate (mailing lists, internet discussion channels, blogs, question-and-answer sites), pick up on anything that we feel should be brought to everyone’s attention (questions, problems, interesting new developments), and write it up on a dedicated web page for that week, which is hosted here on the Tor wiki (see below for style guidelines and full details of the process).
At about 12:00 UTC on Tuesday, we stop accepting new items (the ‘freeze’), and make sure that everything looks good (that lines of text are all under a certain length, for example), is technically accurate, and that the English is clear and easy to understand. Then, around 24 hours after the freeze, the editor copies the text from the week’s page into an email, sends it out, and posts it at the same time to the blog.
Release: Through the tor-news mailing list, the tor-talk mailing list and also on the Tor Project’s blog.
Internal communication: The news-team mailing-list and the #tor-project IRC channel on
How can I get involved?
If you'd like to help, the best thing to start with would be to read through the basic guidelines below, look at a couple of past issues of the newsletter to get an idea of how it works, and then register an account at the wiki to make edits.
If you’re just getting started learning about Tor, you might want to begin by looking at the English in the newsletter, since some of us are not native speakers, and we could always use some tuning up where spelling and grammar are concerned. Or, if you feel more comfortable with how Tor works, you can look for important and relevant links and items and add them to the bottom of the week’s page under ’possible items’, or send them to the internal news-team mailing-list.
We have an internal mailing-list where we organize ourselves. Members of the list also automatically receive a digest of all edits to the week’s issue, so it’s easy to see what has changed.
Here are some of the things we report on:
- Posts on
- Software release announcements: Tor, TBB, Torbirdy, Tails, Whonix, tor-ramdisk, etc.
- Calls for testing or help.
- On-going project discussions on tor-talk@ or tor-dev@
- Important code milestones
- Meaningful blog posts by the community
- Quotes
- Easy development tasks to get involved with
Out of scope: anything that does not comply with the trademark policy, projects that do not use Tor (except those supported by the Tor project itself, like OONI or MAT).
Tor Weekly News is inspired by Debian Weekly News (2006-03-21 edition as an example). Ideally, the newsletter should be sent on Wednesday so it can also appear in the development section of Linux Weekly News (released every Thursday). See 2012-06-12 as an example.
Areas to watch
Communication channels:
- OONI blog
- trac timeline
- Tor Q&A
- Tor sub-reddit
- tor-bugs mailing-list
- tor-commits mailing-list
- tor-talk mailing-list
- tor-dev mailing-list
- tor-project mailing-list
- tbb-dev mailing-list
- tor-reports mailing-list
- tor-mirrors mailing-list
- www-team mailing-list
- onionoo-announce mailing-list
- ooni-dev mailing-list
- ooni-talk mailing-list
- tor-bsd mailing-list
- Tails news page
- tails-dev mailing-list
- tails-project mailing-list
- tails-ux mailing-list
- tails-support has no archive, so in cannot be covered in TWN
- tails-testers mailing-list
- tails-l10n mailing-list
- tor-ramdisk
- Twitter accounts: @torproject, @OpenObservatory, @Tails_live, @Whonix
- IRC:
This list can be added to!
Freeze process
- Insert the next easy development tasks to get involved with. From zero to three depending on much content we already have.
- Fill in events with online meetings (see the calendar and other events that appear on the blog)
- Add numbers for references (you can use the numerize.rb script to help you).
- Credit every one who participated in the issue. Look up page history to figure it out.
- Update the status on the week’s page. Do not forget to mention expected publication time.
- Send an email to the news-team mailing list calling for reviews. Don't forget the deadline.
- Create a new page for next week from the template. Don't forget to update the dates!
- Update the next steps on the main TWN page: mention that this week's edition needs review and link to the new issue.
Release process
- Credit reviewers if they are not yet listed.
- Do a final check to ensure that the reference are good. ** DO IT! ** Bad links are useless!
- Put unbreakable spaces where they belong (see below).
- Do a final word wrapping pass.
- Send one email addressing both tor-news and tor-talk.
- If you have access, moderate the post to tor-news.
