I could vendor ptutil as snowflake is probably the only package that will use this library. And maybe the same for github.com/txthinking/socks5, it doesn't look like it has many big users that might end up packaged for debian soon.
I don't think is a big issue if the snowflake package gets updated with the existing version of libraries in debian, as we mostly care about the proxy and those versions don't affect the proxy. Except for the webrtc library, the support for v4 hasn't being release yet.
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just learned about this issue, i was looking at #40105 instead... those two should probably be linked!
i just uploaded the latest goptlib in debian. if i find the cycles, i might upload ptutil as well, but i've asked the #debian-golang folks if we can just vendor it for now.
i haven't checked the other deps, i'd assume they don't need an update unless the build fails, in the short term.
there's still a bunch of build failures, some weird, some are probably just more build-deps that need to be added to the control file, but i think we're getting pretty close.
it might be worth filing a bug with the golang-github-pion-webrtc.v3 package, as that one will clearly need an update, and that won't be trivial because it will likely be a "NEW" package.
@anarcat Amazing work, thank for packaging ptutil. I think it was fine to vendor it but nice to have it as package.
The latest snowflake release depends on pion webrtc v3, the v4 is needed for main but we haven't release anything with it yet (I was looking at main when writing that table). So for now we can package the currentl snowflake with the version in debian. And in the mean time let's see if we can get webrtc v4.
I just submited a bug asking about v4, let's see. The package author has being fairly responsive in the past.
After looking into uTLS I don't think is a big deal to use the version in debian for now. The only dependency we are missing is github.com/txthinking/socks5, I'm inclined to vendor it for now so we can package it as soon as ptutil lands into debian sid.
I see we also have a bunch of pion libraries that needs updating, I'm talking with Nilesh who has packaged those libraries in the past to update them. The plan is to update them to the version we are using in main, so we might need to do a release of snowflake...