- Nov 06, 1999
dmose%mozilla.org authored
dmose%mozilla.org authored
beard%netscape.com authored
beard%netscape.com authored
beard%netscape.com authored
dmose%mozilla.org authored
dmose%mozilla.org authored
dmose%mozilla.org authored
dmose%mozilla.org authored
dmose%mozilla.org authored
taek%netscape.com authored
dmose%mozilla.org authored
rpotts%netscape.com authored
bug #7428. Added support for connection timeout. Now if a connection cannot be made within 35 seconds, the transport times out.
sspitzer%netscape.com authored
only create the local mail account if the user migrates from imap, or if the user creates an imap server and they don't have a local mail account.
pollmann%netscape.com authored
Bug 17995: Don't reset selection when adding an option to a combobox, as it caused reframing and a crash. r=harishd a=choffman
drapeau%eng.sun.com authored
("[PP]Crash on startup because of Java Plug-in 1.3 for Netscape Navigator.") Make the code more bulletproof by checking for NULL arguments to several methods. If JVM isn't running, jEnv arg should be NULL. This doesn't entirely fix the problem of a JVM gone awry in all cases; in the case of this particular bug, the Sun JDK 1.3 Beta HotSpot VM caused an error, and there's no way for Mozilla code to detect this failure mode. The fix for that half of the problem is to use the new JDK 1.3 Early Access VM, which does not exhibit the problem.
selmer%netscape.com authored
- Nov 05, 1999
joki%netscape.com authored
Fix for bug 17835. Free JS event listeners when the JS object they're registered on goes away. a:chofmann r:vidur
mscott%netscape.com authored
GetProtcocolHandler needs to pass in the uri we are trying to open so the listener can pick an appropriate p.h. based on the protocol of the uri. (if they so choose).
mscott%netscape.com authored
1) add OpenURIVia support. 2) reimplent DispatchContent so we ask the listener if it can handle the content. Then when (if) we find a content listener that can handle it, call DoContent. 3) if we can't find a content listener, go to the registry and try to find a registered content handler. This part isn't finished as eventually i need to be going to the category manager instead of forming the progid for the content handler myself.
mscott%netscape.com authored
(not part of the build)
mscott%netscape.com authored
Add notion of CanHandleContent. This is supposed to be a light weight method for the implementor such that the uri loader can ask right off the top if the listener can handle a particular content type. If it can, then later on, the uir loader may call DoContent to actually handle it.
mscott%netscape.com authored
(not part of the seamonkey build)
mscott%netscape.com authored
remove CanHandleConent. I don't think we need this. Also remove notion of getting a parent content handler. This doesn't make sense anymore for how I'm defining a content handler. Added progid prefix for content handler.
karnaze%netscape.com authored
bugs 17138, 17168 and others - col allocation involving colspans honors constraints; pct colspans were allocating incorrectly if pct cols existed.
karnaze%netscape.com authored
putterman%netscape.com authored
hangas approved by chofmann.
norris%netscape.com authored
slamm%netscape.com authored
mjudge%netscape.com authored
fix review by sfrasier, approved choffman. simple fix to get first letter style frames/paragraphs to show their selection. simply notifies children that the selection bit should be "on"
fur%netscape.com authored
alecf%netscape.com authored
r=hyatt a=chofmann
norris%netscape.com authored
norris%netscape.com authored
rpotts%netscape.com authored
bug #17500 (r=warren). Added code to fire an OnStopNotification to the parent load group if an active group is canceled.
fur%netscape.com authored
fur%netscape.com authored
fur%netscape.com authored
fur%netscape.com authored
selmer%netscape.com authored