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Commit aa5dec87 authored by Jean-Philippe Gravel's avatar Jean-Philippe Gravel Committed by moz-wptsync-bot
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Bug 1812506 [wpt PR 38187] - Break the canvas WPT tool scripts into smaller functions., a=testonly

Automatic update from web-platform-tests
Break the canvas WPT tool scripts into smaller functions.

All of the code was in a single huge function, making it hard to
navigate, modify and maintain.

Change-Id: Idf1f29f2dc528192657bdd8c05cbd674e856de61
Bug: 1409873

Reviewed-by: default avatarYi Xu <>
Commit-Queue: Jean-Philippe Gravel <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/main@{#1097227}


wpt-commits: a8ebaf5b59ef56d254495969a2161c7a5817a569
wpt-pr: 38187
parent da1f356a
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......@@ -56,70 +56,251 @@ class InvalidTestDefinitionError(Error):
"""Raised on invalid test definition."""
def simpleEscapeJS(string: str) -> str:
return string.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '\\"')
def escapeJS(string: str) -> str:
string = simpleEscapeJS(string)
# Kind of an ugly hack, for nicer failure-message output.
string = re.sub(r'\[(\w+)\]', r'[\\""+(\1)+"\\"]', string)
return string
def expand_nonfinite(method: str, argstr: str, tail: str) -> str:
>>> print expand_nonfinite('f', '<0 a>, <0 b>', ';')
f(a, 0);
f(0, b);
f(a, b);
>>> print expand_nonfinite('f', '<0 a>, <0 b c>, <0 d>', ';')
f(a, 0, 0);
f(0, b, 0);
f(0, c, 0);
f(0, 0, d);
f(a, b, 0);
f(a, b, d);
f(a, 0, d);
f(0, b, d);
# argstr is "<valid-1 invalid1-1 invalid2-1 ...>, ..." (where usually
# 'invalid' is Infinity/-Infinity/NaN).
args = []
for arg in argstr.split(', '):
match = re.match('<(.*)>', arg)
if match is None:
raise InvalidTestDefinitionError(
f"Expected arg to match format '<(.*)>', but was: {arg}")
a =
args.append(a.split(' '))
calls = []
# Start with the valid argument list.
call = [args[j][0] for j in range(len(args))]
# For each argument alone, try setting it to all its invalid values:
for i in range(len(args)):
for a in args[i][1:]:
c2 = call[:]
def _simpleEscapeJS(string: str) -> str:
return string.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '\\"')
def _escapeJS(string: str) -> str:
string = _simpleEscapeJS(string)
# Kind of an ugly hack, for nicer failure-message output.
string = re.sub(r'\[(\w+)\]', r'[\\""+(\1)+"\\"]', string)
return string
def _expand_nonfinite(method: str, argstr: str, tail: str) -> str:
>>> print _expand_nonfinite('f', '<0 a>, <0 b>', ';')
f(a, 0);
f(0, b);
f(a, b);
>>> print _expand_nonfinite('f', '<0 a>, <0 b c>, <0 d>', ';')
f(a, 0, 0);
f(0, b, 0);
f(0, c, 0);
f(0, 0, d);
f(a, b, 0);
f(a, b, d);
f(a, 0, d);
f(0, b, d);
# argstr is "<valid-1 invalid1-1 invalid2-1 ...>, ..." (where usually
# 'invalid' is Infinity/-Infinity/NaN).
args = []
for arg in argstr.split(', '):
match = re.match('<(.*)>', arg)
if match is None:
raise InvalidTestDefinitionError(
f"Expected arg to match format '<(.*)>', but was: {arg}")
a =
args.append(a.split(' '))
calls = []
# Start with the valid argument list.
call = [args[j][0] for j in range(len(args))]
# For each argument alone, try setting it to all its invalid values:
for i in range(len(args)):
for a in args[i][1:]:
c2 = call[:]
c2[i] = a
# For all combinations of >= 2 arguments, try setting them to their
# first invalid values. (Don't do all invalid values, because the
# number of combinations explodes.)
def f(c: List[str], start: int, depth: int) -> None:
for i in range(start, len(args)):
if len(args[i]) > 1:
a = args[i][1]
c2 = c[:]
