A meeting about hidden services in Washington DC happening early in July 2015.
From the 9th of July to the 13th (and more?).
- kernelcorn's OnioNS [asn] [kernelcorn] [dgoulet]
- design
- compatibility with 224 and Donncha's work
- required modifications to Tor
- installation best practices
- how to actually deploy it realistically?
- OnionDNS (oniondns.org, distinct from OnioNS, just as an FYI)
- Hidden Service fingerprinting defenses (the USENIX paper) [kernelcorn] [dgoulet] [Aaron Johnson] [Rob]
- Direct onion services [dgoulet] [Aaron Johnson] [syverson] [Rob]
- Binding DNS domains and onion addresses
- Are guards, introduction points, and rendezvous points needed?
- Guard discovery attacks [asn] [Aaron Johnson] [special] [syverson] [Rob]
- How to make the attacks harder for hidden services that care
- Next Generation Hidden Services [asn] [kernelcorn] [dgoulet] [Aaron Johnson] [special] [syverson] [Rob]
- Scheme suggested by special about removing the HSDirs (#16512 (moved), https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2015-April/008743.html)
- #8244 (moved) is hard! Can we use consensus as the source of global randomness in #8244 (moved)? (as in OnioNS, its paper has entropy estimate). At least till we figure how to do dirauth scripts correctly.
- Things left to be done on 224
- How to fund their development, so that we finally stop bikeshedding?
- HS crowdfunding and how to move forward
- Make it easier to setup HSes with APAF/Stormy
- Guard security
- Hidden Service DoS resistance (#15516 (moved), #16059 (moved), etc.) [kernelcorn]
- Re-branding hidden services [Aaron Johnson] [special] [syverson] [mrphs]
- Hidden Services and mobile
- HS load balancing [kernelcorn] [dgoulet] [Rob]
- Donncha's onion manager
- statistics gathering through PrivEX / secure multiparty computation [Aaron Johnson]
- Best practices for setting up a HS (building a guide)
- Good examples for HSs (to encourage ethical/personal use) [kernelcorn]
- High-latency anonymity research directions
- Sitting down and working through trac tickets [arma]
- Helping Nima think about the hidden service video Kajart will do [arma]
Tickets & Tasks that we could work on during hackfest
#8864 (moved): Hidden service: Suddenly the service does not respond to new connections (INTRODUCE2 cell on intro circ with no corresponding
#16389 (moved): Redesign the HS client descriptor cache
#16291 (moved): Emit control event when a HS descriptor is generated
#15618 (moved): Tried to establish rendezvous on non-OR circuit with purpose Acting as rendevous (pending)
#15588 (moved): Allow client authorization on control port ADD_ONION services
#4862 (moved): Consider disabling dynamic intro point formula (numerology)
#15824 (moved): Silly ambiguous function names in rendservices [easy]
#15554 (moved): Put some actual hsdescs in the unit tests for parsing [easy]
#12538 (moved) Make all relays automatically be dir caches
Publish our hidden service statistics analysis/results -- https://etherpad.mozilla.org/F8P18C7wYp-hs-stats
Split rend-spec-ng work into modules and start working through them.
If you want to tell people that you're going or not going, please add yourself to this table:
Person | Dates |
Paul Syverson | July 9-10, July 13 - ? |
Aaron Johnson | July 9 - July 13 |
george | July 8 evening - July 13 evening |
dgoulet | July 5th - July 22nd |
Roger | July 5th - July 17th |
special | July 8 - July 15 |
kernelcorn | July 5th - July 14th evening |
mrphs | * |
Rob | * |
saint | July 9 evening - July 14 |
ailanthus | Ailanthus can come to DC for rebranding discussion or can be phone conferenced in. |