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Changes in version v2.7.0 - 2023-10-16
7142fa3 fix(proxy): Correctly close connection pipe when dealing with error
6393af6 Remove proxy churn measurements from broker.
a615e8b fix(proxy): remove _potential_ deadlock
d434549 Maintain backward compatability with old clients
9fdfb3d Randomly select front domain from comma-separated list
5cdf52c Update dependencies
1559963 chore(deps): update module to v5.6.3
60e66be Remove Golang 1.20 from CI Testing
1d069ca Update CI targets to test android from golang 1.21
3a050c6 Use ShouldBeNil to check for nil values
e45e8e5 chore(deps): update module to v1.8.1
f47ca18 chore(deps): update module to v1.5.0
106da49 chore(deps): update module to v3.2.20
2844ac6 Update CI targets to include only Go 1.20 and 1.21
f4e1ab9 chore(deps): update module to v0.15.0
caaff70 Update module to v0.12.0