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Commit 8cd7293d authored by Kathleen Brade's avatar Kathleen Brade Committed by Matthew Finkel
Browse files

Bug 26961: New user onboarding.

Reuse the Firefox onboarding mechanism with minimal changes.
Localizable strings are pulled in from Torbutton (if Torbutton is
  not installed, we lack about:tor and no tour will be shown).
Replace SVG images with PNGs (see bug 27002),
For defense in depth, omit include OnboardingTelemetry.jsm entirely.
Added support for the following UITour page event:

Also fix bug 27403: the onboarding bubble is not always displayed.

Arthur suggested to make the onboarding bubble visible on displays with
less than 960px width available, so we choose 200px instead.

Also fix bug 28628: Change onboarding Security panel to open new
Security Level panel.

Also fix bug 27484: Improve navigation within onboarding.

Bug 27082: enable a limited UITour

Disallow access to UITour functionality from all pages other than
  about:home, about:newtab, and about:tor.
Implement a whitelist mechanism for page actions.

Bug 26962 - implement new features onboarding (part 1).

Add an "Explore" button to the "Circuit Display" panel within new user
onboarding which opens the DuckDuckGo .onion and then guides users through
a short circuit display tutorial.

Allow a few additional UITour actions while limiting as much as possible
how it can be used.

Tweak the UITour styles to match the Tor Browser branding.

All user interface strings are retrieved from Torbutton's file.

Bug 27486 Avoid about:blank tabs when opening onboarding pages.

Instead of using a simple <a href>, programmatically open onboarding
web pages by using tabBrowser.addTab(). The same technique is now
used for "See My Path", "See FAQs", and "Visit an Onion".

Bug 29768: Introduce new features to users

Add an "update" tour for the Tor Browser 8.5 release that contains two
panels: Toolbar and Security (with appropriate description text and

Display an attention-grabbing dot on the onboarding text bubble when
the update tour is active. The animation lasts for 14 seconds.

Bug 31768: Introduce toolbar and network settings changes in onboarding

Update the "Tor Network" onboarding page to include a note that
settings can now be accessed via the application preferences and
add an "Adjust Your Tor Network Settings" action button which opens

Replace the Tor Browser 8.5 "update" onboarding tour with a 9.0 one
that includes the revised "Tor Network" page and a revised "Toolbar"
page. The latter explains that Torbutton's toolbar item has been
removed ("Goodbye Onion Button") and explains how to access the
New Identity feature using the hamburger menu and new toolbar item.

Bug 34321 - Add Learn More onboarding item
parent 4040c3ff
No related branches found
No related tags found
No related merge requests found
with 285 additions and 12 deletions

