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  • tpo/applications/mullvad-browser
  • pierov/mullvad-browser
  • ma1/privacy-browser
  • morgan/mullvad-browser
  • boklm/privacy-browser
  • henry/mullvad-browser
  • NoisyCoil/mullvad-browser
  • jwilde/mullvad-browser
  • dan/mullvad-browser
  • brizental/mullvad-browser
  • securitybrahh/mullvad-browser
  • clairehurst/mullvad-browser
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......@@ -29,11 +29,11 @@ ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, {
* @note The generated hash is returned in base64 form. Mind the fact base64
* is case-sensitive if you are going to reuse this code.
function generateHash(aString) {
function generateHash(aString, hashAlg) {
const cryptoHash = Cc[";1"].createInstance(
const stringStream = Cc[
......@@ -66,11 +66,39 @@ class Manifest {
this._manifestUrl = manifestUrl;
// The key for this is the manifests URL that is required to be unique.
// However arbitrary urls are not safe file paths so lets hash it.
const fileName = generateHash(manifestUrl) + ".json";
this._path = PathUtils.join(MANIFESTS_DIR, fileName);
const filename =
generateHash(manifestUrl, Ci.nsICryptoHash.SHA256) + ".json";
this._path = PathUtils.join(MANIFESTS_DIR, filename);
this.browser = browser;
* See Bug 1871109
* This function is called at the beginning of initialize() to check if a given
* manifest has MD5 based filename, if so we remove it and migrate the content to
* a new file with SHA256 based name.
* This is done due to security concern, as MD5 is an outdated hashing algorithm and
* shouldn't be used anymore
async removeMD5BasedFilename() {
const filenameMD5 =
generateHash(this._manifestUrl, Ci.nsICryptoHash.MD5) + ".json";
const MD5Path = PathUtils.join(MANIFESTS_DIR, filenameMD5);
try {
await IOUtils.copy(MD5Path, this._path, { noOverwrite: true });
} catch (error) {
// we are ignoring the failures returned from copy as it should not stop us from
// installing a new manifest
// Remove the old MD5 based file unconditionally to ensure it's no longer used
try {
await IOUtils.remove(MD5Path);
} catch {
// ignore the error in case MD5 based file does not exist
get browser() {
return this._browser;
......@@ -80,6 +108,7 @@ class Manifest {
async initialize() {
await this.removeMD5BasedFilename();
this._store = new lazy.JSONFile({ path: this._path, saveDelayMs: 100 });
await this._store.load();
......@@ -23,18 +23,59 @@ function makeTestURL() {
return url.href;
function generateHash(aString, hashAlg) {
const cryptoHash = Cc[";1"].createInstance(
const stringStream = Cc[
].createInstance(Ci.nsIStringInputStream); = aString;
cryptoHash.updateFromStream(stringStream, -1);
// base64 allows the '/' char, but we can't use it for filenames.
return cryptoHash.finish(true).replace(/\//g, "-");
const MANIFESTS_DIR = PathUtils.join(PathUtils.profileDir, "manifests");
add_task(async function () {
const tabOptions = { gBrowser, url: makeTestURL() };
const filenameMD5 = generateHash(manifestUrl, Ci.nsICryptoHash.MD5) + ".json";
const filenameSHA =
generateHash(manifestUrl, Ci.nsICryptoHash.SHA256) + ".json";
const manifestMD5Path = PathUtils.join(MANIFESTS_DIR, filenameMD5);
const manifestSHAPath = PathUtils.join(MANIFESTS_DIR, filenameSHA);
await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab(tabOptions, async function (browser) {
let manifest = await Manifests.getManifest(browser, manifestUrl);
is(manifest.installed, false, "We haven't installed this manifest yet");
let tmpManifest = await Manifests.getManifest(browser, manifestUrl);
is(tmpManifest.installed, false, "We haven't installed this manifest yet");
await tmpManifest.install();
// making sure the manifest is actually installed before proceeding
await tmpManifest._store._save();
await IOUtils.move(tmpManifest.path, manifestMD5Path);
let exists = await IOUtils.exists(tmpManifest.path);
"Manually moved manifest from SHA256 based path to MD5 based path"
let manifest = await Manifests.getManifest(browser, manifestUrl);
await manifest.install(browser);
is(, "hello World", "Manifest has correct name");
is(manifest.installed, true, "Manifest is installed");
is(manifest.url, manifestUrl, "has correct url");
is(manifest.browser, browser, "has correct browser");
is(manifest.path, manifestSHAPath, "has correct path");
exists = await IOUtils.exists(manifestMD5Path);
is(exists, false, "MD5 based manifest removed");
manifest = await Manifests.getManifest(browser, manifestUrl);
is(manifest.installed, true, "New instances are installed");
......@@ -952,6 +952,10 @@ gfxFont::gfxFont(const RefPtr<UnscaledFont>& aUnscaledFont,
mKerningSet = HasFeatureSet(HB_TAG('k', 'e', 'r', 'n'), mKerningEnabled);
// Ensure the gfxFontEntry's unitsPerEm and extents fields are initialized,
// so that GetFontExtents can use them without risk of races.
