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  • Cecylia Bocovich's avatar
    Maintain backward compatability with old clients · d434549d
    Cecylia Bocovich authored
    Introduce a new commandline and SOCKS argument for comma-separated
    domain fronts rather than repurposing the old one so that we can
    maintain backwards compatability with users running old versions of the
    client. A new bridge line shared on circumvention settings could have
    both the front= and fronts= options set.
    Maintain backward compatability with old clients
    Cecylia Bocovich authored
    Introduce a new commandline and SOCKS argument for comma-separated
    domain fronts rather than repurposing the old one so that we can
    maintain backwards compatability with users running old versions of the
    client. A new bridge line shared on circumvention settings could have
    both the front= and fronts= options set.