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// 2 of 3: Open the control center and show the circuit diagram info panel.
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let buttons = [];
buttons.push({label: button1Label, style: "text"});
buttons.push({label: button2Label, style: "primary", callback: function() {
showNewCircuitButton(); }});
let options = {closeButtonCallback: function() { cleanUp(); }};
Mozilla.UITour.showInfo(target, title, msg, undefined, buttons, options);
function showNewCircuitButton() {
// 3 of 3: Show the New Circuit button info panel.
let target = "torBrowser-circuitDisplay-newCircuitButton";
let title = getStringFromName("new-circuit.title");
let msg = getStringFromName("new-circuit.msg");
let button1Label = getStringFromName("three-of-three");
let button2Label = getStringFromName("done");
let buttons = [];
buttons.push({label: button1Label, style: "text"});
buttons.push({label: button2Label, style: "primary", callback: function() {
cleanUp(); }});
let options = {closeButtonCallback: function() { cleanUp(); }};
Mozilla.UITour.showInfo(target, title, msg, undefined, buttons, options);
function cleanUp() {
function getStringFromName(aName) {
const TORBUTTON_BUNDLE_URI = "chrome://torbutton/locale/";
const PREFIX = "onboarding.tor-circuit-display.";
if (!gStringBundle) {
gStringBundle = Services.strings.createBundle(TORBUTTON_BUNDLE_URI)
let result;
try {
result = gStringBundle.GetStringFromName(PREFIX + aName);
} catch (e) {
result = aName;
return result;
// The remainder of the code in this file was adapted from
// browser/components/uitour/UITour-lib.js (unfortunately, we cannot use that
// code here because it directly accesses 'document' and it assumes that the
// content window is the global JavaScript object),
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
// create namespace
if (typeof Mozilla == "undefined") {
var Mozilla = {};
(function($) {
"use strict";
// create namespace
if (typeof Mozilla.UITour == "undefined") {
* Library that exposes an event-based Web API for communicating with the
* desktop browser chrome. It can be used for tasks such as opening menu
* panels and highlighting the position of buttons in the toolbar.
* <p>For security/privacy reasons `Mozilla.UITour` will only work on a list of allowed
* secure origins. The list of allowed origins can be found in
* {@link|
* browser/app/permissions}.</p>
* @since 29
* @namespace
Mozilla.UITour = {};
function _sendEvent(action, data) {
var event = new content.CustomEvent("mozUITour", {
bubbles: true,
detail: {
data: data || {}
function _generateCallbackID() {
return Math.random().toString(36).replace(/[^a-z]+/g, "");
function _waitForCallback(callback) {
var id = _generateCallbackID();
function listener(event) {
if (typeof event.detail != "object")
if (event.detail.callbackID != id)
content.document.removeEventListener("mozUITourResponse", listener);
content.document.addEventListener("mozUITourResponse", listener);
return id;
* Show an arrow panel with optional images and buttons anchored at a specific UI target.
* @see Mozilla.UITour.hideInfo
* @param {Mozilla.UITour.Target} target - Identifier of the UI widget to anchor the panel at.
* @param {String} title - Title text to be shown as the heading of the panel.
* @param {String} text - Body text of the panel.
* @param {String} [icon=null] - URL of a 48x48px (96px @ 2dppx) image (which will be resolved
* relative to the tab's URI) to display in the panel.
* @param {Object[]} [buttons=[]] - Array of objects describing buttons.
* @param {String} buttons[].label - Button label
* @param {String} buttons[].icon - Button icon URL
* @param {String} buttons[].style - Button style ("primary" or "link")
* @param {Function} buttons[].callback - Called when the button is clicked
* @param {Object} [options={}] - Advanced options
* @param {Function} options.closeButtonCallback - Called when the panel's close button is clicked.
* @example
* var buttons = [
* {
* label: 'Cancel',
* style: 'link',
* callback: cancelBtnCallback
* },
* {
* label: 'Confirm',
* style: 'primary',
* callback: confirmBtnCallback
* }
* ];
* var icon = '//';
* var options = {
* closeButtonCallback: closeBtnCallback
* };
* Mozilla.UITour.showInfo('appMenu', 'my title', 'my text', icon, buttons, options);
Mozilla.UITour.showInfo = function(target, title, text, icon, buttons, options) {
var buttonData = [];
if (Array.isArray(buttons)) {
for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
label: buttons[i].label,
icon: buttons[i].icon,
style: buttons[i].style,
callbackID: _waitForCallback(buttons[i].callback)
var closeButtonCallbackID, targetCallbackID;
if (options && options.closeButtonCallback)
closeButtonCallbackID = _waitForCallback(options.closeButtonCallback);
if (options && options.targetCallback)
targetCallbackID = _waitForCallback(options.targetCallback);
_sendEvent("showInfo", {
buttons: buttonData,
* Hide any visible info panels.
* @see Mozilla.UITour.showInfo
Mozilla.UITour.hideInfo = function() {
* Open the named application menu.
* @see Mozilla.UITour.hideMenu
* @param {Mozilla.UITour.MenuName} name - Menu name
* @param {Function} [callback] - Callback to be called with no arguments when
* the menu opens.
* @example
* Mozilla.UITour.showMenu('appMenu', function() {
* console.log('menu was opened');
* });
Mozilla.UITour.showMenu = function(name, callback) {
var showCallbackID;
if (callback)
showCallbackID = _waitForCallback(callback);
_sendEvent("showMenu", {
* Close the named application menu.
* @see Mozilla.UITour.showMenu
* @param {Mozilla.UITour.MenuName} name - Menu name
Mozilla.UITour.hideMenu = function(name) {
_sendEvent("hideMenu", {
* @summary Closes the tab where this code is running. As usual, if the tab is in the
* foreground, the tab that was displayed before is selected.
* @description The last tab in the current window will never be closed, in which case
* this call will have no effect. The calling code is expected to take an
* action after a small timeout in order to handle this case, for example by
* displaying a goodbye message or a button to restart the tour.
* @since 46
Mozilla.UITour.closeTab = function() {
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