- Apr 23, 1999
kipp%netscape.com authored
mcmullen%netscape.com authored
kipp%netscape.com authored
valeski%netscape.com authored
nsFtpConnectionThread.* - added the passive data connection mode (PASV) state
kipp%netscape.com authored
Always init the image loader (fixes bug #5238); don't load images with zero set dimensions (bug #5381); cancel extraneous reflows to improve performance
kipp%netscape.com authored
kipp%netscape.com authored
kipp%netscape.com authored
kipp%netscape.com authored
endico%mozilla.org authored
A 4AcK to get this working with gtk+. Normally plus signs in urls are used to represent spaces. Here we need to actaully use plus signs so i'm disabling the plus->space conversion. Hopefully this doesn't break anything.
norris%netscape.com authored
kipp%netscape.com authored
kipp%netscape.com authored
kipp%netscape.com authored
kipp%netscape.com authored
kipp%netscape.com authored
kipp%netscape.com authored
wtc%netscape.com authored
free the PRFileDesc only if the file is successfully transmitted.
rods%netscape.com authored
karnaze%netscape.com authored
scc%netscape.com authored
saari%netscape.com authored
rickg%netscape.com authored
tague%netscape.com authored
rickg%netscape.com authored
ramiro%netscape.com authored
Add signals/methods from tracking realization.
ramiro%netscape.com authored
mcafee%netscape.com authored
karnaze%netscape.com authored
scc%netscape.com authored
mcmullen%netscape.com authored
putterman%netscape.com authored
rods%netscape.com authored
troy%netscape.com authored
karnaze%netscape.com authored
akkana%netscape.com authored
pinkerton%netscape.com authored
finally remove something from this growing list of forgotten defines: NEW_CLIPBOARD_SUPPORT because the feature has landed.
valeski%netscape.com authored
nsFtpFactory.cpp api change.
pinkerton%netscape.com authored
norris%netscape.com authored