Turkey blocking of direct connections, 2016-12-12
Turkey Blocks article: https://turkeyblocks.org/2016/12/18/tor-blocked-in-turkey-vpn-ban/
After getting some reports on twitter about Tor being blocked in Turkey and some chat on IRC, aka aka ran some tests and found some interesting information about how Turkey is blocking vanilla Tor connections. I paste their findings here:
16:48 < trdpi> 10 connections died in state handshaking (TLS) with SSL state SSLv2/v3 read server hello A in HANDSHAKE
16:48 < trdpi> after less than 10 seconds
16:55 < trdpi> this isp injects rst it seems
16:56 < trdpi> to both side, as i got 2 rst one legit and 2 not
16:57 < mrphs> oh apparently today is an special day in turkey
17:00 < trdpi> telneting to or port, no rsts. it triggered by something more than ip:port connection
17:01 < trdpi> yay, window trick for split req works for tr
17:02 < trdpi> magic tool allows to bypass vanilla tor censorship
17:04 < trdpi> so it's about ciphersuits or something
17:07 < trdpi> it's like kz, but obfs4 works
17:07 < trdpi> and kz do not rsts
17:07 < trdpi> it controlls connection
17:07 < trdpi> and tr like do not controlls and to inject fraud only