- Aug 25, 2017
Joel Maher authored
Joel Maher authored
Dragana Damjanovic authored
Bug 1393804 - The nspr function PR_FileDesc2PlatformOverlappedIOHandle has change its name. r=mayhemer
Kai Engert authored
UPGRADE_NSPR_RELEASE --HG-- extra : amend_source : d550e98a0f62acae0b6321ca58ef0c82bb845010
Steve Chung authored
MozReview-Commit-ID: LX0gELG2oUC --HG-- extra : amend_source : da94e961db5992d14f6feb49faeaa8e9e3092f32
- Aug 24, 2017
aceman authored
- Aug 09, 2017
Eden Chuang authored
Instead of using nsIJSON, directly calling JS_Stringify and JS_ParseJSON for JSON object serialization/deserialization.
- Aug 25, 2017
ZER0 authored
MozReview-Commit-ID: 2OMlzrez6w1
Johann Hofmann authored
This prevents naming conflicts if a paused or blocked download is retried from the original page. MozReview-Commit-ID: 4rFZ5rP8saJ --HG-- extra : rebase_source : 82dd14f0eb2f43c2404dff6e78aa564d07ba06d7 extra : source : d2a4fa2a4005db6c39aece63208059a86c5e35a5
Dão Gottwald authored
MozReview-Commit-ID: 4nL1ncDFqiq
Nika Layzell authored
Nika Layzell authored
Joel Maher authored
Bug 1334683 - disable devtools/client/debugger/test/mochitest/browser_dbg_worker-console-03.js on debug. r=RyanVM
Joel Maher authored
Joel Maher authored
Sebastian Hengst authored
Backed out changeset 57ec52606739 (bug 1389752) for failing web-platform-tests' /fetch/api/headers/headers-record.html. r=backout
Sebastian Hengst authored
Backed out changeset c216b1ee565e (bug 1392926) for failing a11y's accessible/tests/mochitest/attributes/test_xml-roles.html and accessible/tests/mochitest/jsat/test_traversal_helper.html. r=backout
Jan de Mooij authored
Makoto Kato authored
MozReview-Commit-ID: 9Byl7RXQivN
Andrea Marchesini authored
Bug 1393360 - nsMultiplexInputStream should not QI each stream when checking if seekable, cloneable or IPC serializable, r=smaug
Andrea Marchesini authored
Andrea Marchesini authored
Gijs Kruitbosch authored
Back out changeset 97f7f5175b2f (bug 1371765) because we're changing the plan for the downloads button, rs=backout,firebot,paolo MozReview-Commit-ID: FTvFDV5nuG6 --HG-- extra : rebase_source : af8ed6b6da9adc1badbdc5016aacb877511875f0
Marco Zehe authored
Bug 1392926 - Only expose the Region landmark role if a section element has been explicitly named by the author, r=surkov MozReview-Commit-ID: 2HIVAuQBfQx --HG-- extra : rebase_source : e309a9d82a2ce61b399cc0da5d547740d8bdb5a9
- Aug 23, 2017
André Bargull authored
Bug 1389752 - Throw TypeError if [[OwnPropertyKeys]] of scripted proxies contains duplicates. r=till
Eden Chuang authored
Bug 1383293 - Mochitest for testing the new readonly attribute topLevelPrincipal in nsIPaymentRequest. r=baku 1. Adding new checks in ConstructorChromeScript.js to checking the top level document's principal information. 2. Adding a new test testCrossOriginTopLevelPrincipal in test_constructor.html to testing the topLevelPrincipal attribute under cross origin situation. 3. Removing some useless mochitest browser-chrome testcase.
Eden Chuang authored
Bug 1383293 - Add a new readonly attribute topLevelPrincipal in nsIPaymentRequest for UI support. r=baku Getting the top level document's principal when constructing PaymentRequest, then sending it to chrome process and saving it in nsIPaymentRequest. Creating a new readonly attribute nsIPrincipal topLevelPrincipal in nsIPaymentRequest for UI to query the top level document's principal information.
- Aug 25, 2017
André Bargull authored
Bug 1315641 - Align error messages for (Typed)Array.from with standard iteration error messages. r=evilpie
- Aug 14, 2017
Johan Lorenzo authored
MozReview-Commit-ID: 7JVwiUaxk0G --HG-- extra : amend_source : d3c88b2018f4fb195597151b69389e59f17525e2
- Aug 25, 2017
Till Schneidereit authored
Bug 1342050 - Shrink Promise instances from 8 to 4 slots by moving debug information to an external object. r=arai The debug info object is only allocated if, when the Promise is created, either async stacks are enabled or the Promise is created in a debuggee compartment. MozReview-Commit-ID: 2Ct6QkSeNmA
Till Schneidereit authored
MozReview-Commit-ID: qyU0pqt0tV
- Jun 13, 2017
Boris Zbarsky authored
Bug 1393063 - Part 1: Fix IPCStreamSource's handling of async streams returning 0 from Available. r=bkelly This aligns the code more closely with how the input stream pump works: 0 available bytes when the stream itself told us it's ready means the stream is at the end. Note from asuth: This fix was originally part of bug 1371699, it was part 5. However, its initial landing was backed out, but it is now very much needed for bug 1393063, so I'm landing it. --HG-- extra : rebase_source : 0675d9fd5796a90a4e206cbfa350cc5b4cd94d54
- Aug 25, 2017
Chris Pearce authored
MozReview-Commit-ID: HdqUCcV3z0p --HG-- extra : rebase_source : 741876acea568825731579936697b50b5ad4be48 extra : amend_source : 92b0d5759fbb66e5747e41143e07e9cfa9594cc9
Sebastian Hengst authored
Gijs Kruitbosch authored
Back out b5f5d47ac123 (bug 1391280) for breaking when session store tries to restore sidebars (latent errors in webextension test browser/components/extensions/test/browser/test-oop-extensions/browser_ext_tabs_lazy.js ) on a CLOSED TREE MozReview-Commit-ID: LO2dv6ALkfZ --HG-- extra : rebase_source : 4eab585a14d52bb84a39d67b65b4b52098dee4a9 extra : amend_source : 2dd6e64a005fd949ab1429190b46dbb6861c9898
Sebastian Hengst authored
MozReview-Commit-ID: 5armhVE9Jui
Sebastian Hengst authored
Backed out changeset 326d1e6cf7b1 (bug 1393031) for bustage at gfx/layers/opengl/MacIOSurfaceTextureHostOGL.cpp:178: no member named 'AddExternalImage' in 'mozilla::wr::WebRenderAPI' on OS X and also bustage on Windows. r=backout on a CLOSED TREE
Sebastian Hengst authored
Cervantes Yu authored
Bug 1390143 - Generate the parent minidump synchronously to keep parent process's stack when creating paired minidumps. r=gsvelto Bug 1360308 offloads IO operations from the main thread when we create paired minidumps. This breaks the symmetry of paired minidumps: the thread stacks of the parent minidump doesn't correspond to the thread stacks in the child minidumps and renders the parent stack useless. This patch moves generation of the parent minidump back to the main thread to keep the context of the parent process when creating paired minidumps. Child minidump is still created asynchronously. MozReview-Commit-ID: 9RmBAuXMPSX
Ryan VanderMeulen authored