- Adapt the text for the blog: transform in pseudo-HTML. Paragraphs are separated by a blank line and should be all in a single line. Use
for titles, for links, and
to separate the content from the footer. Add a link on the first “weekly news” to the tor-news mailing list page. Remove upcoming events (they are already on the blog). You can use the linkify script to help you. - Login to the blog.
- Create a new blog post by clicking on the right side on Add a New Blog Post':
- ''Title'': enter the mail subject
- ''Tags'':
tor weekly news
- ''Body'': put reformatted newsletter
- ''Input format'': Select ''Full HTML''
- ''Comment settings'': Select ''Disabled''.
- ''Authoring information'': Mangle the date so that it's 12:00 UTC.
- ''Publishing options'': Untick ''Published''.
- Review the blog post. Make sure the links are correct and there is no extra line wraps.
- Click edit, tick Published in Publishing options.
- Notify phobos(?) so the issue gets a tweet from @torproject account.
- Remove the newsletter content from the week's page and add a link to the tor-news archive instead.
- Update the archive section of this very page to point to the message in the tor-news archive.
- Update the next steps on this very page to remove reference to the issue that has just been sent.
Note: Lunar and harmony can moderate messages on tor-news and publish on the blog.
Writing tips
- Start a new newsletter with the template.
- Use
to reference bug 9999. - Cite the URL when referring to a specific Tor mailing list message.
- Cite emails, blogs, sites, etc. that are referenced in each news item.
- Don't use the first person ("I", "We").
- Write dates as Month date, year. Example: July 3rd, 2013.
- Keep news item titles concise.
- Only list the 4 next upcoming events.
- Typographic nitpicks: only one space after periods, use proper unicode symbols (quotes “ ” / apostrophe ’ / ellipsis … / parenthesis style hyphens —), put a non-breaking space before a citation
- Lines should not be longer than 72 characters (except URL) for the mail edition.
- Headlines have matching numbers of dashes underneath.
- Use oxford commas for lists.
- 3 space indent for single digit citations.
- 2 space indent for double digit citations.
- 1 empty line between last citation and next news item headline.
- 1 space between citation close bracket and URL.
- No paragraph indents.
- Date at the top is the current newsletter's release date.
- Put non-breaking spaces before references in the paragraph (like "the Tor Browser Bundle[23]") and between the citation number and URL (like "[23]:https://...").
- Do not use “here” as link test.
Capitalization of Tor:
- The Tor Project, Inc.
- the Tor project
- the Tor network
- the tor daemon but the main software package is Tor (which actually includes several programs, like tor, tor-resolve, etc.)
- The Tails team wants (instead of want)
- Comments on the Tor blog can be linked to in this format: where XXXXX can be found by clicking on 'reply' and looking at the end of the URL
Technical tips
TODO: It would be great if a list could be made of vim/emacs/... commands or plugins (or any auxilary programs, for that matter) that configure the editor such that all contributors can automatically adhere to the above typographic conventions.
If you're comfortable with Vim, vimdiff
is good for resolving edit conflicts.
If you're indoctrinated into Emacs, there is an untried trac-wiki editing script
If you wrap with Sublime Text 2, "rulers": [72] and then Wrap Paragraph at Ruler (Alt + Q).
If you use Thunderbird to send the newsletter, use the Toggle Word Wrap extension to disable automatic word wrapping and handle it yourself. Alternatively, go to the "Config Editor" under Preferences->Advanced->General, and set "mailnews.wraplength" to zero.
