TBA: sometimes I only see the banner and can't tap on the address bar
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- tor-browser #40485
- tpo/web/tpo !93
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- Gus moved from tor-browser#40485 (moved)
moved from tor-browser#40485 (moved)
This issue has been reported by TBA users in other moments, like with the Tor Browser Usage survey. When there is a banner in the homepage, users can't find an option to close the banner and the navigation bar disappears.
- Matthew Finkel changed milestone to %Tor Browser: 10.5
changed milestone to %Tor Browser: 10.5
Thanks! This needs to be fixed and backported to the stable version.
1- Gaba marked this issue as related to tor-browser#40485 (moved)
marked this issue as related to tor-browser#40485 (moved)
- Matthew Finkel mentioned in merge request tpo/web/tpo!93 (closed)
mentioned in merge request tpo/web/tpo!93 (closed)
- Gus mentioned in issue tpo/web/manual#99 (closed)
mentioned in issue tpo/web/manual#99 (closed)
- donuts mentioned in issue tor-browser#40523 (closed)
mentioned in issue tor-browser#40523 (closed)
- Matthew Finkel assigned to @sysrqb
assigned to @sysrqb
- donuts mentioned in issue #40181 (closed)
mentioned in issue #40181 (closed)
- Matthew Finkel mentioned in merge request !130 (closed)
mentioned in merge request !130 (closed)
- Matthew Finkel mentioned in merge request !135 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !135 (merged)
This should be fixed in the next alpha (in a few days)
- Matthew Finkel closed