c2[i] = a
# For all combinations of >= 2 arguments, try setting them to their
# first invalid values. (Don't do all invalid values, because the
# number of combinations explodes.)
def f(c: List[str], start: int, depth: int) -> None:
for i in range(start, len(args)):
if len(args[i]) > 1:
a = args[i][1]
c2 = c[:]
c2[i] = a
if depth > 0:
f(c2, i + 1, depth + 1)
f(call, 0, 0)
return '\n'.join('%s(%s)%s' % (method, ', '.join(c), tail)
for c in calls)
if depth > 0:
f(c2, i + 1, depth + 1)
f(call, 0, 0)
return '\n'.join('%s(%s)%s' % (method, ', '.join(c), tail) for c in calls)
def _get_test_sub_dir(name: str, name_to_sub_dir: Mapping[str, str]) -> str:
for prefix in sorted(name_to_sub_dir.keys(), key=len, reverse=True):
if name.startswith(prefix):
return name_to_sub_dir[prefix]
raise InvalidTestDefinitionError(
'Test "%s" has no defined target directory mapping' % name)
def _expand_test_code(code: str) -> str:
code = re.sub(r'@nonfinite ([^(]+)\(([^)]+)\)(.*)', lambda m:
code) # Must come before '@assert throws'.
code = re.sub(r'@assert pixel (\d+,\d+) == (\d+,\d+,\d+,\d+);',
r'_assertPixel(canvas, \1, \2);', code)
code = re.sub(r'@assert pixel (\d+,\d+) ==~ (\d+,\d+,\d+,\d+);',
r'_assertPixelApprox(canvas, \1, \2, 2);', code)
code = re.sub(r'@assert pixel (\d+,\d+) ==~ (\d+,\d+,\d+,\d+) \+/- (\d+);',
r'_assertPixelApprox(canvas, \1, \2, \3);', code)
code = re.sub(r'@assert throws (\S+_ERR) (.*);',
r'assert_throws_dom("\1", function() { \2; });', code)
code = re.sub(r'@assert throws (\S+Error) (.*);',
r'assert_throws_js(\1, function() { \2; });', code)
code = re.sub(
r'@assert (.*) === (.*);', lambda m: '_assertSame(%s, %s, "%s", "%s");'
% (,, _escapeJS(, _escapeJS(
), code)
code = re.sub(
r'@assert (.*) !== (.*);', lambda m:
'_assertDifferent(%s, %s, "%s", "%s");' % (,
2), _escapeJS(, _escapeJS(, code)
code = re.sub(
r'@assert (.*) =~ (.*);', lambda m: 'assert_regexp_match(%s, %s);' % (,, code)
code = re.sub(
r'@assert (.*);', lambda m: '_assert(%s, "%s");' % (
1), _escapeJS(, code)
code = re.sub(r' @moz-todo', '', code)
code = re.sub(r'@moz-UniversalBrowserRead;', '', code)
assert ('@' not in code)
return code
def _generate_test(test: Mapping[str, str], templates: Mapping[str, str],
sub_dir: str, test_output_dir: str, image_output_dir: str,
is_offscreen_canvas: bool):
name = test['name']
if test.get('expected', '') == 'green' and
r'@assert pixel .* 0,0,0,0;', test['code']):
print('Probable incorrect pixel test in %s' % name)
code = _expand_test_code(test['code'])
expectation_html = ''
if 'expected' in test and test['expected'] is not None:
expected = test['expected']
expected_img = None
if expected == 'green':
expected_img = '/images/green-100x50.png'
elif expected == 'clear':
expected_img = '/images/clear-100x50.png'
if ';' in expected:
print('Found semicolon in %s' % name)
expected = re.sub(
r'^size (\d+) (\d+)',
r'surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, \1, \2)'
r'\ncr = cairo.Context(surface)', expected)
expected += ("\nsurface.write_to_png('%s.png')\n" %
os.path.join(image_output_dir, sub_dir, name))
eval(compile(expected, '<test %s>' % name, 'exec'), {},
{'cairo': cairo})
expected_img = '%s.png' % name
if expected_img:
expectation_html = (
'<p class="output expectedtext">Expected output:<p>'
'<img src="%s" class="output expected" id="expected" '
'alt="">' % expected_img)
canvas = test.get('canvas', 'width="100" height="50"')
notes = '<p class="notes">%s' % test['notes'] if 'notes' in test else ''
timeout = ('\n<meta name="timeout" content="%s">' %
test['timeout'] if 'timeout' in test else '')
scripts = ''
for s in test.get('scripts', []):
scripts += '<script src="%s"></script>\n' % (s)
images = ''
for src in test.get('images', []):
img_id = src.split('/')[-1]
if '/' not in src:
src = '../images/%s' % src
images += '<img src="%s" id="%s" class="resource">\n' % (src, img_id)
for src in test.get('svgimages', []):
img_id = src.split('/')[-1]
if '/' not in src:
src = '../images/%s' % src
images += ('<svg><image xlink:href="%s" id="%s" class="resource">'
'</svg>\n' % (src, img_id))
images = images.replace('../images/', '/images/')
fonts = ''
fonthack = ''
for font in test.get('fonts', []):
fonts += ('@font-face {\n font-family: %s;\n'
' src: url("/fonts/%s.ttf");\n}\n' % (font, font))
