The Snowflake badge code is hosted at serene's site, serene is the only one who can modify files there. It would be more convenient to move the code to another web server to which all the developers can push files.
Like in the past we moved the flash proxy files from to We could even use the same server for Snowflake (using a Snowflake-related domain name).
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Is there anything here that I/we can help with? Or is it just picking one and doing it?
If the Tor Project can provide a host, that could help. (I know historically Tor has not wanted to do that.) The only technical requirement is an HTTPS server serving static files. Otherwise I was thinking of registering some domain name and setting up a server.
The important thing is long-term name stability. The domain we choose will determine the URL that we tell people to paste into their pages, and once it's out there, we can't easily change it.
And there's also the question of shared administration of the server, in order to avoid a single point of failure. We can easily share SSH access to the server. But it won't do if someone needs to bug me to make a DNS change, just because I happen to be the one who registered the domain name. I don't know if there's a way to do shared administration of a domain name (maybe Team Cymru does something like that?).
Currently we're using subdomains of for certain snowflake services, for example the bridge at ! But that's different--the name isn't important, it only needs a name so it can have a certificate. And it doesn't really introduce a dependency on me. If I disappeared, some other team member could register another name pointing to the same IP address, reconfigure the bridge with a certificate for that name, and everything would work: even currently running proxies would restart themselves within 24h. I'm not nearly as concerned about permanence for easily changed domains like that. But the URL of the server actually hosting the proxy code does lock us in.
This ticket is the root of a tree of dependencies for other tickets.
A stable proxy URL means that we can start asking people to put a proxy badge on their pages (legacy/trac#20813 (moved)).
Hosting that we can actually write to will allow us to point the proxy to the standalone broker (legacy/trac#22874 (moved)) instead of the App Engine one. A standalone broker that's independent of App Engine means we can use alternate domain fronts (legacy/trac#22782 (moved)).
A stable proxy URL means that a browser extension (legacy/trac#23888 (moved)) will be able to reference code that is being maintained.
That doesn't mean we can't make progress on the other tickets. legacy/trac#22874 (moved) is 99% done, and you can write most of legacy/trac#23888 (moved) and plug in a proxy URL at the end. We could switch clients to the standalone broker immediately. It's just that none of these changes will have an effect, because the in-the-wild proxies (not that there are many of them) are still using the proxy, which isn't being updated and still points to the App Engine broker.
To be clear, this is a static website that serves javascript-or-whatever files, and the goal is to have a long term host name so folks who put badges on their website can bake the name into their badge, and so folks who write browser extensions that let people pretend to always have a snowflake tab open will have a reliable place to fetch the code from at each browser startup?
If so, I think the best plan is to add this new site to our www rotation. That way it gets served by six or so hosts, so it has good reliability and load balancing. It would be editable by whoever we select to be in the ldap-style group, meaning the people who can edit it will need ldap accounts (I think arlo and dcf both qualify, and serene too for that matter).
Great. In the meeting today we picked "", and I've just filed legacy/trac#25724 (moved).
We also had a chat about cookie risks today, where the consensus was that [javascript from] should feel free to set cookies, but it should please avoid setting top-level cookies. Seems straightforward enough -- hopefully we didn't misunderstand some basic principle of cookies in this decision. :)
Ok, legacy/trac#25724 (moved) is complete. I was about to open a new ticket, "Populate" but then I realized we can just continue on this ticket. Please feel free to make new ticket(s) if at any point you realize doing it all on one ticket has become crazy. :)
I think three steps remain here:
(1) David and Arlo should each confirm that they are able to edit the current website. I am able to, so it's just a matter of making sure they're in the right groups and have the right permissions and so on. I'll post instructions for that shortly.
(2) Build a plan for how we want to handle website content. Do we want it in revision control? For example, we could make a snowflake-web git repo, kind of like the research-web git repo:
and then we'd have some history to it, some visibility to others when changes get made, the ability to separate "can edit website content" from "can push changes to the actual website", etc. If we decide on this option, I'm happy to make the ticket to get the new git repo on its way to existing. If we decide on another option, that's cool too.
(3) Actually pick the content, e.g. by migrating something over from previous pages. I plan to leave this one to Arlo and David for now. :)
(1) David and Arlo should each confirm that they are able to edit the current website. I am able to, so it's just a matter of making sure they're in the right groups and have the right permissions and so on. I'll post instructions for that shortly.
These steps are all easy (ok, other than step 0), so if any of them turns out to be super complicated, it's probably because something is broken on the back-end that we should fix.
The authenticity of host ' (<no hostip for proxy command>)' can't be established.ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:Zey+40am+p8jbz6QMUkVNzpxvSkGGGKE8EB5Oxqiw1w.
The way I do it with research-web is that I do a git clone in my homedir on staticiforme and then I do a git pull and cp stuff manually into /srv/
Ya'll're welcome to do it that way too, or you could come up with some slightly more automated approach like a script that takes a git checkout as input and arranges stuff into /srv/ the way you like.
I tested this by loading a browser to, removing the -front option from client/torrc to work around legacy/trac#25804 (moved), and running tor -f torrc SOCKSPort auto. The badge started animating and the bootstrap got to 100%.
I also inspected the cookie set after opting in. The domain of the cookie was
Oops, good catch. For the second one, I think the intention was to show the project README, so I changed the link to point to the wiki page rather than the source code repo.
I copied the web files to
cake.coffeescript build
rsync -rv build/ staticiforme:/srv/ && ssh staticiforme 'static-update-component'
dcf: careful here! This -rv means that if you ever remove a file from git, it will persist on the website until somebody notices it and deletes it.
Maybe you want something more like "-rvz --delete". (Though that could have surprises of its own, if anybody ever puts something in the website directory on staticiforme and expects it to not get blown away.)