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  • Isis Lovecruft's avatar
    Fix and expand upon our Travis CI configuration. · 68722a1d
    Isis Lovecruft authored
     * CHANGE .travis.yml so that commands for different purposes (e.g. getting
       dependencies, building, testing) are in separate config lines and sections.
     * CHANGE .travis.yml to use their mechanism for installing dependencies via
       apt. [0]  This also allows us to not need sudo (the "sudo: false" line).
     * CHANGE Travis CI tests (the "script:" section) to build and run tests in the
       same manner as Jenkins (i.e. with --enable-fatal-warnings and
       --disable-silent-rules and run `make check`).
     * ADD Travis configuration to do all the target builds with both GCC and clang.
     * ADD make flags to build with both of the cores available.
     * ADD notifications for IRC, and configure email notifications (to the author
       of the commit) only if the branch was previously building successfully and
       the latest commit broke it.
     * ADD the ability to run the Travis build matrix for OSX as well, but leave it
       commented out by default (because it takes roughly ten times longer, due to a
       shortage of OSX build machines).
     * ADD Travis config option to cancel/fail the build early if one target has
       already failed ("fast_finish: true").
     * ADD comments to describe what our Travis config is doing and why it is
       configured that way.