- Oct 23, 2008
Philippe M. Chiasson authored
Mike Hommey authored
Bug 460599 - Allow external web feed application to work without gnome libraries; r=(gavin.sharp + myk)
Manish Singh authored
Olli Pettay authored
Ben Hearsum authored
'make installer' for XULRunner should only print a warning, not return a failing exit code. r=ted, patch=me
Chris Double authored
Chris Double authored
Chris Double authored
Chris Double authored
Robert Longson authored
Chris Pearce authored
Bug 461287 - nsHttpStreamStrategy::Seek() incorrectly increments read cursor - r=chris.double sr=roc
Chris Double authored
Chris Double authored
Chris Double authored
Justin Dolske authored
Honza Bambas authored
Boris Zbarsky authored
Kai Engert authored
Boris Zbarsky authored
Moving closing paren to make it clearer what the logic really is and removing redundant comment. No behavior change.
Boris Zbarsky authored
Jesse Ruderman authored
Kai Engert authored
- Oct 22, 2008
Jim Blandy authored
Since we're no longer using fdlibm, it doesn't make sense to use fd_copysign as the name of SpiderMonkey's appropriately chosen version of copysign. js_copysign seems more appropriate.
Jim Blandy authored
The Mozilla tree used to optionally use its own math library, fdlibm. For each standard math function FOO, fdlibm defined its own version named fd_FOO. The SpiderMonkey sources called the fd_FOO functions directly. In configurations where fdlibm was not used, jslibmath.h #defined fd_FOO to expand to FOO, resulting in references to the standard math library's functions. Now that fdlibm is not used, even optionally, those fd_ prefixes are unnecessary. However, some code is still needed to choose the right copysign function, so jslibmath.h still has a reason to exist.
Jim Blandy authored
The Mozilla tree no longer uses fdlibm, so these adaptor macros are no longer necessary.
Boris Zbarsky authored
Blake Kaplan authored
Blake Kaplan authored
Blake Kaplan authored
Bug 396851 - Check to see if we're UniversalXPConnect-enabled to allow privileged web pages to unwrap XOWs. r+sr=bzbarsky
Dão Gottwald authored
Bug 396816 - Location bar should be self-describing: "Search Bookmarks and History". ui-r=beltzner, r=dietrich
Boris Zbarsky authored
Boris Zbarsky authored
Pass the right thing to InternalLoad here. It happened to work before, but let's not depend on that. No bug, r+sr=biesi
Dão Gottwald authored
Markus Stange authored
Neil Rashbrook authored
Boris Zbarsky authored
Boris Zbarsky authored
Bug 455311. Better handling of Cancel and IsPending() on nsBaseChannel redirects, plus unit tests. r+sr=biesi
Peter Van der Beken authored
Siraj Razick authored
Peter Van der Beken authored