- July 3rd, 2013: mail, blog: Deterministic, independently reproduced builds of Tor Browser Bundle, Minor progress on datagram-based transport, obfsproxyssh, Crowdfunding for Tor exit relays and bridges, Tails 0.19 is out, new stable Tor Browser Bundles, Jenkins + Stem catching their first regression, First round of reports from GSoC projects
- July 10th, 2013: mail, blog: First release candidate for Tor 0.2.4.x series, New vulnerability in Tor Browser Bundle 2.3.25-10?, The Tor Project is hiring a Lead Automation Engineer, outage, An experimental transparent Tor proxy for Windows, Theft of Tor relay private keys?, A new interface to explore the Tor network
- July 17th, 2013: mail, blog: Last call for testing Tor 0.2.4 branch, Tor Hack Day, Munich, Germany, 13th Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium, Hardware for high bandwidth relay, Blocking GFW probes on the firewall, Is it worth running a relay on a home broadband connection?, Using Mumble with Tor
- July 24th, 2013: mail, blog: Summer Development Meeting 2013, Remote descriptor fetching in Stem, Orbot 12.0.1 call for beta testing
- July 31st, 2013: mail, blog: Summer Developer Meeting Wrap-up, Comparing handshake protocols for Tor: Ace vs ntor, New Globe web application to explore the Tor network, Tor at OHM2013 - Netherlands
- August 7th, 2013: mail, blog: Large hidden services provider compromised, attacks older TBB versions, Monthly status reports for July 2013
- August 14th, 2013: mail, blog: New Tor Browser Bundle releases, Tails 0.20 has been released, New release candidate for the 0.2.4 tor branch, About Tor Browser usability, Tails 2013 summit, Three new proposals
- August 21st, 2013: mail, blog: Future of pluggable transports integration, Extended ORPort land in tor 0.2.5, A new implementation for the web side of, Tor exit crowdfunding, A Flattr-like incentive for Tor relays?
- August 28th, 2013: mail, blog: Orweb Security Advisory, “Why would anyone want a deterministic build process?”, Filters and the default Tor Browser search engine, Sudden rise in direct Tor users
- September 4th, 2013: mail, blog: Serious network overload, Latest findings regarding traffic correlation attacks, A peek inside the Pirate Browser, Monthly status reports for August 2013
- September 11th, 2013: mail, blog: tor is out, The future of Tor cryptography, Toward a better performance measurement tool
- September 18th, 2013: mail, blog: Official response to QUICK ANT disclosure, Entry guards and linkability, The lifecycle of a new relay: further research needed, Food for thought, Tor help desk roundup
- September 25th, 2013: mail, blog: Reimbursement of exit operators, Tails 0.20.1 is out, New Tor Browser Bundles released, Tor mini-hackathon at GNU 30th Anniversary Celebration, Clock skew: false alarm
- October 2th, 2013: mail, blog: Tor Browser Bundle 3.0alpha4 released, Tor mini-hackathon at GNU 30th anniversary, Tor Stack Exchange page in private beta, liballium: Pluggable Transports utility library in C, Monthly status reports for September 2013
- October 9th, 2013: mail, blog: New tranche of NSA/GCHQ Tor documents released, tor is out, How did Tor achieve reproducible builds?, Toward a new Tor Instant Messaging Bundle, More monthly status reports for September 2013
- October 16th, 2013: mail, blog: Making hidden services more scalable and harder to locate, Detecting malicious exit nodes, Hiding location at the hardware level
- October 23rd, 2013: mail, blog: Tor’s anonymity and guards parameters, Hidden Service research, Usability issues in existing OTR clients
- October 30th, 2013: mail, blog: A few highlights from this year’s Google Summer of Code, Collecting data against network level adversaries
- November 6th, 2013: mail, blog: Tails 0.21 is out, New Tor Browser Bundles based on Firefox 17.0.10esr, Monthly status reports for October 2013
- November 13th, 2013: mail, blog: First beta release of Tor Browser Bundle 3.0, A critique of website traffic fingerprinting attacks, The “bananaphone” pluggable transport
- Novemeber 20th, 2013: mail, blog: tor is out, USB Sticks for Tails, New version of, Current state of the proposals
- November 27th, 2013: mail, blog: Round of updated Tor Browser Bundles, Tor is looking for a Browser Hacker and an Extension Developer!, “Safeplug”
- December 4th, 2013: mail, blog: Next-Generation Hidden Services reach draft proposal state, Tor relay operators meeting at 30C3
- December 11th, 2013: mail, blog: Introducing a new Lead Automation Engineer, Freedom of the Press Foundation launch a support campaign for Tor, More monthly status reports for November 2013
- December 18th, 2013: mail, blog: Tor is out, Tor Browser Bundle 3.5rc1 is out, Tails 0.22 is out, awarded $250,000 grant
- December 25th, 2013: mail, blog: The 3.x series of the Tor Browser Bundle is now stable, The Tor Project now accepts donation in Bitcoin, Tor is out, Tor events at the 30th Chaos Communication Congress
- January 8th, 2014: mail, blog: Tor at the 30th Chaos Communication Congress, Tor website needs your help!, Monthly status reports for December 2013
- January 15th, 2014: mail, blog: Orbot 13 is out, Who are the Tor Project’s website visitors?, Let’s save Tor Weather!, More monthly status reports for December 2013
- January 22nd, 2014: mail, blog: Future of the geolocalization database used in Tor software, Key generation on headless and diskless relays, Exposing malicious exit relays
- January 29th, 2014: mail, blog: Tor Browser Bundle 3.5.1 is released, New Tor denial of service attacks and defenses, Good times at Real World Crypto 2014, The media and some terminology
- February 4th, 2014: mail, blog: News from the browser team front, Key revocation in next generation hidden services, Help needed to remove DNS leaks from Mumble, Monthly status reports for January 2014
- February 12th, 2014: mail, blog: Tails 0.22.1 is out, Tor Browser Bundle 3.5.2 is released, Call to bridge operators to deploy ScrambleSuit, More status reports for January 2014
- February 19th, 2014: mail, blog: Tor is out, Tor Browser is released, Help draft a proposal for partnership with the Wikimedia Foundation, Only as good as your weakest transport?
