- Jun 22, 2000
alecf%netscape.com authored
alecf%netscape.com authored
r=putterman a=granrose
vidur%netscape.com authored
Updated to the new version of nsIPrivateDOMImplementation. We now get a base URL for our own URL resolution from the subject codebase principal. This checkin is for code that is not part of the Seamonkey build.
javi%netscape.com authored
little endian machine.
bienvenu%netscape.com authored
mkaply%us.ibm.com authored
r = mscott, a = brendan OS/2 bring-up - Used false instead of PR_FALSE
locka%iol.ie authored
morse%netscape.com authored
mkaply%us.ibm.com authored
r=mkaply, a=brendan OS/2 bring up - Make menus disappear when frame is clicked on
mkaply%us.ibm.com authored
r=mkaply, a=brendan OS/2 bring up - Make submenus appear
jefft%netscape.com authored
bienvenu%netscape.com authored
dcone%netscape.com authored
dcone%netscape.com authored
jst%netscape.com authored
leaf%mozilla.org authored
rich.burridge%sun.com authored
Sun native compilers (SC 5.0 and Workshop 6 aka Forte). The two xptc...uniish_x86.cpp files are forced to be compiled optimised to generate the correct assembly code. r=mccabe@netscape.com a=brendan@mozilla.org
cls%seawood.org authored
*sigh*. VPATH is seeing the old .o in unix for the non-objdir builds that recently ran so we need to remove it.
mscott%netscape.com authored
before this change went in the build.
mscott%netscape.com authored
ben%netscape.com authored
pinkerton%netscape.com authored
pinkerton%netscape.com authored
pinkerton%netscape.com authored
pinkerton%netscape.com authored
cls%seawood.org authored
Pass ConfigureEnvArgs to make.
cls%seawood.org authored
ben%netscape.com authored
Peter.VanderBeken%pandora.be authored
Peter.VanderBeken%pandora.be authored
Peter.VanderBeken%pandora.be authored
mscott%netscape.com authored
this is needed to implement things like open attachment so we can make the doc shell think a user click happened when it talks to the uriloader. I removed two boolean fields which were representing two load types. Simplified the api by allowing you to pass in any of our load types. r=valeski
mscott%netscape.com authored
Bug #38374 --> we were throwing an assertion in correctly because we couldn't create a content viewer. This is actually an okay case, we'll later try to fire a helper app in this condition. No need to assert. r=valeski
ben%netscape.com authored
morse%netscape.com authored
mscott%netscape.com authored
mscott%netscape.com authored
mscott%netscape.com authored
morse%netscape.com authored
mscott%netscape.com authored