# Browsers require the font to actually be used in the page.
if test.get('fonthack', 1):
fonthack += ('<span style="font-family: %s; position: '
'absolute; visibility: hidden">A</span>\n' % font)
if fonts:
fonts = '<style>\n%s</style>\n' % fonts
fallback = test.get('fallback',
'<p class="fallback">FAIL (fallback content)</p>')
desc = test.get('desc', '')
escaped_desc = _simpleEscapeJS(desc)
attributes = test.get('attributes', '')
if attributes:
context_args = "'2d', %s" % attributes.strip()
attributes = ', ' + attributes.strip()
context_args = "'2d'"
template_params = {
'name': name,
'desc': desc,
'escaped_desc': escaped_desc,
'notes': notes,
'images': images,
'fonts': fonts,
'fonthack': fonthack,
'timeout': timeout,
'canvas': canvas,
'expected': expectation_html,
'code': code,
'scripts': scripts,
'fallback': fallback,
'attributes': attributes,
'context_args': context_args
test_path = os.path.join(test_output_dir, sub_dir, name)
if 'manual' in test:
test_path += '-manual'
if is_offscreen_canvas:
f ='{test_path}.html', 'w', 'utf-8')
f.write(templates['w3coffscreencanvas'] % template_params)
timeout = ('// META: timeout=%s\n' %
test['timeout'] if 'timeout' in test else '')
template_params['timeout'] = timeout
f ='{test_path}.worker.js', 'w', 'utf-8')
f.write(templates['w3cworker'] % template_params)
f ='{test_path}.html', 'w', 'utf-8')
f.write(templates['w3ccanvas'] % template_params)
# Run with --test argument to run unit tests
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == '--test':
doctest = importlib.import_module('doctest')
......@@ -157,60 +338,6 @@ def genTestUtils(TESTOUTPUTDIR: str, IMAGEOUTPUTDIR: str, TEMPLATEFILE: str,
except FileExistsError:
pass # Ignore if it already exists.
def get_test_sub_dir(name: str) -> str:
for prefix in sorted(name_to_sub_dir.keys(), key=len, reverse=True):
if name.startswith(prefix):
return name_to_sub_dir[prefix]
raise InvalidTestDefinitionError(
'Test "%s" has no defined target directory mapping' % name)
def expand_test_code(code: str) -> str:
code = re.sub(r'@nonfinite ([^(]+)\(([^)]+)\)(.*)', lambda m:
code) # Must come before '@assert throws'.
code = re.sub(r'@assert pixel (\d+,\d+) == (\d+,\d+,\d+,\d+);',
r'_assertPixel(canvas, \1, \2);', code)
code = re.sub(r'@assert pixel (\d+,\d+) ==~ (\d+,\d+,\d+,\d+);',
r'_assertPixelApprox(canvas, \1, \2, 2);', code)
code = re.sub(
r'@assert pixel (\d+,\d+) ==~ (\d+,\d+,\d+,\d+) \+/- (\d+);',
r'_assertPixelApprox(canvas, \1, \2, \3);', code)
code = re.sub(r'@assert throws (\S+_ERR) (.*);',
r'assert_throws_dom("\1", function() { \2; });', code)
code = re.sub(r'@assert throws (\S+Error) (.*);',
r'assert_throws_js(\1, function() { \2; });', code)
code = re.sub(
r'@assert (.*) === (.*);', lambda m:
'_assertSame(%s, %s, "%s", "%s");' % (,
2), escapeJS(, escapeJS(, code)
code = re.sub(
r'@assert (.*) !== (.*);', lambda m:
'_assertDifferent(%s, %s, "%s", "%s");' % (,
2), escapeJS(, escapeJS(, code)
code = re.sub(
r'@assert (.*) =~ (.*);', lambda m: 'assert_regexp_match(%s, %s);'
% (,, code)
code = re.sub(
r'@assert (.*);', lambda m: '_assert(%s, "%s");' % (
1), escapeJS(, code)
code = re.sub(r' @moz-todo', '', code)
code = re.sub(r'@moz-UniversalBrowserRead;', '', code)
assert ('@' not in code)
return code
used_tests = {}
for test in tests:
name = test['name']
......@@ -220,125 +347,8 @@ def genTestUtils(TESTOUTPUTDIR: str, IMAGEOUTPUTDIR: str, TEMPLATEFILE: str,
print('Test %s is defined twice' % name)
used_tests[name] = 1
sub_dir = get_test_sub_dir(name)