- February 26th, 2014: mail, blog: News from the 2014 Winter Developers’ Meeting in Reykjavík
- March 5th, 2014: mail, blog: Tor is out, Tor in Google Summer of Code 2014, Two ways to help with Tails development, Monthly status reports for February 2014
- March 12th, 2014: mail, blog: New release of tor-ramdisk, Tails launches a logo contest, More status reports for February 2014
- March 19th, 2014: mail, blog: Accessing the Tor network from China, Circumventing censorship through “too-big-too-block” websites, Switching to a single guard node?
- March 26th, 2014: mail, blog: Tor is out, Tails 0.23 is out…, New Tor Browser releases
- April 2nd, 2014: mail, blog: Tor Project website redesign takes two steps forward, QR codes for bridge addresses, Client identification in hidden service applications, Monthly status reports for March 2014
- April 9th, 2014: mail, blog: The Heartbleed Bug and Tor, A hall of Tor mirrors, Mission Impossible: hardening Android for security and privacy, More monthly status reports for March 2014
- April 16th, 2014: mail, blog: New beta version of Tor Browser 3.6, Key rotation at every level, More monthly status reports for March 2014
- April 23rd, 2014: mail, blog: Cutting out relays running version 0.2.2.x
- April 30th, 2014: mail, blog: Tor is released, Introducing the 2014 Google Summer of Code projects
- May 7th, 2014: mail, blog: Tor Browser 3.6 is released, Tails 1.0 is out, Monthly status reports for April 2014
- May 14th, 2014: mail, blog: Tor Browser 3.6.1 is released, More monthly status reports for April 2014
- May 21st, 2014: mail, blog: Tor is out, Digital Restrictions Management and Firefox
- May 28th, 2014: mail, blog: OnionShare and tor’s ControlPort, The “Tor and HTTPS” visualization made translatable, A Child’s Garden of Pluggable Transports
- June 4th, 2014: mail, blog: Tails moves to Wheezy, Stem 1.2 brings interactive interaction with the Tor daemon, Monthly status reports for May 2014
- June 11th, 2014: mail, blog: Tor Browser 3.6.2 is out, The EFF announces its 2014 Tor Challenge, Tor and the “EarlyCCS” bug, A new website for the directory archive, More monthly status reports for May 2014
- June 18th, 2014: mail, blog: Tails 1.0.1 is out, Collecting statistics from Tor exits in a privacy-sensitive manner, Upcoming developments in pluggable transports
- June 25th, 2014: mail, blog: Tor is out, Debian Wheezy’s tor version to be updated
- July 2nd, 2014: mail, blog: Tor Weekly News turns one, 2014 Summer Tor meeting, Tails user experience experiments, Monthly status reports for June 2014
- July 9th, 2014: mail, blog: On being targeted by the NSA, More monthly status reports for June 2014
- July 16th, 2014: mail, blog: Roundup of research on incentives for running Tor relays, Defending against guard discovery attacks with layered rotation time, More monthly status reports for June 2014
- July 23rd, 2014: mail, blog: Tails 1.1 is out!, PETS 2014
- July 30th, 2014: mail, blog: Tor Browser 3.6.3 is out, New Tor stable and alpha releases, Security issue in Tails 1.1 and earlier, Reporting bad relays
- August 6th, 2014: mail, blog: Tor and the RELAY_EARLY traffic confirmation attack, Why is bad-relays a closed mailing list?, Monthly status reports for July 2014
- August 13th, 2014: mail, blog: Torsocks 2.0 is now considered stable, Next generation Hidden Services and Introduction Points, More status reports for July 2014