Unused << mFontEntry->UnitsPerEm();
gfxFont::~gfxFont() {
......@@ -262,14 +262,22 @@ already_AddRefed<gfxFont> gfxFontEntry::FindOrMakeFont(
uint16_t gfxFontEntry::UnitsPerEm() {
AutoReadLock lock(mLock);
if (mUnitsPerEm) {
return mUnitsPerEm;
AutoTable headTable(this, TRUETYPE_TAG('h', 'e', 'a', 'd'));
AutoWriteLock lock(mLock);
if (!mUnitsPerEm) {
AutoTable headTable(this, TRUETYPE_TAG('h', 'e', 'a', 'd'));
if (headTable) {
uint32_t len;
const HeadTable* head =
reinterpret_cast<const HeadTable*>(hb_blob_get_data(headTable, &len));
if (len >= sizeof(HeadTable)) {
mUnitsPerEm = head->unitsPerEm;
if (int16_t(head->xMax) > int16_t(head->xMin) &&
int16_t(head->yMax) > int16_t(head->yMin)) {
mXMin = head->xMin;
......@@ -277,6 +285,7 @@ uint16_t gfxFontEntry::UnitsPerEm() {
mXMax = head->xMax;
mYMax = head->yMax;
mUnitsPerEm = head->unitsPerEm;
......@@ -286,12 +295,13 @@ uint16_t gfxFontEntry::UnitsPerEm() {
mUnitsPerEm = kInvalidUPEM;
return mUnitsPerEm;
bool gfxFontEntry::HasSVGGlyph(uint32_t aGlyphId) {
"SVG data has not yet been loaded. TryGetSVGData() first.");
"SVG data has not yet been loaded. TryGetSVGData() first.");
return GetSVGGlyphs()->HasSVGGlyph(aGlyphId);
......@@ -309,8 +319,8 @@ bool gfxFontEntry::GetSVGGlyphExtents(DrawTarget* aDrawTarget,
void gfxFontEntry::RenderSVGGlyph(gfxContext* aContext, uint32_t aGlyphId,
SVGContextPaint* aContextPaint) {
"SVG data has not yet been loaded. TryGetSVGData() first.");
"SVG data has not yet been loaded. TryGetSVGData() first.");
GetSVGGlyphs()->RenderGlyph(aContext, aGlyphId, aContextPaint);
......@@ -467,8 +477,9 @@ hb_blob_t* gfxFontEntry::FontTableHashEntry::ShareTableAndGetBlob(
HB_MEMORY_MODE_READONLY, mSharedBlobData, DeleteFontTableBlobData);
if (mBlob == hb_blob_get_empty()) {
// The FontTableBlobData was destroyed during hb_blob_create().
// The (empty) blob is still be held in the hashtable with a strong
// The (empty) blob will still be held in the hashtable with a strong
// reference.
mSharedBlobData = nullptr;
return hb_blob_reference(mBlob);
......@@ -538,6 +538,9 @@ class gfxFontEntry {
mozilla::gfx::Rect GetFontExtents(float aFUnitScaleFactor) const {
// Flip the y-axis here to match the orientation of Gecko's coordinates.
// We don't need to take a lock here because the min/max fields are inert
// after initialization, and we make sure to initialize them at gfxFont-
// creation time.
return mozilla::gfx::Rect(float(mXMin) * aFUnitScaleFactor,
float(-mYMax) * aFUnitScaleFactor,
float(mXMax - mXMin) * aFUnitScaleFactor,