if test.get('expected', '') == 'green' and
r'@assert pixel .* 0,0,0,0;', test['code']):
print('Probable incorrect pixel test in %s' % name)
code = expand_test_code(test['code'])
expectation_html = ''
if 'expected' in test and test['expected'] is not None:
expected = test['expected']
expected_img = None
if expected == 'green':
expected_img = '/images/green-100x50.png'
elif expected == 'clear':
expected_img = '/images/clear-100x50.png'
if ';' in expected:
print('Found semicolon in %s' % name)
expected = re.sub(
r'^size (\d+) (\d+)',
r'surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, \1, \2)'
r'\ncr = cairo.Context(surface)', expected)
expected += ("\nsurface.write_to_png('%s.png')\n" %
os.path.join(IMAGEOUTPUTDIR, sub_dir, name))
eval(compile(expected, '<test %s>' % name, 'exec'), {},
{'cairo': cairo})
expected_img = '%s.png' % name
if expected_img:
expectation_html = (
'<p class="output expectedtext">Expected output:<p>'
'<img src="%s" class="output expected" id="expected" '
'alt="">' % expected_img)
canvas = test.get('canvas', 'width="100" height="50"')
notes = '<p class="notes">%s' % test['notes'] if 'notes' in test else ''
timeout = ('\n<meta name="timeout" content="%s">' %
test['timeout'] if 'timeout' in test else '')
scripts = ''
for s in test.get('scripts', []):
scripts += '<script src="%s"></script>\n' % (s)
images = ''
for src in test.get('images', []):
img_id = src.split('/')[-1]
if '/' not in src:
src = '../images/%s' % src
images += '<img src="%s" id="%s" class="resource">\n' % (src,
for src in test.get('svgimages', []):
img_id = src.split('/')[-1]
if '/' not in src:
src = '../images/%s' % src
images += ('<svg><image xlink:href="%s" id="%s" class="resource">'
'</svg>\n' % (src, img_id))
images = images.replace('../images/', '/images/')
fonts = ''
fonthack = ''
for font in test.get('fonts', []):
fonts += ('@font-face {\n font-family: %s;\n'
' src: url("/fonts/%s.ttf");\n}\n' % (font, font))
# Browsers require the font to actually be used in the page.
if test.get('fonthack', 1):
fonthack += ('<span style="font-family: %s; position: '
'absolute; visibility: hidden">A</span>\n' % font)
if fonts:
fonts = '<style>\n%s</style>\n' % fonts
fallback = test.get('fallback',
'<p class="fallback">FAIL (fallback content)</p>')
desc = test.get('desc', '')
escaped_desc = simpleEscapeJS(desc)
attributes = test.get('attributes', '')
if attributes:
context_args = "'2d', %s" % attributes.strip()
attributes = ', ' + attributes.strip()
context_args = "'2d'"
template_params = {
'name': name,
'desc': desc,
'escaped_desc': escaped_desc,
'notes': notes,
'images': images,
'fonts': fonts,
'fonthack': fonthack,
'timeout': timeout,
'canvas': canvas,
'expected': expectation_html,
'code': code,
'scripts': scripts,
'fallback': fallback,
'attributes': attributes,
'context_args': context_args
test_path = os.path.join(TESTOUTPUTDIR, sub_dir, name)
if 'manual' in test:
test_path += '-manual'
f ='{test_path}.html', 'w', 'utf-8')
f.write(templates['w3coffscreencanvas'] % template_params)
timeout = ('// META: timeout=%s\n' %
test['timeout'] if 'timeout' in test else '')
template_params['timeout'] = timeout
f ='{test_path}.worker.js', 'w', 'utf-8')
f.write(templates['w3cworker'] % template_params)
f ='{test_path}.html', 'w', 'utf-8')
f.write(templates['w3ccanvas'] % template_params)
sub_dir = _get_test_sub_dir(name, name_to_sub_dir)
_generate_test(test, templates, sub_dir, TESTOUTPUTDIR, IMAGEOUTPUTDIR,
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