- August 20th, 2014: mail, blog: Tor Browser 3.6.4 and 4.0-alpha-1 are out, The Tor network no longer supports designating relays by name
- August 27th, 2014: mail, blog: Orfox: a new Firefox-based secure browser for Android
- September 3rd, 2014: mail, blog: Tor Browser 3.6.5 and 4.0-alpha-2 are out, Tails 1.1.1 is out, Helping Internet services accept anonymous users, Monthly status reports for August 2014
- September 10th, 2014: mail, blog: More monthly status reports for August 2014
- September 17th, 2014: mail, blog: tor is out, Tor protects library patrons’ right to privacy, Hidden service enumeration and how to prevent it
- September 24th, 2014: mail, blog: The EFF concludes its 2014 Tor Challenge, Guardiness and Tor’s directory authorities
- October 1st, 2014: mail, blog: Tor and are out, Tor Browser 3.6.6 and 4.0-alpha-3 are out, Tails 1.1.2 is out, obfs4 is ready for general deployment: bridge operators needed!
- October 8th, 2014: mail, blog: Setup ooniprobe in five minutes, Monthly status reports for September 2014
- October 15th, 2014: mail, blog: Academic research into Tor: four recent studies
- October 22nd, 2014: mail, blog: Tor is out, Tor Browser 4.0 is out, Tails 1.2 is out
- October 29th, 2014: mail, blog: Tor is out
- November 5th, 2014: mail, blog: Tor is out, Tor Browser 4.0.1 is out, Facebook, hidden services, and HTTPS certificates, Monthly status reports for October 2014
- November 12th, 2014: mail, blog: Mozilla announces Polaris Privacy Initiative, Tor and Operation Onymous, More monthly status reports for October 2014
- November 19th, 2014: mail, blog: Tor Browser 4.5-alpha-1 is out, Tor Browser on 32-bit Macs approaches end-of-life
- November 26th, 2014: mail, blog: A new Tor directory authority
- December 3rd, 2014: mail, blog: GetTor is back, Monthly status reports for November 2014
- December 10th, 2014: mail, blog: Tor Browser 4.0.2 and 4.5-alpha-2 are out, Tails 1.2.1 is out, More monthly status reports for November 2014
- December 17th, 2014: mail, blog: Solidarity against online harassment, Tails 1.2.2 is out
- December 24th, 2014: mail, blog: Stem 1.3 is out
- December 31st, 2014: mail, blog: Attacks and rumors of attacks
- January 7th, 2015: mail, blog: Tor is out, Tor at 31c3, Monthly status reports for December 2014
- January 14th, 2015: mail, blog: What to do if meek gets blocked
- January 21st, 2015: mail, blog: Tor Browser 4.0.3 and 4.5a3 are out
- January 28th, 2015: mail, blog: The future of Private Browsing Mode
- February 4th, 2015: mail, blog: Mozilla’s Tor relays go live, Monthly status reports for January 2015
- February 11th, 2015: mail, blog: The 2015 Tor UX Sprint, Tor and the Library Freedom Project, Vidalia laid to rest, More monthly status reports for January 2015
- February 18th, 2015: mail, blog: Onion services
- February 25th, 2015: mail, blog: Tor 0.2.6-alpha-3 is out, Tails 1.3 is out, CITIZENFOUR wins many awards
- March 4th, 2015: mail, blog: Tor Browser 4.0.4 and 4.5-alpha-4 are out, Reddit donates $82,765.95 to The Tor Project, Inc., 2015 Winter Tor meeting, Monthly status reports for February 2015
- March 11th, 2015: mail, blog: Tor is out, More monthly status reports for February 2015
- March 18th, 2015: mail, blog: An animated introduction to Tor, Thanks Reddit!
