- Oct 19, 2007
mozilla@weilbacher.org authored
dtownsend@oxymoronical.com authored
gavin@gavinsharp.com authored
Bug 355222: don't attempt to close "blank" windows if the opener window is also closed, r=biesi, sr=darin
Olli.Pettay@helsinki.fi authored
dholbert@cs.stanford.edu authored
Bug 399384: Make first-letter frames use nearest ancestor blockFrame's content node, instead of direct parent's. r=bzbarsky, r+a=roc
Olli.Pettay@helsinki.fi authored
Bug 399502, onload event handler does not fire for xmldocument created with document.implementation.createDocument, r+sr+a=sicking
bzbarsky@mit.edu authored
bzbarsky@mit.edu authored
Put the notification about root removal in document.open inside an update batch. Bug 399803, r+sr+a=jst
smichaud@pobox.com authored
Allow windows without titlebars to receive keyboard events and become main. b=393250 r=joshmoz sr=roc
tor@cs.brown.edu authored
fantasai.cvs@inkedblade.net authored
fantasai.cvs@inkedblade.net authored
nsTableCellMap::InsertRows shouldn't make damage area smaller, b=244135 p=malcolm.parsons r+sr=bz a=roc
dtownsend@oxymoronical.com authored
Bug 385837: No window gets the focus when loading a URL from an external application. r=gavin.sharp, a=blocking-firefox3 M9
dtownsend@oxymoronical.com authored
Bug 398080: EM should not broadcast to all XPIManagers. r=dveditz r=robstrong a=blocking-firefox3 M9
dtownsend@oxymoronical.com authored
jwatt@jwatt.org authored
Re-checkin fix for bug 399863. We frequently call InitialUpdate() more than once on SVG frames. r=tor@acm.org, sr+a1.9=roc@ocallahan.org
reed@reedloden.com authored
neil@parkwaycc.co.uk authored
reed@reedloden.com authored
Bug 399196 - "page info is too small with a new profile" [p=f.qu@queze.net (Florian Quèze) r=gavin a1.9=mconnor]
reed@reedloden.com authored
reed@reedloden.com authored
Bug 393630 - "Potential crash on oom in GenerateAlternativeString" [p=masayuki@d-toybox.com (Masayuki Nakano) r=stuart a1.9=damons]
reed@reedloden.com authored
Bug 327048 - "support filtering in password manager via Search field" [p=ehsan.akhgari@gmail.com (Ehsan Akhgari) r+a1.9=mconnor]
reed@reedloden.com authored
Bug 385818 - "Uninitialized promptService variable" [p=sylvain.pasche@gmail.com (Sylvain Pasche) r=gavin a1.9=mconnor]
reed@reedloden.com authored
Bug 356154 - "Alt+Letter doesn't activate the native menu of an embedder" [p=boissomag@free.fr (Dorian) r=emaijala sr+a1.9=roc]
sspitzer@mozilla.org authored
fix for bug #399739: The "Recently Starred Pages" and "Most Visited Starred Pages" in "Places" folder shows live bookmarks as starred pages. r=dietrich, a=blocking-firefox3-+
sspitzer@mozilla.org authored
fix for bug #387203: getFolderContents() can crash [@nsNavHistoryContainerResultNode::CloseContainer] when JS GC happens nsNavHistoryContainerResultNodes will now keep a strong reference back to the nsNavHistoryResult. This introduces a cycle, so use the cycle collector. r=sicking, a=blocking-firefox3+
reed@reedloden.com authored
Bug 345665 - "nsKeygenHandler calls nsITokenDialogs ::ChooseToken with NULL context" [p=chpe r=kaie sr=dveditz a1.9=sayrer]
roc+@cs.cmu.edu authored
Backing out bug 397510 again because again it looks like it might have caused a regression, and we don't need it for M9
reed@reedloden.com authored
Bug 396592 - "Drag and drop images from the content area fail" [p=jimm r=emaijala sr=roc a=blocking1.9+ for M9]
reed@reedloden.com authored
Bug 395534 - "browser.download.lastDir is ignored when right-clicking and "Save Link As ..." when browser.download.useDownloadDir is true" [p=jimm r=gavin a=blocking-firefox3+ for M9]
reed@reedloden.com authored
reed@reedloden.com authored
Bug 395066 - "Hang when trying to clear browsing history" (erasehistory and cleanup) [p=mak77@supereva.it (Marco Bonardo [MaK77]) r=dietrich a=blocking-firefox3+ for M9]
reed@reedloden.com authored
Bug 348808 - "use application selector instead of file selector dialog when picking helper apps" [p=jimm r=dolske r=rob_strong r=myk r=biesi a=blocking-firefox3+ for M9]
bzbarsky@mit.edu authored
bzbarsky@mit.edu authored
bzbarsky@mit.edu authored
bclary@bclary.com authored
JavaScript Tests - regression tests for bug 387955, by Jesse Ruderman, Igor Bukanov, not part of the build
bclary@bclary.com authored
dietrich@mozilla.com authored
reed@reedloden.com authored