- March 25th, 2015: mail, blog: Tor,, and are out, Tor Browser 4.0.5 is out, Tails 1.3.1 is out, Who runs most of the Tor network?
- April 1st, 2015: mail, blog: Tor Browser 4.0.6 and 4.5a5 are out, Tails 1.3.2 is out, Crowdsourcing the future (of onion services), Spreading the word about Tor with free brochures, Monthly status reports for March 2015
- April 8th, 2015: mail, blog: Tor and are out, Tor Summer of Privacy — apply now!, Should onion services disclose how popular they are?, More monthly status reports for March 2015
- April 15th, 2015: mail, blog: Tor Browser 4.0.8 is out, Hidden services that aren’t hidden, Tor Summer of Privacy — entry closing soon!, More monthly status reports for March 2015
- April 22nd, 2015: mail, blog: A new era at the Tor Project, Tor Summer of Privacy — chosen projects announced!
- April 29th, 2015: mail, blog: Tor Browser 4.5 is out
- May 6th, 2015: mail, blog: Tor Project, Inc. appoints Interim Executive Director, Monthly status reports for April 2015
- May 14th, 2015: mail, blog: Tor is out, Tails 1.4 is out, Tor Cloud is retired, Relay operators: please enable IPv6!, More monthly status reports for April 2015
- May 22nd, 2015: mail, blog: Tor is out, Tor Browser 4.5.1 and 5.0a1 are out, Fixing the Tor network’s bandwidth measurement system, Stopping onion service DoS attacks by limiting connections, What is the value of anonymous communication?
- May 28th, 2015: mail, blog: New faces in the Tor community
- June 3rd, 2015: mail, blog: United Nations Special Rapporteur endorses Tor, Monthly status reports for May 2015
- June 11th, 2015: mail, blog: Blocking-resistant communication through domain fronting, The Art of Dissent, More monthly status reports for May 2015
- June 17th, 2015: mail, blog: Tor is out, Tor Browser 4.5.2 and 5.0a2 are out, The future of GetTor and uncensorable software distribution, Great progress on Orfox browser, A persistent Tor state for Tails?
- June 24th, 2015: mail, blog: Adopt an onion with Nos Oignons
- July 2nd, 2015: mail, blog: Tor Messenger Third Alpha is out, OnionBalance 0.0.1 is out, Tor Weekly News turns two, Monthly status reports for June 2015
- July 10th, 2015: mail, blog: Tails 1.4.1 is out, Tor Browser 4.5.3 and 5.0a3 are out, Tor unaffected by new OpenSSL security issue, OVH is the largest and fastest-growing AS on the Tor network, More monthly status reports for June 2015
- July 15th, 2015: mail, blog: Caspar Bowden, The Tor Project launches its search for a new Executive Director, Tor is out, New onion service-related proposals, ExoneraTor gets an update, The Vegas plan continues to roll out
- July 22th, 2015: mail, blog: More TSoP status reports
- August 8th, 2015: mail, blog: Tor is out, Tor Browser 5.0a4 is out, Random number generation during Tor voting, CameraV (aka InformaCam) is out, Monthly status reports for July month 2015
- August 14th, 2015: mail, blog: Tor Browser 5.0 and 5.5a1 are out, Tails 1.5 is out, OnioNS beta testing version is out
- August 20th, 2015: mail, blog: Tor Browser 5.0.1 is out, Tor talks at Chaos Communication Camp 2015, Happy sixth birthday, Tails!
- August 30th, 2015: mail, blog: Hash visualizations to protect against onion phishing, Tor-enabled Debian mirrors
- September 4th, 2015: mail, blog: Tor Browser 5.0.2 and 5.5a2 are out, Final reports from two Summer of Privacy students, Should cloud-based Tor relays be rejected?
- September 10th, 2015: mail, blog: Introducing the tor-teachers list
- October 24th, 2015: mail, blog: Tails 1.6 is out, Orfox reaches beta, Final Tor Summer of Privacy reports. Monthly status reports for September 2015
- October 31st, 2015: mail, blog: IETF reserves .onion as a Special-Use Domain Name, Tor proposal updates
- February 15th, 2016: mail: Tails 2.0 and Tor Browser 5.5.1.